Scene at the locker room

The scene in the locker room was a mix of tension and confidence. Well, it was the first international match for many so the nervousness on their face was justifiable. 

So, Nanami wasn't overly concerned. 

Yet still, it was his responsibility to help ease the tension in the locker room. As for how they received his words it depended entirely on his ability to convey. 

"Okay everyone, we've already gone through the tactics previously. But let me repeat it once more, nonetheless. I've already talked about it in our previous discussion, we need to pay special attention to their attacks from the flanks." 

Nanami began to talk about their strategy. 

Even though they had already discussed the strategy before rather than choosing to provide some motivational talks he chose to rediscuss their strategy in hopes of diverting their attention away from the feeling of unease some were feeling at the moment.