The One With The Teams

Min Hwan-Woo

"Do we have to choose teams?"

"Yes, and then bet on it, of course."

Hwan-Woo sighed. For the past hour, Jun-Seo was trying his best to persuade his friend to choose between their best friends. Since the best friends were rivaling each other for the attention of the Lady in Blue, Jun-Seo believed it would be fun if they were to participate as an audience and bet on who would finally take the girl. The protagonists were currently at work while these two were sitting in a coffee shop.

"They're our best friends," said Hwan-Woo. "How can we possibly choose between them?"

"We have to! It's like all those K-dramas we've been watching. True Beauty, Boys Over Flowers, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo, The Heirs, Hwarang-"

"Yes, we get it that you watch a lot of K-dramas," chuckled Hwan-Woo. "But in those dramas, it's obvious who will get the girl. In real life, that isn't the case. Doctor Kim could choose any of the two."

"But if you had to bet, who would you bet on?" asked Jun-Seo as he took a sip from his chocolate cappuccino with a layer of caramel. Hwan-Woo shifted his gaze to the window and weighed his options.

On one end was the aloof scientist: savvy, brilliant, best in his field of work, cold, cannot express/process emotions well, not the person you want to call for comfort. On the other end was the perfect sunshine: confident, charming, funny, kind, empathetic, soft-natured but can roast people incredibly well, bubbly, gentlemanly.

"Well, logically speaking-"

Jun-Seo rolled his eyes. "Screw logic for just one moment, Hwan-Woo."

"How do you expect me to decide if I don't use logic here?"

"Why are you all nerdy scientists the same?" Jun-Seo asked rhetorically with an annoyed expression. "Just choose one."

"Hmm," Hwan-Woo played with his coffee while pondering. After three and a half minutes, he replied.


Song Jun-Seo raised an eyebrow. Was he serious about choosing the aloof scientist over the perfect sunshine? For someone who was as logical as Sung-Hoon, it was odd that Hwan-Woo decided to make this choice.

"Are you sure you want to bet on him?" asked Jun-Seo, hoping Hwan-Woo would change his answer.

"What? You think your cousin's going to lose?"

"Isn't it obvious?" shrugged Jun-Seo. "Ha-Jun is possibly the dreamiest guy we know. My cousin doesn't even come close to that."

"Hey, he's quite the handsome guy, too."

"Yeah," agreed Jun-Seo. "But his face isn't enough to win Doctor Kim over."

"Well, someone has to choose Sung-Hoon. We can't bet if we're on the same team," Hwan-Woo paused. "Plus, from what I am sensing, you want to choose Ha-Jun."

Jun-Seo smiled. "Yes, because he will win. He's got everything that a woman can want."

"We'll see about that," Hwan-Woo smirked. "The lady is yet to make her choice."


Lee Sung-Hoon

The protagonist paced back and forth in his room. Thoughts of Ha-Jun spending time with Blue swirled in his mind. He must do something if he wants to win the woman over. Knowing the magnetic Kim Ha-Jun, he wouldn't back out without a fight. He pulled out his phone and clicked on Instagram. The first post caught his eye.

Speak of the devil.

There was a picture of Blue sitting outside a coffee shop with a cup of coffee. She had donned a soft blue midi dress and a matching Cloche hat. He scrolled down to read the caption.

Coffee with my Future Lady In Blue 💙

Insert eye roll.

"Looking at the post?" Sung-Hoon looked up to see his friend, Hwan-Woo, leaning against the door frame with a smug smile and arms crossed against his chest.

"What are you doing in my house?"

"Hey, I asked you a question first." Hwan-Woo pointed out as he pushed himself off the doorframe.

"Yes," Sung-Hoon quietly admitted. "It's annoying to see them together."

Hwan-Woo flicked his forehead. "Then do something, doofus. Why are you still in your room?"

"First of all, ouch." Hwan-Woo rolled his eyes. "Secondly, what am I supposed to do?"

