Hidden Money

Adam ignores Julia for now and continues eating his breakfast. Adam has already planned his next step.

First, he needs to find a job to show his father that he is serious about earning money on his own. He needs to show that he is hardworking by bringing in decent money. This will build his father's confidence in him, which might help in future conversations regarding the will.

As for the type of job he is looking for. It should be something that doesn't take all his time and leaves him room for other activities.

There are still four years left till his father hits the bricks. Till then he should have a roof over his head and free food. He doesn't need to overwork himself to keep a roof over his head and keep his stomach full.

The money he will earn for himself will be invested in some startups that he knows are going to be successful in the future, especially those online prostitution sites.

And the little that remains, he will put into self-development.

This is his bare-bones plan, but it might change if the future brings change. For now, his main objective is to make sure his father can trust him with his inheritance.

Done with his breakfast, he gets off from his seat. "I am going out. I will be back before five," he says and walks away.

His father doesn't even bother lifting his head as he is busy on his tablet, but Julia continues to keep her eyes on Adam, wondering what made the boy make such a drastic change in his behavior.


Back in his room, Adam is left to think about his situation once again. He can't help but feel afraid that he will suddenly wake up and this is all just one vivid dream.

After experiencing everything to this very second, he doesn't want to go back. He doesn't want to be that loser once again.

'Please let this be real,' he prays one last time and takes a deep breath to cool down.

He brings his attention to his wardrobe. There is something he needs to take out. He walks up to it and opens the far-most corner door.

Amon finds his old unused jackets and hoodies, but they are not what he is looking for. He slides the clothing to the side to find a hidden safe in the back.

It is password-locked. 'Think, think, what was the password?' he murmurs when it suddenly hits him. He quickly enters the birthday of his favorite female idol.

As the door of the safe opens, he feels embarrassed. He couldn't believe he was obsessed over a woman who lived across the world and had no idea that he even existed.

But he quickly grew out of that phase when shit hit the fan and he ended up on the streets.

'Well, to be honest, I was no better when I was all grown up,' he thinks as his habit of being obsessed with beautiful women continued for a little while. It all ended, but his obsession with his stepmother never ended because every time he failed, he blamed her for everything, making her one constant in his head.

Putting his thoughts aside he pulls out a black bag from the safe and brings it back to his bed.

He opens the bag and starts dumping the cash that he had saved up through all these years. About fifty thousand dollars.

From a very young age, his father had always tossed money at him for not being present in his life. So he would use this money to buy things he wanted that normal kids couldn't afford. He liked to show off.

But even with all that spending, there was still money left, and he hid it in his secret safe.

"Fifty thousand dollars... All I could have done with it if I had it with me when I was kicked out," he says as he remembers being kicked out and not even being allowed to enter his own house.

He couldn't get his hands on this money at all. He doesn't know what happened to it afterward, but he bets that his stepmother had somehow found them and must have spent it on some designer bag or shoes or some shit.

"I should deposit this in a bank," he murmurs, as it's best to digitalize his money as it could be accessed from anywhere he wants.

And this fifty thousand is extremely essential, as he will not have access to his father's money anymore.

Adam looks around his room and finds his school backpack, quickly empties it, and then fills it up with the cash that is lying on the bed.

"All done," He says, swings the bag over his shoulder, and walks out of his room.

As he walks down the hallway, he sees Julia talking with his father, but he doesn't give it much attention and heads to the garage.

Inside the garage are a few cars, three of them, to be exact. One for each. He owns the black two-seater sports car that his father gifted him a few months ago when he turned 18.

Recalling his past, Adam regretted not driving this thing more often as he was always locked in his room playing games. He was just extremely introverted.

This car brought him too much attention and some of them were the good kinds, but even with a car like this, Adam fumbled a good-looking girl who was practically trying to throw herself at him, but his extremely introverted ass got very anxious, and drove off leaving the girl all alone on the street.

From that day, Adam dreaded driving his car, thinking that a similar situation might happen.

Seeing that Adam was not driving the car at all, his father gave it away to someone else.

Adam remembered how angry he got at his father when he gave the car to someone else. 'I can't blame him for that,' Amon thought. Though his father was an asshole, he doesn't like to waste money on depreciating assets that are not being used.

So seeing that his son was not using such a nice car, he decided to give it to someone who would appreciate it.

Luckily, he is back in time when these things have not happened yet.

Now that he looks at the car in front of him, it is a good-looking car. At least his father has good taste, he thought.

He gets inside the car, turns it on, and drives out of his house. Destination, his bank.