


( Addicted To You... )

THEME: Love's Sweet Melody


By, Ariel Mirabel





"Mummy!! Mummy!! Mummy!! Jesus!! Jesus!!" Angelo screamed as he ran, trying to hold his pee in.

The survey cop upon seeing how huge the bulldog is, ran away too.

"Angelo!" Harmony ran after them.

The dog continue chasing Angelo till when it got tired before it stopped and left. Angelo kept running till he looked back and didn't see the dog again

He stopped running and fell on the ground, breathing tiredly. Harmony caught up and went down on her knees tiredly.

"What is wrong with you? Why did you kiss me!" Harmony hit his shoulder.

Angelo didn't bother to react as he laid down there, trying to revive his soul from wherever it went.

"How dare you! You stole my second kiss! Harmony ranted

She continued hitting him till Angelo grabbed her wrist and pulled her down. A gasp escaped her lips when she landed on his chest.

"Want me to do it again?" Angelo smirked and Harmony immediately took in her lips then shook her head.

"Good, stop ranting. It's just a kiss"

"But why is it always you. Why can't it be someone else like Brany"

Angelo swiftly looked at her.

"Wait what? You want it to be him? You like him?" Angelo asked jealously.

"What if I do? What will you do huh?" Harmony rolled her eyes and scoffed then began walking home.

"Harmony wait! Candy!" Angelo stood and went after her.

"Don't talk to me! I was chased by a cop because of you!" Harmony frowned while walking.



Joanna laid down on the bed to sleep but couldn't sleep. She kept turning on the bed till she sighed and sat up, worry marred her face

Her husband, Noah sat up and looked at his wife who looked so disturbed.

"Love, what's wrong?" Noah asked, placing his hand on her back.

"It's Marco, I saw him this week" Joanna said and Noah's brows raised.

"Marco? He already got released from prison?"

Joanna bit her lips and nodded.

"I think so... He told me that he holds nothing against me but I can't help but worry. What if he's still obsessed with me like in the past" Joanna said worriedly..

"Don't think that way Love, since he said he's a changed man let's believe him" Noah tried to assure her.

"I can't help but worry, you know how things were between us. During my high school days when I broke up with him because of how violent he is, he vowed to have me back. It even got worse when we married. He tried to kill you Noah and that's what landed him in jail in the first place. What if he hurts you or Winter, I swear I won't take it" Joanna shook her head, already panicking.

"Calm down honey. If it assures you let's hire someone to protect us" Noah said.

Joanna smiled and slowly nodded.

"Let's do so"


"Girls, how does this bikini look on me?" Barbie said, coming out of the dressing cabinet.

"Hottie!!" Tasha gushed.

"I rather grow hair in my butt that wear that" Kaylee commented, chewing on her bubble gum in a sassy way.

"Well I don't know, it looks kinda too revealing. Won't boys stare at you too much" Harmony shrugged.

"Well that's my main goal! I want all eyes to be on me... Tomorrow we'll be going for our trip and I'm sure we'll go to the beach, I wanna rock what my mama gave me" Barbie winked.

"Speaking of trip. Kaylee, how did you convince your dad in letting you go to a trip that will last for a week" Harmony asked.

"Well it's simple, my sister told him I'll be going somewhere with him. He'll accept whatever she says" Kaylee smirked.

"Enough of the chitchat. Let's get ourselves s*xy clothes." Barbie pulled Kaylee and Harmony up.

"No..." Harmony and Kaylee whined


"Tomorrow we'll be going on the trip, how do you guys feel about it?" Chance asked.

"I'm cool... So long as there'll be b*tches to f**k" Evan smirked.

"Can't believe that the Almighty Angelo decided to quit being a playboy" Chance chuckled

"To think that she really bought the lie you told her of you liking her as just a friend" Evan chuckled.

"Guys read this.." Angelo said, and handed them a paper he has been writing something on it since he came.

Evan took it and read it aloud.

"Hey, listen, I really need to tell you something. You've been on my mind constantly lately - I can't seem to get you out of my head. Every time I see you, my heart starts racing and I can hardly find my words. I have to confess, I feel like I'm falling for you - hard and fast. You have this way of lighting up every room you enter, and I can't help but be drawn to you." Evan concluded

Him and Chance exchanged glances and they bursted out in laughter.

"Dude, don't tell me you're rehearsing a confession" Evan laughed.

"Yeah, I'm planning on confessing to her during our trip" Angelo sighed.

"C'mon dude, you're Angelo the international playboy and you're 20. How can you feel so nervous of this thing" Chance laughed.

