Section 4: Dr. Solomon

Lucas Carter's POV

Sitting in the cold, sterile courtroom, I anxiously awaited the next person to take the stand. The weight of the truth lingered in my heart, but I knew that facing it all was necessary for my healing. As the lawyer called the next witness, Dr. Solomon, my psychologist, I felt a mixture of anxiety and curiosity. What would he say about me and the demons that haunted my mind?

Dr. Solomon walked to the stand, his presence calming yet stern. I had confided in him about my deepest fears, my haunting memories, and the turmoil that consumed me. Now, as he faced the courtroom, I wondered how he would describe the impact of my experiences and traumas on my approach to life.

"Dr. Solomon, can you tell us about your experiences in treating Lucas Carter?" the prosecutor asked, his eyes focused on the psychologist.

Dr. Solomon adjusted his glasses before replying, "I have been treating Lucas for several months now, and our sessions have been focused on helping him navigate through his traumatic experiences and the effects they have had on his mental health."

My mind raced back to my first therapy session with Dr. Solomon. I was reluctant to open up about the haunting memories of my past and the pain I carried within. But he was patient.

"Based on your sessions with Lucas, what can you say about how his experiences and the accident have affected his overall mental health?" the prosecutor asked.

Dr. Solomon sighed before answering, "Lucas has been deeply impacted by the traumatic events he experienced, particularly the abuse he endured at the hands of his stepmother, Eliza. The accident and the loss of his memories have further complicated his emotional state."

As Dr. Solomon spoke, I felt like a book being analyzed, my innermost thoughts and feelings laid bare for everyone to scrutinize.

"How has the trauma affected the way Lucas approaches life and deals with his emotions?" the prosecutor inquired.

Dr. Solomon's gaze shifted to me, and I felt a wave of vulnerability wash over me. "Lucas has developed a sense of guilt and unworthiness, which has led him to isolate himself," he explained. "He struggles to cope with the overwhelming emotions that arise from the memories of the abuse and the accident, leading to self-destructive tendencies."

I swallowed hard, knowing that these words were not easy to hear, but they were the truth. The pain of my past had shaped the way I saw myself and my place in the world, and it was a constant battle to break free from the shackles of guilt and regret.

"Mom, please... Wake up!"

I was only nine years old when it happened. The memory is etched in my mind like a painful scar, replaying like a haunting movie in my head. Allyna, my mother, had collapsed in our house after Eliza attacked her. I remember the chaos that followed - the sirens, the flashing lights of the ambulance, and the panic that engulfed me as I stood in the doorway, tears streaming down my face.

In the hospital waiting room, I felt like a lost and frightened child, my heart pounding in my chest like a drum. The doctors and nurses rushed around, trying to stabilize my mother, but I couldn't understand what was happening. All I knew was that my world was falling apart, and I didn't know how to fix it.

A kind doctor knelt down in front of me, his eyes filled with compassion. "Is there anyone we can call for you, Lucas?" he asked gently.

I sniffled and wiped my tears with the back of my hand. I didn't have any family nearby, and my mother and I had kept to ourselves since we moved here. I felt a pang of loneliness, realizing that I had no one to turn to in this moment of crisis.

Then it hit me - my father. I had never met him, but I had seen pictures of him on social media. Mom used to look at his profile, sometimes with a hint of sadness in her eyes. I knew his name was Luis Carter, and he lived in the city. Maybe he could help, maybe he could make everything better.

"I-I have a dad," I stammered, my voice barely audible as I shared the name I had never uttered before. "His name is Luis Carter."

The doctor nodded, his expression understanding. "Alright, Lucas. We'll try to get in touch with your dad. Don't worry, everything will be okay."

Minutes felt like hours, and my heart pounded louder with each passing second. When the doctor finally made the call and told me that my father was on his way, a mix of hope and anxiety washed over me. Would he come? Would he even want to see me?

As the minutes turned to eternity, the hospital room door opened, and a man stepped inside. I had seen pictures of him before, but this was the first time I had ever laid eyes on him in person. Luis Carter, my father.

His eyes met mine, and there was a moment of surprise and confusion in his gaze. "Are you Lucas?" he asked softly, his voice carrying a hint of disbelief.

I nodded, unable to find my voice. He looked just like the pictures I had seen, and yet there was a warmth in his eyes that I hadn't expected. He took a step closer, and in that moment, I felt a glimmer of hope - hope that maybe, just maybe, things could get better.

