How Big Does It Get?

Emily rushes out of her son's room and heads back down. Her heart is beating out of her chest and her cheeks are flushed.

She is embarrassed but also in shock from Adam's behavior.

She knows about her wardrobe malfunction and how Adam managed to see her breasts, but what made her rush out of there was Adam's behavior towards her after he saw them.

She thought he would be embarrassed or try to hide the fact that he saw them, but he didn't. Instead, he winked at her, implying to her that he liked what he saw.

Emily never expected the handsome, sweet boy to be so bold and so straightforward with his actions.

It is not just the embarrassment and shock she is feeling right now. She touches her chest and feels her heart beat with excitement. The type of excitement she hasn't felt since her young adult days. 

Her cheeks flush and she begins fanning herself with her hand to calm herself down.

'Calm down, Emily, don't get overexcited over such a simple matter,' she says to herself and finally calms down.

"Phew~" she blows out some air and chuckles trying to get control over her feelings.

"I can't believe a handsome young man like Adam was checking me out," she says to herself, smiling and feeling a little proud of herself.

She looks at her reflection in one of the mirrors and smiles. "Looks like I still got it," she says relieved that young men might still find her attractive.

During her youth days, she had so many pursuers and she was quite adventurous during those days. She had her fair share of lovers, but none could capture her heart. But then she met Joe's and Ruth's father.

He was not like the guys she used to date. He was not a jock, not athletic, not handsome, but he made her feel special and she fell in love with that feeling.

They dated for a few years and then got married, but the love she thought was special started to fade. She realized that she didn't love her husband, but loved the way how he used to make her feel.

But she realized it too late. She was already with two children and she needed to take care of them. Their financial situation was not that good, so her husband decided to become a cross-country trucker.

He might not be home for months, but the salary is enough to take care of a family of four.

It's been seven years since her husband took that job and from that day, he is rarely home. The money he earned was enough to buy this house, but that's it.

For seven years, Emily has felt lonely. She misses the days she used to walk around being admired by men who would have wanted nothing but to be with her.

So today made her feel special again. Having a handsome young man like Adam check her out and flirty wink at her made her day. Adam is just the type of guy she would have dated if she was young, but she knows those days are over.

She doesn't expect much from Adam either. She thinks it's just him being playful with her. Why would a handsome, rich young man like Adam waste his time on a woman like her who has passed her prime?


Adam soon gets bored beating Joe's ass over and over again. He could be doing other things right now than wasting his time here with this idiot.

"Hey, I'm going to leave, I have other things to do," Adam says.

"Sure," Joe says indifferently, but inside he is glad that Adam is finally leaving. He is over the edge right now after all the constant taunts, disrespect, and losses he faced against Adam.

He needs to be alone and cool down or he might just pop a vein from sheer anger.

"Where's the toilet?" Adam asks, as he needs to relieve himself. All that liquid he drank is begging to come out.

"It's at the end of the hallway," Joe says.

"Alright," Adam says and leaves, closing Joe's door behind him.

He looks at the end of the hallway and sees the bathroom door. He walks past another door while taking a glance at it. The door is slightly opened.

He manages to take a peek inside and sees Ruth lying on her belly on the bed, watching TV and swinging her legs. He manages to get a glimpse of her fine ass and licks his lips.

Both mother and daughter were made to be fucked.

He then makes his way to the bathroom.

Adam pushes open the bathroom door and walks in. He then tries to close it behind him but sees that the latch is broken.

Adam looks at the broken latch and cannot help but remember the broken-down apartment he used to live in. It, too, had a broken latch on its bathroom door. He never fixed it.

"Well, whatever," Adam says, and walks up to the commode and unzips his pants. He then takes outs his massive flaccid cock and begins pissing with content on his face.


Ruth loves watching the reality TV show called Carnal Island. The show was about couples who wanted to test their relationship to see if their love was strong enough to resist the temptation of carnal pleasure.

Ruth always felt she would shine on this show as a temptress. She would love to break a loving couple's relationship by seducing one of the husband or boyfriends.

When the TV program reaches its add time, Ruth rolls off her bed as she needs to go as well. She has been holding for a few minutes now, waiting for the advertisement to hit.

She walks out of her room and heads towards the bathroom. She looks at the occupied sign on the side not hung on the bathroom door, making her believe that no one is inside the bathroom.

Since the latch was broken, she came up with this method to make sure that her loser bother doesn't walk in on her when she is naked.

Ruth pushes open the door and, to her surprise, she sees Adam pissing.

Her eyes widen with shock as she sees the massive hog of a cock on Adam. She has never seen a cock this big in real life.

'It's already this big while it's flaccid. I wonder how big it gets when it's fully erect?' Ruth thinks while biting down on her lower lip.

She could imagine herself bouncing on this massive cock, completely losing her mind to her.

"Are you just gonna stare?" Adam asks as he senses Ruth walking in. He didn't hear the door open, but his heightened sense made him aware of her presence.

Ruth snaps out of her fantasies and looks at Adam's handsome figure. She smiles mischievously and gets closer to him. Since he doesn't mind her staring, why should she make a big deal out of it?

With her now closer, the cock in front of her looks even more enticing to her. This veiny cock would make her squeal in pleasure.

She stares at it biting down on her index finger. "I will have to charge you if you want to continue staring," Adam says and turns his head to look at her.

Ruth meets his striking eyes and giggles mischievously.

"How big does it get?" she asks with a mischievous smile.

"Well, there is only one way to figure it out," Adam says with a grin.