"Text her! Ask her out." Hwan-Woo gestured in a way that made it sound like the most obvious answer.

"What if she-?"

Hwan-Woo slapped him across the cheek. "If you get rejected, you get rejected. But the thought of rejection shouldn't stop you from leaping."

Once recovered from the slap, Sung-Hoon continued pacing, anxiety written all over his face.

"It's like Schrodinger's cat," Hwan-Woo explained. "Like how the cat could be simultaneously dead or alive until you open the box, you could be simultaneously rejected or accepted until you text her."

Sung-Hoon stopped and turned on his heel to face his friend. "So you're saying I should text her?"


"Right now?!"

"No, on the day she is married off to your best friend."

Sung-Hoon rolled his eyes. "Really?"

"I should be asking you that!" said an exasperated Hwan-Woo.

Sung-Hoon crossed his arms against his arms; his eyebrows knitted together. "Why is it bothering you more than it is to me?"

"Because you're not watching your friend be the dumbest person alive."


After an awful lot of talking, Sung-Hoon did text her. Luckily for him, she arrived home not too long ago and was waiting for her lunch to be heated in the microwave.

Sung-Hoon 😎

Hello, Doctor Kim. Do you have a minute?

Blue 💙

It's Blue for you, mister.

How did the always-busy Lee Sung-Hoon find time to text me today?

Sung-Hoon 😎

I have a question to ask.

Blue 💙

Interesting. And what may be the question?

Sung-Hoon stared at the text for a while. Hwan-Woo looked at the text one minute and Sung-Hoon the next. Unable to wait any longer, Hwan-Woo snatched the phone and decided to text her himself. Pushing Sung-Hoon only got him that much. Truly disappointing.

Sung-Hoon 😎

I believe our last date wasn't how you expected it to go.

I wish to make it up to you.

How about we meet up at the coffee place today?

I'll pick you up at 5 pm. Sounds good?

Hwan-Woo grinned and returned the phone to an irked Sung-Hoon. He eagerly looked at what his friend had texted. The three dots appeared and were moving in a wave-like motion.

"You're welcome."

"Don't take my phone the next time," yelled Sung-Hoon.

"Don't take too much time asking a girl out then," chuckled Hwan-Woo as he walked out of the room.

"You're a pain in the ass, you know that?" yelled Sung-Hoon over the top of his lungs.

"Not as big as you, doofus!" Hwan-Woo yelled back. "See you later, topper!"

The door swung open and shut close. Sung-Hoon sighed. He didn't know if he should feel grateful to Hwan-Woo or be pissed that he didn't let Sung-Hoon do the job his way. Whatever emotion was brewing in his heart had to be dealt with later because Blue was almost done texting. The suspense built in the atmosphere with each passing second. Hearts racing, palms sweating bullets. He sat on the edge of his seat, waiting impatiently for the text.

Blue 💙

Okay, sounds good.

A burden lifted off his shoulder as he sighed in relief. He liked her text before switching off the phone and throwing it on the bed. He mentally noted what he needed to do before seeing her. Once the list was made, he swiftly got to work.

A few hours later, he observed his outfit in front of the mirror.

A genuine smile spread across his lips.

"Hoping it'll go well."



"These are for you," Sung-Hoon revealed a bouquet from behind him. "I was passing by the flower shop on the way when these periwinkles caught my eye. They reminded me of you."

Surprised by the gesture, she accepted the flowers. She walked toward the kitchen to put the flowers in the vase. Since the door was still open, Sung-Hoon figured he was invited and stepped into the cozy home. The entire apartment was colored in all shades of Blue.

"What about the flowers reminded you of me, Sung-Hoon?"

"Huh?" Sung-Hoon snapped back into reality. The woman chuckled as she placed the flowers in the vase.

"What is it about the flowers that reminded you of me?"

