The Watcher’s Warning

Dawn was engrossed in her research and strategizing, the glow of her console illuminating the detailed maps and cryptic notes scattered around her workshop. A realization dawned on her; she wouldn't need to shadow the Anoms so closely. The Player Forums, a feature she had largely ignored due to its limited functionalities until recently, could be a trove of real-time information on Anom activities. Players were diligent in reporting peculiar behaviors and encounters, and this crowd-sourced intelligence could significantly ease her monitoring efforts.

Adapting her strategy, she started delving into the Forums, setting up alerts and filters to sift through the chatter and zero in on relevant information. The digital landscape was abuzz with speculations, sightings, and experiences, providing her with a rich tapestry of data to analyze and correlate. This newfound resource allowed her to reallocate her time and focus on preparing for her eventual departure to the Black Markets.

As she was rearranging her plans and absorbing the influx of information from the Forums, an unsettling chill swept through the room. The ambient glow from her gadgets seemed to dim, casting shadows that danced and flickered across the walls. She stiffened, sensing an anomaly in the room's atmosphere.

Turning slowly, she caught sight of a shadowy figure lurking in the corner of her workshop. It was formless, yet exuded a palpable aura of menace, its presence a stark contrast to the organized chaos of her workspace. The shadow seemed to absorb the light around it, its edges blurred and shifting, creating an illusion of movement.

Dawn's hand instinctively moved towards the console, ready to activate the room's security protocols. Her heart raced, the sudden appearance of this enigmatic entity disrupting the calm rhythm of her meticulous preparations. Lumis, sensing her distress, uncoiled and hovered protectively by her side, its form pulsating with a soft, reassuring light.


The room was charged with a tangible tension as Dawn faced off against the mysterious figure, her mind racing to decipher its origin and intent. Was it a glitch in the system, a manifestation of the Anoms, or something entirely different? The answer remained shrouded in shadows, but Dawn knew that unraveling this enigma could be pivotal in understanding the deeper workings of Heart and the challenges of the Black Markets that lay ahead.

The shadow remained motionless, its form flickering like a candle flame, creating a sense of foreboding uncertainty. Dawn's gaze never wavered, her fingers poised over the console, ready to trigger a defensive response. She could feel Lumis's pulsating energy beside her, a beacon of light in the face of the unknown.

"Who are you? What do you want?" she demanded, her voice steady despite the palpitations in her chest.

The shadow didn't respond verbally but began to morph, its form fluctuating before solidifying into something more humanoid. A sense of deep intelligence emanated from it, as though it was scrutinizing her, assessing her resolve.

Dawn held her breath, waiting for a sign, an indication of the entity's purpose. She could feel the weight of its gaze, even though it had no discernible eyes. It was an unnerving experience, standing on the precipice of the unknown, with Lumis as her only ally in this confrontation.

After a tense silence, the figure finally moved. It glided towards her, the darkness around it dissipating slightly to reveal glimpses of a featureless face. The room seemed to contract around them, the air charged with unspoken words and concealed truths.

The entity stopped a few feet away from her, its form still shrouded in shadows but now undeniably present. Dawn could feel a connection, an invisible thread linking them, laden with possibilities and secrets. The air around it seemed to vibrate with an ancient, primal energy, and within it, more than anything, she sensed the deep and primal threat of death.

It was an ominous feeling, like standing at the edge of a precipice, knowing that a single misstep could lead to a fall into the abyss. 

Recognition flickered in Dawn's eyes as she studied the shadowy figure. A Watcher. The knowledge sent a shiver down her spine. The presence of a Watcher meant an irrevocable alteration in one's fate. These entities, straddling the boundaries of reality and unreality, could either be a harbinger of fortune or misfortune.

Dawn's grip on the Astral Gauntlet tightened, her body tensing, ready for combat. Energy crackled around her as she squared off against the Watcher. Questions raced through her mind: Why was it here? What did it want? Was it an ally or an adversary?

The Watcher's silence added to the escalating tension, its shifting form creating a canvas of uncertainty. The rhythmic pulsing of Lumis and the steady beat of Dawn's heart were the only sounds piercing the heavy silence. Time seemed to stretch, anticipation and uncertainty filling each passing second.

Then, the Watcher made its move. A formless appendage extended towards her, shadows swirling around it in a dance of darkness and light. Dawn's instincts screamed at her to retaliate, to defend herself against this potential threat. The Watcher's aggressiveness only confirmed her fears; it was not here as a friend.

The Astral Gauntlet glowed with gathered energy as Dawn prepared to strike. The connection between them intensified, an invisible thread stretching to its limit, and she could feel the Watcher delving into her mind, exploring her thoughts and memories. It was a violation of her being, and she would not stand for it.

Her resolve unwavering, she was about to release the energy of the Astral Gauntlet when the door to her room suddenly opened. Roark stood in the doorway, concern etched on his face. The sudden appearance startled Dawn, her focus momentarily diverted. In that instant of distraction, the energy from the Astral Gauntlet was unleashed, the blast heading straight towards Roark.

