Chapter Fourty-Five: Valentino's Feelings.

Alice was sitting in the back seat of Valentino's car as they drove home. She kept on murmuring some words to herself, though, because she was a bit drunk and didn't know what she was saying.

Valentino was a little pissed mostly because of what he saw" How could she be hugging a stranger that way? Why did she even leave the house without letting anyone know? How did she even get to that clubhouse?" These questions kept on playing in Valentino's head and couldn't wait to get home and throw these same questions to Alice though it seemed she will be passing out soon. Valentino drove as fast and furious as he was, he wasn't thinking at least not now.

"Dominic make some leftover soup for Alice I think she had too much to drink" Valentino called Dominic to make him get Alice something to eat once she got back at least something that would help with her drunken state.