"Oh," said Sung-Hoon, shoving his hands in his hoodie pockets. "Well, first of all, the color reminded me of you. I can see that Blue isn't just a color to you; it's a personality you resonate with the most. Secondly, Periwinkle represents people with firm values who seek out meaning in all areas of life, including romantic relationships, friendships, and work. I believe the Periwinkle perfectly matches your personality."

Blue had to admit. That was, by far, the sweetest thing that ever rolled down his lips. Despite his aloofness, Sung-Hoon proved that he could be thoughtful as well. Blue briefly looked up as she gave him a point for being considerate.

"That was very thoughtful, Sung-Hoon," said she with a soft smile. "I didn't know you were capable of making sweet gestures."

Sung-Hoon rubbed the back of his neck as his ears turned a light shade of pink.

"I try."

She chuckled. It was so adorable watching Sung-Hoon get shy after doing something considerate. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach when she noticed the light shade of pink on his ears and cheeks.

"Come, I'll give you a tour of the apartment."

Sung-Hoon nodded and quietly followed her like a puppy. Blue tried to fight a smile every time she had to speak. For the entirety of the tour, it was only her voice that echoed throughout the apartment. Once the tour ended, Sung-Hoon looked at the watch.

"We should be heading out," said Sung-Hoon. "We have a reservation."

Without missing a beat, she said. "Cancel it."

Sung-Hoon furrowed his eyebrows. "I can't cancel it. This will ruin the series of events I have planned."

"You wanted to make it up to me, correct?" Blue asked. Well, technically, it was Hwan-Woo who said that. Shaking the thought away, he nodded.

"Then you cancel all of your plans," ordered Blue. "We will do what I wish."

"Okay, understood."

A ghost of a smile escaped her lips as she sauntered toward the kitchen. She was enjoying this side of Sung-Hoon more than she thought will. Sung-Hoon carefully sat on one end of the sofa in the living room and made himself comfortable. He pulled out his phone and made a few calls. Once the reservations were canceled, he felt odd. A feeling of uncertainty washed over his being, causing him to feel restless. He hated uncertainty.

Approximately twenty minutes later, Blue walked in with a coffee, snacks, and pasta tray.

"I see you've made yourself comfortable," said she before carefully looking at the man. Her lips curled in a frown.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Blue stared at him until he told her the truth.

"No..." He drawled with a sigh. Blue placed the tray on the table and took a seat beside Sung-Hoon. The stiffness in his body worried her. So she comfortingly placed her hand over his.

"What is it then?" Blue softly asked.

"I hate change and deviation from routine. It made me feel weird when I had to cancel all the plans," he admitted quietly. "I'm not used to it."

"Hmm, I see." Blue nodded. "How do you propose we fix it?"

"I'm not quite certain."

"If you hate deviation from routine, that means you hate uncertainty," Blue concluded. "Not knowing what will happen scares you."

"I wouldn't say it scares me..."

Blue stared at him again.

Sung-Hoon rolled his eyes. "Okay, well, perhaps, it does."

Blue chuckled.

"What? What's so funny?"

Blue shook her head. "Nothing."

After a moment of silence, Blue snapped her fingers. "What if we plan the rest of the evening together?"

"Wouldn't it take hours?" asked Sung-Hoon. "If we spend the entire evening planning, then we won't have time to execute any of it."

"You're right," Blue agreed. "But, since you enjoy planning so much, how about we plan a perfect evening? Then, when the time is right, we could execute it."

Sung-Hoon pondered on it for a few moments.

"Will doing this makeup for that horrible not-date?"

Blue nodded with a smile.

Sung-Hoon reciprocated the smile, and his body visibly relaxed. Blue softly patted his shoulder before getting up to bring a planner. For the rest of the evening, they planned a perfect evening for them. It might've not been the ideal date, but to Blue, it was perfect. Her mind took her back to the dinner they had weeks ago. She compared the two versions of Lee Sung-Hoon. The cold, icy man was slowly warming up to her in just a few months. A warm, fuzzy feeling filled her heart.

It was indeed a miracle.