"You won't understand. Just wait till you fall in love" Angelo rolled his eyes.

Chance immediately became quiet at that. Evan's phone beeped and he checked it.


He smirked. Since their night together, he has been ignoring Kelly and he's getting the reaction he wants

For her to desperately yearn for him.

"You guys must be thirsty. Lemme grab something for you" Evan stood and went to the kitchen.

Chance looked at Angelo who was busy going through his confession letter

"Umm Gelo" He called and Angelo looked at him.

"What do you think about Tasha.. I mean, if there was a chance will you like her? Is she your type? Please I need honest answer" Chance asked and looked down, squeezing his phone.

Angelo stared at him dumbfoundedly. He blinked twice, looking at Chance with raised brows.

"Uhh I'm lost here. Who is Tasha?" Angelo said.

Chance's phone fell from his hand.


Winter walked in the restaurant with that usual arrogant look on her face. She looked at everyone who was eating in there and squeezed her face in disgust.

"So disgusting. Can't believe I'll step foot here, all because of Kelly and her cravings for pork meat" Winter hissed and walked in.

She was wearing a white crop top and pink mini skirt that ended just beneath her àss. Her attire really garnered attention from the men in the restaurant

She took a seat and crossed her leg before bringing out her phone


Few minutes later, Marco walked in the restaurant and sat down.

"What should I serve you sir?" A server came to him

"The usual.. And a bottle of beer" Marco said, bringing out a pack of cigarettes

The server went to bring his order. Marco began smoking while looking around. He was still at it when his eyes landed on Winter who was pressing her phone.

His eyes widened and he began staring at her. A smirk formed on his lips and he stood then walked to her, settling down on the seat opposite her.

"Winter" He smiled, a genuine smile at that

Winter looked up from her phone and looked at him from head to toe. She rolled her eyes and looked back at her phone

"It's incredible to see how much you've grown... You became so pretty" He said and made to hold her hand but Winter shifted

"What the f**k do you think you're doing! Who are you! Just get out!" Winter flared up angrily

They began garnering attention from the people there

"Hey bestie! Sorry I'm late, there was this huge traffic. Who's this old man?" Kelly asked.

"I don't know.. But he reeks of poverty,, eww" Winter spatted, glaring at him.

Marco smiled and stood up.

"Whenever you need me, just come here and I'll be there" Marco smiled and stood then went back to his table.


"Take care okay? Make sure you don't venture into dangerous places" Mrs McGwire said.

"Okay mom" Harmony smiled.

"Brany, I count on you to make sure that she's safe and sound okay?" Mrs McGwire said and Brandon nodded.

"Goodbye mom! Love you!" Harmony waved and walked to where the other students were standing.

"We're just going for a week. Why carry all your room along" Brandon frowned as he carried her suit case for her.

"As a lady, I need to be prepared for all eventuality" Harmony chuckled.

"Everyone is here?" One of the lecturer who will be accompanying them asked.

👥 Yes ma'am!

"Okay, so your seat numbers will be distributed. The plane will kick off in 15 minutes, make sure you buckle your seatbelt and turn your airplane mode on" The lecturer instructed as they distributed the tickets.

"We sit next to each other Brany, cool!" Harmony smiled

Brandon mirrored her smile.

Harmony turned and saw Angelo who was looking at them with a dark look on his face. Harmony smiled and waved at him but he just ignored her and went to enter the plane.

"Huh? What's wrong? Is he mad?" Harmony asked.

"Don't mind him... Come let's go" Brandon took her hand and they went to board the plane while their luggage were taken to the carriage.

Winter glared at them..

"He who laugh last, laugh best" She smirked and walked in too.

Tasha checked her seat number and was so delighted to see she was sitting next to Angelo.

She quickly brushed her hair and fixed her skirt before settling down next to him.

Angelo had his headset on with his eyes closed as he rested his head backwards

Tasha bit her lips and cleared her throat..

"Uhh... Hi" She muttered and Angelo opened his eye then looked at her while raising one side of his headset.

"I'm Tasha, you probably don't longer remember me again" Tasha chuckled nervously.

"Okay" Angelo said and his gaze went to Brandon and Harmony's seat. They were both discussing and laughing.

He hissed and put back his headset before closing his eyes back.

Tasha who noticed he looked at Harmony turned to glare at Harmony.

"What's even special about her!!" She thought jealously.

Kelly who was sitting next to Dennis kept gawking at Evan who was discussing with the girl sitting next to him.

If looks could kill the girl could have been déad by now. Kelly folded her fists angrily when Evan began caressing the girl's thigh and she smiled flirtatiously

"What the f**k!" She exclaimed when Evan's hand went in between the girl's thigh and he began rubbing her.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Dennis asked..

