Vila Miseria

As much as Takashi loved his wife, he also feared her.

Upon hearing her harsh words, Takashi shrunk his body as he tried to avoid making eye contact with his wife.

Currently Takashi's state was like that of a dog who was scolded harshly by it's owner. Just like a dog tugging it's tails, Takashi tugged his laughter and loud voice.

Although Hiro sympathised with his father's sorry state, right now he mused silently upon witnessing his father's sorry state.

Not because he enjoyed seeing his father in such state but because he felt grateful being born in such a good family.

Obviously physically his father was stronger than his mother. So one may question why he would endure such scoldings and naggings.

However the answer is rather simple. The reason why his father acts so docile against his mother is because he loves her.