Episode 50: Fox

Leon uses Wing Attack on Blaine's Ninetales but is put to sleep right after by Hypnosis. Ninetales recovers it's health using Dream Eater and begins using Calm Mind to boost itself. Leon awakes and uses Dragon Breath but the boost from Calm Mind reduces the damage.

Blaine: I see you only have damaging moves. You should really learn the benefits of status moves. Like this, Ninetales, Hypnosis.

Leon is hit with another Hypnosis and the Ninetales begins using Calm Mind again. It maxes out it's stats and begins charging up an attack.

Blaine: This move comes with a huge drawback afterwards but raising my stats should completely negate said drawbacks. Ninetales, Hyperbeam!

Leon wakes up just in time to dodge the huge blast.

Leon: Wow, you think I could do that?

Blaine: Maybe but not after only seeing it once.

As the Ninetales recharges, Leon recreates the moves of what Ninetales was doing, trying to use Hyperbeam.

Blaine: Again, Ninetales, Hyperbeam!

Ninetales uses Hyperbeam and Leon tries to imitate it with his own version by boosting his Dragon Breath to extraordinary heights.

Leon: Dragon Breath: Hyper flames!

The 2 massive beams of energy collide, Leon and Ninetales fighting for dominance over the other.

Blaine: Wow! Matching a Hyperbeam boosted by 6 Calm Minds with a Dragon Breath is incredible! Ninetales, even more power!

But that was for naught as Leon over takes Ninetales. Thanks to the Calm Minds, Ninetales survives. The both of them are extremely worn-out from that but Leon recharges first. He gets up and Ninetales tries to use Hypnosis but is fully paralyzed due to the Dragon Breath and is finally brought down by a Wing Attack. Leon soon also falls to the ground.

Wart: You always wear yourself out after every battle. I don't think there's been a single time you haven't ended up on the ground passed out after a gym. Anyways, I'm next Blaine.

Blaine: Usually I'd be at a disadvantage against a water type but you're up against by Arcanine.

Out of his Pokéball comes Arcanine. Wart stares it and Blaine down with a smile on his face.

Wart: Finally, I'll be the one to get us a gym badge.

Wart pulls himself into his shell and begin charging water from his cannons. He then blasts himself around the arena, spraying water everywhere.

Wart: I'm not as reckless as Leon. I'll win this with tactics.

Episode End.