The venue was a cauldron of emotions, with anticipation and excitement palpable in the air. The cheers of the excited fans traveled far and wide, echoing throughout the stadium.
Most of the stadium was occupied by a sea of supporters clad in red and blue. Their eyes were glistening with excitement and enthusiasm. Their voices, tinged with passion, echoed throughout the stadium, mixing to create a powerful symphony of support.
"Woah! Look at all these people."
Akashi felt mesmerized by the crowd before him. The atmosphere was electrifying, and the entire stadium was buzzing.
Walking among the sea of supporters clad in red and blue, he couldn't help but feel intimidated. It felt like he would get engulfed by the crowd.
He could see the flags and banners of Barcelona billowing freely around him. It being their home ground, the supporters of Barcelona were present in great numbers.