Emperor's Cup VII

Upon scoring Hiro ran straight to the corner. Then as he approached the corner flag, he punched it hard while roaring enthusiastically, "Yeah—"

He couldn't tell why he got the urge to punch the flag. It was almost like he was venting his anger on the flag. 

Well, he was bothered by the matter regarding the reporters invading his personal space. So, it might be because he wanted to warn those folks that he won't stay silent. 

Or it might be pure enthusiasm. 

The flag pole wobbled vigorously for a while. 

Even so, Hiro's enthusiasm was well received by the people as they felt even more excited seeing such passion leaking out of him. 

Reciprocating to his enthusiasm they roared alongside him. 

They couldn't help but cheer him. 

It was like the battle cry of the Vikings, fierce and intimidating.