Jealous eyes

Since he didn't want to cause any troubles, despite being aware of the cold stares some players were showing towards him, Hiro intentionally ignored their cold stares. And instead he only focused his attention on those who were acting friendly towards him.

And it wasn't his first time getting such cold stares from the players around him. Afterall even during his first day at the club, he got a lot of those kind of stares.

"I was indeed right. Look at those abs, wings and chest." With his eyes sparkling, Tatsuki spoke with a cheerful voice while walking towards him.

Tatsuki then took off his jersey as well.

'Why is he taking off his jersey now?" Hiro thought while looking at him.

Tatsuki's weird behaviour left everybody dumbfounded.

Flaunting his abs and muscles, he then started to strike different body building poses as if he was some kind of bodybuilder.