Chapter seven: Shadows Within

Liam Carter's POV

Life, when viewed from a distance, appears deceptively simple. We often make assumptions, taking things for granted, never truly experiencing the depths of existence.

You ever wonder what it's like to be part of the Carter clan? Specifically, to inhabit my world as Liam Carter, big brother extraordinaire?

In truth, you never have to worry about how to navigate a day. You just go with the flow.

Now, this isn't me bragging; it's more of a complaint, really.

Every day blends into the next, a dull repetition that drains the life out of everything.

"He saw Allyna?"

"That's what he said."

So, what does loneliness mean to you? Is it just being alone or that nagging emptiness that never seems to dissipate?

Sometimes, you find yourself waiting for things you can't attain on your own. Maybe you were never taught how, so you place your faith in fate's fickle hand, fooling yourself into believing that everything will magically work out.

"Dad, come on, he was clearly joking. Allyna is long gone. Rest in peace," I chuckled, shaking my head. I kicked back, crossing my legs.

Sometimes you bury your hope deep down, hoping it'll heal on its own. But no matter how buried it gets or how empty you feel, there's always something there.

He took a deep breath, his face revealing a thousand thoughts. Ever since Lucas woke up, things haven't made much sense. I'm grateful my brother survived, but it's a complicated kind of happiness.

"Sit down, Dad," I said with a squeak in my voice, handing him a cup of coffee while pouring one for myself.

Imagine finding out your father had an affair. It's disappointing, isn't it? At first, I thought I should feel betrayed and fooled. But truth is, there's no room left in me for those emotions. I'm numb, or maybe it's just not who I am.

"So, Dad, any progress on the investigation? Any leads?" I asked, and he shook his head slowly.

Like I said, there's always something, and in this case, it's Lucas.

They say siblings can be each other's worst enemies. One may be favored while the other harbors envy. But who's who?

"Don't worry, Son. We won't stop until we uncover who did this to Eliza and Lucas," he declared, his eyes void of contempt.

That statement sent me reeling. Ever feel like something's perpetually off, but you convince yourself that everything is normal? Sometimes, it takes a raging storm to reveal the hidden wounds you hoped would heal on their own. We were happy...

or so I thought.


That ear-piercing scream sent chills down my spine, nearly causing me to spit out my coffee. The sound of shattering glass echoed from Lucas's room.

Dad and I jumped to our feet, exchanging glances filled with unease.


Everything's gonna be alright, right? I wish the world were as easy as you make it sound...


We found Lucas on the floor, his back against the bed. His hand was bleeding, trembling, shattered glass scattered all around.

We rushed to his side, my heart threatening to skip beats at any moment.

"Brother, what happened to you!?" I cried out, my voice quivering.

For a second, I thought someone had broken in, but a quick look around revealed that my brother had lost control.

"I-I... I-I don't know," he stammered, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, his bleeding hand holding onto shards of glass.

Damn it.

"Hold on, I'll grab the keys." I nodded at Dad, and he dashed out of the room.

Turning my attention back to Lucas, who trembled and stared into nothingness, my heart raced, tears of anguish welling up in my eyes.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright, okay?" I fretted, my blood running cold. I didn't know what to say. Seeing him like this, it tears me apart.

My body instinctively enveloped him in a tight embrace. I felt disoriented, struggling to hold back my own tears.

"I'm here, I'm right here..." I whispered, gently caressing the back of his head.

I don't know what's happening anymore. I'm lost in a sea of despair. Half of me feels numb, while the other half refuses to let go.

From an outsider's perspective, it may seem like I'm the lucky one compared to Lucas. But in my eyes, these unsettling episodes isolate me, leaving me alone in the world, with Lucas as my only anchor. Without him, it's like me against the world.

"He's stable now. Thankfully, we managed to remove all the glass fragments from his hand to prevent infection," Doctor Smith informed us, hands tucked into her coat pockets.

"Thanks, Doc," Dad said with gratitude.

Lucas sat on the hospital bed while we stood by his side. I felt shaken to the core. This wasn't the first time he lost control. First at the hospital, then pointing a blade at me, and now this.

What's happening to my brother?

"No offense, but I have to mention that the patient might be struggling with a mental illness. Sudden outbursts of anger and violence that exceed the situation's bounds can indicate a disruptive disorder. It's advisable to consult a psychiatrist--"

"Are you saying I'm crazy?" Lucas interrupted, his voice tinged with bitterness.

"That's not what she meant--"

"YES, IT IS!" I gripped his shoulder firmly. "I'M NOT CRAZY, DAMMIT!"

"Um, Doc, sorry. It's okay now," Dad interjected, as if pleading with the doctor to leave before Lucas lost control again.

"Excuse me," she muttered before finally exiting the room.

I'm struggling to make sense of it all. My mind feels jumbled, unable to process the situation. Doctor Smith's words have thrown me off balance.

"Don't tell me you believe her," my brother grumbled. Dad and I exchanged glances, and he placed a comforting hand on Lucas's back. We were lost for words, our confusion evident.

It all boils down to one question: Were we selfish? Seeing my brother like this, it tears me apart.
