Episode 3: Hairy Bug

Fre stumbles as the attack starts taking effect. It came from a tree above as the attacker drops down. Going straight for Tapo, the attacker restricts him with his own String Shot. Our group is freed by the mysterious attacker, as it turns out to be the Weedle-girl from before.

Weedle: Leave quickly, I can handle this.

Wart: We can't just leave.

Leon: Yeah, I gotta get back at them for tying us up.

Weedle: Fine, just don't get in my way.

The poison from the attack started to take effect on the Butterfree, but that didn't stop it. It spread Poison Powder throughout the air, poisoning Leon and Wart. The Weedle-girl shoots Poison Stings at Fre but it did very little as she retaliated with a strong Confusion fainting the poor girl. Wart uses Water Gun but is put to sleep by Sleep Powder. All that's left is Ivy and Leon, and before the Butterfree can attack, she's restricted by Ivy's Leech Seed, giving Leon the perfect opportunity to use Ember and faint Fre.

As the sun begins to rise, they're about to exit the forest but are stopped by the Weedle-girl.

Weedle: So where are you all going now?

Leon: Where heading to Pewter city to go collect our first gym badge.

Weedle: Really!? I've always wanted to participate in the gym challenge but I've been dealing with those Caterpies and Butterfrees. But know that you beat their leader I can finally do it!

Leon: How about you come with us? We'll need more than just 3 people if we want to become champion.

Weedle: Sure I'd be happy to, lets go!

Leon: Alright then, what your name?

Weedle: Oh yeah, my name is Una. Lets work hard together.


Our heroes our now joined by a new friend along their journey with many more to come. They enter Pewter ready to take on their first real challenge.

Episode End.