"Mind your business!!" Kelly snapped and put on her headset.

Dennis swallowed hard.

"What is wrong? Where did I go wrong? Did I do something?" He began wondering.

An hour slowly ran down and the plane was still flying. Harmony fell asleep on where she was sitting and her head began swaying till her head landed on Brandon's shoulder.

Brandon who was listening to music turned to look at her. He didn't know when he smiled as he watched her sleeping.

From the way her long hair covered part of her face, to the way her long lashes hugged each other, to the way her small pink lips pouted as she slept

Everything about her looks perfect.

He removed the hair that covered her face and tugged it behind her ear and smiled more as he stared at her face.

"During this trip. I'll come clean to you, I'll tell you how much you mean to me" He thought and leaned then kissed her forehead.

He resumed starring at her.


The plane landed safely in California and the stairs were rolled down for the students to descend.

"Woah! My first time in California!" Harmony exclaimed.

They arrived California in the night..

Brandon's phone began ringing and he went to answer it. Harmony brought out her phone but before she could press it someone pulled her to a corner.


Angelo brought out a handkerchief from his pocket and began wiping her forehead.

"What are you doing?" Harmony blinked.

"Stop falling asleep carelessly. You don't know what might happen to you, or who might kiss you" Angelo frowned as he cleaned her forehead.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Nothing" Angelo muttered jealously.

Harmony looked at him for awhile and smiled.

"I don't know why you're angry but.." She paused then stood on her toes, leaning to his ear.

"You look cute while frowning" She whispered and chuckled before leaving.

Angelo's eyes widened.. He surely did not see that coming. He knew he was cute and he has heard that from dozens of girls but that felt so special coming from her

A smile settled on his lips as he watched her go to her friends.

"When has it come to this.. I smile like a fool just by one word from her. Angelo, you're a goner" Angelo shook his head.

They all got in the bus that drove them to the hotel where they'll be sleeping.

"Gather here everyone!" The lecturer said when they alighted the bus

"So, for tonight we'll all rest, the fun will begin tomorrow and two students will be sharing each room. So here is the list" She said and began calling out the names

"Natasha and Winter"

"Harmony and Cassidy"

"Angelo and Chance"

"Dennis and Evan"

"Barbara and Kelly"

"Chris and...

It went on and on till she read the last name on the list

"Jordan and Brandon"

Kaylee's face immediately turned white. Her fake name is Jordan, so that means she'll be sharing a room with Brandon?

"That's it, here's the keys to your rooms"

The keys were shared to everyone.

"Room 27.." Brandon read and looked at Kaylee who was looking at him like she has seen a ghost

He sighed and left for his room

"Can't believe I'll share a room with that weirdo" Brandon thought

"You're gonna share a room with your crush. Do you need condoms, oh wait he thinks you're a guy" Chris whispered to her and Kaylee hit his tummy


The students immediately began departing for their rooms. Angelo helped Harmony take her things to her room.

"Thanks Doll" Harmony smiled.

"My room is next door. If you need something just let me know" Angelo smiled and touched her hair before leaving.

Harmony locked the door and faced her roommate.

"I think I always see you hanging around with Winter but you don't look like a bad person. What's your name" Harmony asked.

"Cassidy" Cassidy replied without looking at her.

"I'll call you Cassie then" Harmony smiled but Cassidy didn't reply as she just kept unpacking her things.

"She looks like a introverted person" Harmony thought then her gaze traveled to her arm to see the red marks there.

"Gosh! What happened to you?" Harmony touched the bruise and she winced a bit before pushing Harmony off.

"Stay away" Cassidy said meanly and went in the bathroom

"Oh.." Harmony took in her lower lips


Kaylee was sitting on the bed, fidgeting nervously when Brandon came out of the bathroom stark naked, drying his hair with a towel.

Kaylee's eyes widened and she quickly rushed in the bathroom.

"He's gay, there's nothing that can make me think otherwise" Brandon shook his head and wore his joggers then went to bed.

He closed his eyes to sleep but remember that he left something in the bathroom so he stood and began heading to the bathroom


Kaylee stood under the shower as the water ran down her naked body. Her thought went to when Brandon gave her roses and she smiled

She didn't even know when the door swung opened and Brandon walked but immediately froze on his spot at what he saw.

B**bs... Àss... P**sy was all Brandon could see. His eyes refused to close.

Kaylee looked back and her soul began leaving her body when she saw Brandon standing right there.

"Aaarrrgggghh!!!!!!" They screamed at once

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