The One With The Not Date

Kim Ha-Jun

"So, you were robbed?"


"In the airport?"


"During airport security?"


"So, you don't even know when you were robbed."

Hwan-Woo gave Ha-Jun an accusatory look. "See why I told you not to call Sung-Hoon?"

Ha-Jun sighed.


On the way back from the airport, Hwan-Woo spilled the details of the little incident at the airport. Even though most of his belongings were stolen, he had some cash inside his carry-on. Ha-Jun slammed on the brakes a little too hard. The car came to a screeching stop. After a quick minute of silence, Ha-Jun turned to face Hwan-Woo.

"What?!" was the first word that came out of his mouth.

"Yes," Hwan-Woo mumbled. "But everything's okay now. I will call Jessica to wire me extra cash when I get to the hotel. Please, drive me to the hotel now."

"Alright," said Ha-Jun, unable to form any other word. "But first, I need to make a phone call."

Hwan-Woo's eyes widened. A part of him knew who Ha-Jun was about to call. Before Ha-Jun could dial the number, Hwan-Woo jumped from his seat and snatched the phone.


"No! Absolutely not."

"Who do you think I was going to call?" Ha-Jun yelled as he tried to get his phone back. Hwan-Woo, unable to keep the phone away from his friend's reach, hid it under his seat.

"We both know the answer to that," replied Hwan-Woo with a smirk. "I'm going to tell you one last time. NO!"

Ha-Jun sighed and rubbed his temple. The lack of sleep was getting to him, and he wanted to use the last of his energy reserves to drive Hwan-Woo to his hotel. When Ha-Jun surrendered, Hwan-Woo returned the phone. But, a tiny error on Hwan-Woo's part led to speed dial. Guess who was accidentally speed-dialed? That's right. Oops!

When Ha-Jun finally pulled over to the hotel after an hour-long drive, he stretched his limbs. Hwan-Woo smiled at the sight of his temporary home. He couldn't wait to throw everything and jump on the bed-relaxing after a long flight was more than pleasant. It was rewarding. However, the smiles on both the men's faces were wiped off when they noticed a familiar face waiting at the gates. The man wore a smile that screamed only one thing. Trouble.

This brings us to the current interrogation led by Dr. Lee Sung Hoon. Ha-Jun sat on one of the twin beds. Hwan-Woo was made to sit on a chair in the center of the room while Sung-Hoon circled him. The lights were turned off, and only the table lamps were on to give an impression of a grave situation.

Ha-Jun sighed. "Yes, you were right. Shouldn't have thought of calling him."

"Yet, here I am." Sung-Hoon grabbed the arms of the chair and gave Hwan-Woo a menacing grin. "Whose fault is that?"

"It was an accident; I already told you that," stated Hwan-Woo as he shifted his gaze away from the man.

Ha-Jun watched the men with undivided attention. There was nothing in the world that was as important as this. He took a few chips out of the packet, brought them close to his mouth, and chewed on them in slow motion. Watching his best friend play detective had been one of the best things he had enjoyed in a long time.

Sung-Hoon grabbed the suspect's chin and pulled to look at him. "Look at me when I'm talking to you."

"Hot," commented Ha-Jun with a giggle. The men gave him a death stare. "S-Sorry, please carry on."

Sung-Hoon glared at the man in front. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

Hwan-Woo looked him dead in the eye. "I am a victim here, detective. The culprit is out there with my money and baggage. Focus on finding him."

"Hmm, interesting." Sung-Hoon rubbed his chin using his index finger and thumb.

Hwan-Woo shook his head. "You're a horrible cop, Sung-Hoon-ah. Horrible. Four out of ten."

A chuckle escaped Sung-Hoon's lips as he straightened up. Ha-Jun rolled on the bed as he laughed aloud like a maniac. Watching his best friends giggle, Hwan-Woo couldn't help but join in.

"I can't believe you gave me a four out of ten, you idiot." Sung-Hoon punched Hwan-Woo's arm. "My acting was brilliant!"

Hwan-Woo looked at Ha-Jun, who had finally calmed down. "I guess I was wrong. It's good you thought of calling him."

"It's good seeing you again, topper." Hwan-Woo smiled and hugged the fake detective. Sung-Hoon patted his shoulder twice before they broke contact.

"Likewise, pal." Sung-Hoon smiled.

Ha-Jun stared at his best friend with a slight tilt of his head. "Did we humanize the robot unconsciously?"

"Did you know that the word detective, for a crime solver, was first used in 1843?"

