Video call

Noticing Akashi's dumbfounded look, Hiro then turned his camera towards his friends present in his room. Pointing his camera towards Yuya, Shunta and Shun, Hiro introduced them to each other.

"These guys here are my teammates. Yuya, Shunta and Shun." Hiro introduced his friends.

"Ahum!! Former teammates." Coughing a little, Yuya spoke sarcastically.

Hearing the sarcasm, Shunta and Shun burst out into laughter.

And as he introduced the three of them to Akashi, all of them waved their hands towards the camera, greeting Akashi with cheerful smile on their faces.

Akashi too quickly changed his tone and introduced himself politely to Hiro's friends.

Noticing the sudden change in Akashi's tone, Hiro couldn't help himself from staring at Akashi with his eyes wide open. As if he had seen something mind-blowing, he just couldn't handle the sudden change in Akashi's tone.