Chapter eleven: Embracing Memories

Lucas Carter's POV

Nothing is weirder than life, you know? Sometimes, the more reasons there are to stop, the more you want to keep going. The more reasons there are to keep going, the more you want to stop. It's a never-ending cycle of complexity.

"What happened back there, brother?"

Things have been unusually strange lately. I struggle to find the right words to describe it; it's like being tangled in a knot that you can't untangle. Sometimes, you have no choice but to cut your way through.

"Where did Dad go?" I asked, evading his question and plopping down on the couch. I didn't want to keep secrets from him, but it was difficult to open up at the moment.

"He went to work, don't worry," he replied, placing his belongings on the end table across from me. Then, he gave me a curious look. "Can you answer my question now, brother?"

I blinked and looked away. He's perceptive; he can tell when something's off with me, or perhaps I was just being obvious.

"It's complicated." My mind struggled to process everything. I felt overwhelmed, trying to contain the storm of emotions within me. "My mind was trying to tell me something, but I couldn't visualize it."

I closed my eyes, feeling the pain intensify whenever I delved too deep into my thoughts. They were bursting at the seams, but I managed to regain my composure when my brother sat next to me. I know I sometimes lose control, and I no longer want to hurt anyone.

"Lucas," he said breathlessly, his agitation evident. "I'm really worried about you. I hope you know that. Please, promise me that no matter what happens, you'll be okay."

My eyes froze as I looked at him. There was a hint of moisture shimmering in his eyes. My lips curved into a bittersweet smile. It wasn't easy for me, but I knew it wasn't easy for them either. In that moment, I could see the fear in my brother's eyes, and it ignited a fire within me. Those eyes spoke volumes.

"I'll be okay, brother, I promise. Maybe not right now, but rest assured, justice will be served for your mother," I said confidently, my expression fading as I averted my gaze. "After all, I think that's the only reason why I survived."

"What do you mean?"

"Isn't it the only reason why you wanted me alive? To find out who the suspect is?"

"What? Brother, no-"

"Don't deny it," I interrupted, mustering a ghost of a smile. "I know you're tired too, brother. Don't worry. I'll do my best to get better."

His gaze froze for a moment, then he sighed and bowed his head.

"Lucas, that's not true," my brother spoke, sympathy etched on his face. "We've discussed this before, haven't we? I'm sorry if I made you feel that way, but that is not the reason. I wanted you alive because you're my brother."

A smile spread across my face. We might share a mysterious connection, but he was not at all what I had thought him to be.

"Lucas, you may be an illegitimate child, but you are perhaps the greatest gift I have ever received from Dad. I love you, little brother."

Tears welled up in my eyes. In that moment, I realized that I wanted to live, not only for my memories, but also for them. I struggled to contain my joy; it overwhelmed me.

"Wow, I never knew you could be so sweet," I chuckled, feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude. "I love you too, big brother."

He patted my back with evident delight on his face. In that moment, I felt a renewed determination. I felt stronger than ever.

"How about," he began, looking at his watch before turning his gaze back to me, "we quickly go outside to our favorite place? We used to go there a lot."

"Sure," I giggled. I was a bit tired, but I knew I needed some fresh air.

"Okay, wait for me!" he exclaimed, jumping to his feet. I watched as he disappeared into his room.

I sighed as he vanished from my sight. His words lingered in my mind. I'll admit, I had been foolish. I was wrong about him. I never imagined that I held such significance to him. Even though I couldn't recall many memories, I was genuinely happy to have them.

As I got up to retrieve something from my room, my feet suddenly stopped moving.

A tightness gripped my head, and I closed my eyes.

"Son, this is your new home. This is your brother, Liam."

"Hello, brother! Nice to meet you. I finally have a playmate here at home!"

There's no perfect way to explain it. It felt as though time had stopped, transporting me to a different moment.

"Do you want to go for a walk, Lucas?"

"Sure, Dad."

It was my birthday...

"Brother, how are you? Are you having fun here?"


"That's great! Remember, if you need anything, just let me know."

My brother and I loved playing Xbox...

"Please, brother! You're not even doing anything!"

"Fine, but we'll be quick, alright?"


I squeezed my eyes shut as more memories flooded my mind out of nowhere. I saw my father and my brother, their images vivid in my mind. It was like a computer being injected with a flash drive.

Everything suddenly became clear as I slowly opened my eyes. Tears threatened to spill down my cheeks.

"Lucas? Why are you standing there? Are you alright?"

I turned towards the voice and saw my brother, his face beaming. My cheeks lifted involuntarily, unable to contain my joy. I quickly moved towards him and embraced him tightly.

A tear escaped, and I could finally remember him. Joy overflowed within me.

"I remember you and Dad... I don't know how, but it all came rushing back!" I babbled, happiness radiating from me. "Finally!"

"W-Wait, what? Really?" he exclaimed in disbelief, his eyes brimming with excitement. "B-Brother..."

He hugged me tightly, and my smile grew wider. At last, he wasn't a stranger to me anymore. I remembered everything about us.

Perhaps, things do get better. The rain may not pour forever, but it can certainly storm and destroy a lot...

"I missed you, my little brother... I might even give you a kiss right now," he gushed, still holding me tightly. I laughed, feeling his excitement overwhelm him. It had only been a few days since I woke up from my coma, but it felt like I had just woken up to a new life.

He couldn't contain his joy; he cupped my head and planted a kiss on it.

"I missed you so, so much! I love you brother!" he exclaimed, refusing to let go of the hug.

I reveled in his embrace, feeling the warmth and affection radiating from him. It was a feeling I had longed for, and now that I had regained my memories, it felt even more profound.

"Okay, now that's enough," I teased, playfully blocking his attempts to kiss me again. "Aren't we going outside? To our favorite place, for some milk tea?"

He buzzed with excitement, his eyes sparkling.

"Yes, let's go!" he exclaimed eagerly, his enthusiasm contagious.

Together, we left the confines of our home and stepped out into the world. It felt like a fresh beginning, a chance to create new memories while cherishing the ones we had recovered. The air was crisp, and the sun shone brightly overhead.