Ha-Jun nodded to himself. Nope, he was still the very same Lee Sung-Hoon. After the detective roleplay, the three men sat on the bed with chips and soju. They shared stories and funny incidents, played games, and re-lived their childhood. Hwan-Woo had known the duo since their middle school days. The three always celebrated their birthday on the same day. The idea was to celebrate their friendship as well - like a friendship anniversary.

Sadly, when the nerd had to move to the US, the tradition was no longer followed. It wasn't the same anymore without the nerd.

"We should do it this year," Hwan-Woo suggested with a twinkle in his eyes. "It'll be like renewing your vows!"

Sung-Hoon narrowed his eyes at his friend. "I was down for it until you said the last line. You don't have to make it sound cringe."

Hwan-Woo punched his shoulder playfully. "We are already cringe. We're three 27-year-old men sitting in my hotel room and renewing friendship vows. Men our age hang out at pubs or go to family dinners."

"Is there a way I can get myself out of this pact?"

"NO!" Hwan-Woo and Ha-Jun refused in unison.


Lee Sung-Hoon

The following week went in a blur. With the coat's stain finally removed and returned to the woman, there was no need to keep further contact. However, something was bugging Sung-Hoon. He repeatedly checked his phone for new messages. Nothing. The woman's nagging and texting became a routine to the routine lover. Thus, it felt odd.

Sung-Hoon sat on his desk and stared intently at the cell phone. A knock on the door pulled him out of his thoughts. The man poked his head and grinned.

"What up? You look like you're waiting on someone."

"I'm not waiting on anyone, Hwan-Woo," stated Sung-Hoon with a straight face as he crossed his arms against his chest. "What do you need?"

Hwan-Woo grinned. "Just checking in on my best friend."

Sung-Hoon narrowed his eyes and looked him up and down. "I don't believe you. You're hiding something behind your back."

Hwan-Woo giggled like a baby. "Here, someone sent it for you." He revealed a small pastel-colored box with a card on it.

Sung-Hoon curiously took it from him and opened the card.

In the coffee shop near SNU. 7 pm. Let's get to know each other.

- Blue 💙

His heart did a little somersault inside his chest, which caused the ends of his lips to slightly curl. Hwan-Woo quietly chuckled and saw himself out. He was not waiting on someone, my foot. *chuckle*

Sung-Hoon shook his head and texted Blue.


Sending a letter? Old school, are we?


Only if you like old school, then yes.

Interestingly, did you know the first handwritten letter was thought to have been sent by the Persian Queen Atossa in around 500 BC?


Fascinating. You seem to have a thing for trivia, just like me.


There are so many things you still don't know about me.

How about I buy you a coffee, and we get to know each other?




That is neither a yes nor a no, mister.

Make up your mind.


I'm not so much of a coffee person.




Still a no.


How about two friends grabbing dinner?

Unless you don't have dinner?


I suppose I can have dinner with an...acquaintance.


🙄 Anyway, any preferences?


Let's see. Today is Friday, and Friday is Tteokbokki night.


Tteokbokki, it is, then.

See you 😉


Placing the cell phone back on the desk, Sung-Hoon stood up and started packing his things. Within the next few minutes, his desk was straightened up. Grabbing his coat from the hanger, he left the campus. The atmosphere in his car was silent in contrast to his over-active mind. Hundreds of voices were bickering inside his brain while he calmly drove. This was a regular for him. The voices inside his head were one of the contributors to his astonishing works in biochemistry. He never forgot to thank them each night for being there for him.

Once he reached his apartment, his phone dinged.

"This is Lee Sung-Hoon. Who is this?"

A scream followed by multiple voices could be heard from the other side.

Sung-Hoon sighed. "Ha-Jun."

"You have a date, and you didn't bother telling us!" Ha-Ju accused. "I thought we were best friends!"

"It's not a date," Sung-Hoon stated. "And who told you this?"

"Who else?" Ha-Jun giggled on the phone. "Hwan-Woo!"

Sung-Hoon cursed under his breath. The next couple of minutes passed with him trying to convince his friends that it was just a dinner and not a date. Sung-Hoon wouldn't have agreed if it was a date. It didn't matter what he said or how he tried to explain, his friends wouldn't bother to listen. It seemed that they stuffed their ears with cotton.

Sung-Hoon sighed. "I have to run now. You three don't go around spreading rumors."

It was Hwan-Woo who was on the phone now.

"Don't worry; tell her her brothers-in-law said hi."