Dawn's eyes widened in horror, realizing her friend was in the line of fire. "Roark, duck!" she screamed. Time seemed to slow as Roark reacted, diving to the floor just as the blast shot past him, narrowly missing and hitting the wall behind, leaving a scorch mark.

Roark, slightly shaken but unharmed, rose to his feet, his gaze alternating between the mark on the wall and Dawn. "What in Heart's name was that?!"

Dawn, still in battle stance, turned her attention back to the Watcher, but it had used the chaos to its advantage and dissolved into the shadows, leaving as mysteriously as it appeared. The room was back to normal, but the air was thick with tension and lingering uncertainty.

Dawn tried to regain her composure, her hand still trembling slightly from the altercation. "Uhh... I thought I saw something," she replied, the ambiguity in her voice evident. Her gaze nervously scanned the room, ensuring that the threatening shadow had truly disappeared.

Roark, entering cautiously, noted the anxiety written all over her face. The paleness of her complexion and the unease in her eyes betrayed a level of vulnerability he rarely saw in Dawn. The strong, resilient girl he knew seemed momentarily overshadowed by a frightened 14-year-old, grappling with something from the shadows of her past.

Approaching her gently, Roark tried to offer reassurance, "Dawn, whatever it was, it's not here now. You're safe." His eyes searched the room meticulously, looking for any residue or indication of an unwelcome presence. "Do you want to talk about what you saw?"

Dawn hesitated, torn between confiding in Roark and keeping the haunting vision of the Watcher to herself. She was still trying to make sense of its sudden appearance and aggressive stance. "It was just a shadow," she finally said, her voice barely above a whisper, avoiding direct eye contact with Roark. "Probably just my mind playing tricks on me, given everything that's going on."

Roark observed her closely, recognizing her reluctance to divulge the entire truth. He knew she had her share of shadows, possibly remnants of a turbulent past or traumas she had yet to fully confront. He opted not to push her further, respecting her boundaries while still offering support. "Okay, but remember, you don't have to face everything alone. If you need to talk or if anything feels off, I'm here for you. We all are."

A glimmer of gratitude flashed in Dawn's eyes, and she managed a small smile, drawing some comfort from Roark's unwavering support. "Thanks, Roark. That means a lot."

Roark responded with a reassuring squeeze on her shoulder, his protective gaze lingering around the workshop before he exited, still vigilant for any lurking threats.

Once alone, Dawn found herself grappling with the unsettling memories of the Watcher's visit. The uncertainty of its intentions and the vivid sense of threat it had instilled in her left a myriad of questions swirling in her mind. As she pondered the path ahead and the challenges she was bound to face, the residual connection with the entity lingered, a subtle reminder of the enigmatic dangers veiled in the shadows of her journey.

The only time she had seem the Watcher was in the library a long time ago. But at the time, she had only seen a dark figure that disappeared. After so long, she had almost forgotten about it. Let alone thought something so terrifying would visit her suddenly.

"Command wanted us to go out see some of the villages with high Anom activity, and help them deal with them, possibly try bring some more back. But I can let them know if you aren't up for it?" He asks, causing Dawn to shake her head.

"No. I'll go." Dawn declared, determination flashing in her eyes. She couldn't afford to let fear or uncertainty sideline her now. There were tasks to be completed, villages to be saved, and information to be gathered. Roark's mention of the mission served as a timely reminder of the responsibilities she bore, not just for herself, but for those who relied on her abilities.

Roark studied her for a moment, taking note of the resolve in her voice and the steely glint in her eyes. He knew Dawn was not one to back down, no matter the shadows that haunted her. "Alright, we leave in an hour. Make sure you're ready. And Dawn," he added, a note of concern lacing his voice, "be careful out there. We don't know what we might encounter."

Dawn nodded, appreciating Roark's concern. As he left, she turned back to her workshop, her mind buzzing with the implications of the Watcher's visit and the forthcoming mission. She swiftly collected her gear, checking and rechecking every component, ensuring she was prepared for any eventuality. The Astral Gauntlet glinted on her arm, a reassuring weight that grounded her amidst the uncertainty.

The memory of the Watcher lingered at the edge of her thoughts, its shadowy form a chilling reminder of the unknown elements at play in Heart. It had been a long time since she had caught a glimpse of such a being in the library, and back then, it was just a fleeting shadow that she had almost forgotten about. The stark difference between that distant memory and the aggressive presence she had encountered in her workshop left her feeling uneasy.

Determined not to let the unsettling encounter hinder her focus, Dawn centered herself, drawing on her inner strength and the knowledge that she was not alone in facing the challenges ahead. With Lumis hovering by her side and the support of Roark and the rest of her team, she stepped out of her workshop, ready to face the Anoms and uncover the mysteries of the villages with high Anom activity.

As she made her way towards the assembly point, Dawn couldn't help but cast a glance back at her workshop, half-expecting the shadowy figure to reappear. The room remained empty, but the sense of being watched, of being connected to something far greater and more enigmatic, stayed with her as she joined her team and set out on their mission.