Lunchtime Football

Just as Shun and the other guys appeared infront of them, Shun immediately asked him a question after noticing Rin standing beside him, looking somewhat baffled;

"You've already met Rin?"

"Yeah coincidentally I got placed right behind him. And certain circumstances ignited the spark of friendship in us. Hahaha." Hiro replied while smiling.

"Then you'd prolly know about this guy standing beside me too, right?" Shun questioned while pointing toward Kin.

"Yeah. He's Rin's elder brother Kin, right?" Hiro replied.

Shun nodded his head and slowly walked behind Hiro. He then placed both of his hands on each of his shoulder and began to introduce Hiro to Kin; "And this guy here is our new recruit Takahashi Hiro. The youngest among us. But in terms of skils, he can easily outperform a grown up adult. This guy is basically a monster."
