Adam Grant

An obese middle-aged man with a massive residing hairline is sitting on his worn dirty couch staring at the TV. This man's name is Adam Grant.

The sound of moaning coming from the TV fills the room. The obese man has his dick out. There are crunched tissue papers on the floor and a lotion bottle on the table alongside a few beer bottles, most of them empty. He is already done masturbating, but he is too lazy to put on his pants.

His eyes locked onto the porn playing on the TV, the video of a man with a big penis going absolutely wild on his stepmother's pussy, well at least that's what the video's title implies.

He is watching this video because he couldn't help but remember his stepmother today.

She is the person he hates the most in this world, as she is to blame for most of his life's misery, but he also couldn't help but lust after her because she was one fine-ass woman.

She was a stunning-looking woman with a beautiful face and a killer body.

His stepmother was a gold digger who married his father for his money and then got Adam kicked out of his will. She even frequently cheated on his father because he was a workaholic who didn't have time for anyone.

Adam didn't blame his stepmother for cheating on his father, because even he didn't love his father. He felt it served him right.

The reason Adam hated her was for taking away all his fortune for herself and not leaving him a single penny.

She had somehow convinced Adam's father to leave nothing for him, telling him that Adam needed to learn to take care of himself just like his father did growing up. Since Adam's father was a self-made man, he got swayed by her words and removed Adam from his will, trying to light a fire up Adam's ass and make him take control of his life.

He had planned to re-initiate Adam in his will once Adam started standing on his own two feet.

But then Adam's father met an untimely death and his step-mother kicked Adam out of the house to fend off for himself. From that day on, Adam lived a very miserable life.

He drank, did drugs, and made minimum wage by working small jobs, and since he didn't have any special skills, he got stuck there. He survived by only eating fast food, as they were cheap.

During this miserable period, he would always curse his evil stepmother for his misery, but then he would remember how beautiful and sexy she was and would get horny. He would imagine himself having sex with her, just like the man who used to fuck her when his father was away while he used to spy on them.

And when he was done masturbating to his memories and imagination, he would curse himself for being such a pathetic loser because of the post-nut clarity.

The same thing happened today. He remembered his stepmother and got horny, so he put up a porn fitting for his needs.

"I was such a loser," he says and picks up a half-full beer bottle and drinks it. "Who am I kidding? I am still a loser, maybe a lesser one now, but still a loser," he says and chugs the beer once again.

If someone were to see him right now, they would definitely think he is a bigger loser right now. But in his own mind, Adam believes his younger self was a bigger loser because of his lack of confidence, shy nature, and unable to socialize with people.

The things that the current Adam faces no problem with. Since he is at the bottom of the barrel of society, he has stopped giving a shit about the world and what the world thinks of him. He has grown a very thick skin.

Now he can do any of those things, but what is the use of it? He is now a fat, ugly piece of shit with no money that no one wants to befriend.

"Fuck, I need to buy more beer," he says as the beer bottle in his hand is now empty. He drops it on the floor and continues to watch the porn.

Seeing the blond woman getting fucked hard, he gets horny again.

"Maybe I should order a prostitute. I have saved enough money," he says and opens his phone.

Online Prostitution has become a booming industry in this day and age as one can order a prostitute on an app and she will come to your doorstep. It has become a billion-dollar industry.

He scrolls through one of the reliable apps and looks for a blond woman in her mid-30s with a nice body. Someone that at least has a slight resemblance to his stepmother.

After finding someone, he books her. She will be here in two hours.

"I should clean up," he says.

Because of the boom in the online prostitution industry, companies have implemented strict rules and regulations.

Just like how a customer can rate a prostitute based on her skills and behavior, a prostitute can also rate their customer based on their looks, their hospitality, their treatment towards them, and so on. So if a customer has a low rating, the prostitute knows to stay away from them.

Till now Adam has kept a decent rating because that is the only way someone is willing to fuck him. He needs to keep his rating above average.

"Let's get this over with," he says and gets up, not realizing that he is about to step on a bottle that is right beneath his feet. He steps on it and slips.

"Fuck," that is all he could say as his obese body falls. The back of his head hits the edge of the table, and he blacks out.

He is dead.