"I'm your dad, Lucas," he said, his voice gentle like a soothing melody. "I'm here for you."

Tears welled up in my eyes once again, but this time they were tears of relief. In that hospital room, I found a flicker of hope, a possibility for a different future. Maybe, with my father by my side, I wouldn't have to face the darkness alone.

As Dad reached out and pulled me into a hug, it was as if a missing piece of my heart had been found. In that moment, I knew that my life was about to change, and though the road ahead would be filled with challenges, I had found someone to walk it with me.

"And what would you say about Lucas's ability to heal and move forward from these traumas?" the prosecutor pressed further.

Dr. Solomon's eyes met mine, and I saw a glimmer of hope in his gaze. "With the right support and therapy, Lucas has the potential to heal and rebuild his life," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "But it will be a challenging journey, requiring time, patience, and understanding from his loved ones."

As Dr. Solomon continued to testify about the impact of my traumas on my mental health and my ability to cope with life, I realized that the truth, as painful as it was, had to be acknowledged. Only then could I begin to heal, to confront my demons, and to find a way to live with the burden I carried.

The courtroom felt like a battleground of emotions, but it was a necessary battleground. The truth needed to be laid bare, and I had to face the consequences of my actions and the impact they had on my life.

As the testimony drew to a close, I felt a mixture of relief and fear. Relief that the truth was finally being revealed, and fear of what the future held for me. But I knew that I couldn't escape the truth any longer.


The air in the hospital room felt heavy, suffocating, as if it mirrored the weight of the news that had just been delivered. Allyna, my mother, was gone. The tears in my eyes blurred the world around me, and I felt like I was floating in a sea of grief and confusion.

Luis, my father, stood beside me, his hand resting on my shoulder. His presence offered some comfort, but it was hard to comprehend the reality of the situation. I had lost my mother, the only family I had known, and now I was faced with a decision that would shape the course of my life.

"Lucas, I want you to come with me," My father said gently, breaking the silence that hung in the room like a heavy cloud.

My heart clenched with conflicting emotions. I barely knew this man, yet he was my father, and he was offering me a home, a family. A part of me longed for the sense of belonging, but another part of me was scared - scared of the unknown, scared of leaving behind the memories of my mother, scared of getting hurt again.

"I have a family, Lucas," He continued, his voice filled with sincerity. "You'll have a brother, Liam, and we will all be there for you."

I looked at him, trying to gauge his intentions. Was he being genuine, or was this just a sense of obligation? Would I truly find a family in this man I barely knew?

He seemed to sense my hesitation and knelt down to my eye level. "I know this is a lot to take in, but I promise you, Lucas, we will welcome you with open arms," he said, his voice unwavering. "You won't be alone anymore. We'll be a family."

As he spoke, I saw a flicker of hope in his eyes, and it mirrored the flicker of hope in my heart. Maybe, just maybe, I could find a place where I belonged, a place where I could heal from the wounds of my past.

"But what about my mother's things? Her memories?" I asked, my voice wavering.

"We can keep her things safe, Lucas," Dad replied gently. "And her memories will always be with you, no matter where you go."

His words offered some solace, and I felt a glimmer of courage within me. Maybe it was time to take a chance, to step into the unknown and see where it led.

"I want to come with you," I said, my voice stronger this time. "I want to be with you, Dad."

A small smile graced his lips, and I knew that I had made the right decision. He pulled me into a hug, and in that moment, I felt a sense of belonging that I had longed for my whole life.

As we walked out of the hospital, hand in hand, I knew that my life was about to change forever. I was leaving behind the pain of my past, the ghosts of my traumas, and stepping into a new chapter filled with hope, love, and the promise of a family. Little did I know that this decision would be the beginning of something worse.

As the courtroom fell into a hushed silence, I clutched the locket my mother gave me long ago. Seeking solace in the picture it held, memories of her warm smile flashed before my eyes. It was a reminder of the love I once had, the love I lost.

The prosecutor turned his attention to Dr. Solomon once again, seeking answers that could unlock the truth behind my actions.

"Dr. Solomon, it is evident that Lucas went through a traumatic experience with the death of his mother, Allyna," the lawyer began, his voice measured. "Would you say that his emotions surrounding this loss could have triggered his actions towards Eliza?"

Dr. Solomon, a compassionate and experienced psychologist, leaned forward with empathy in his eyes. "It's possible that his emotions played a role, but we shouldn't jump to conclusions," he replied, his voice calm yet thoughtful. "Trauma can impact a person deeply, but we must consider other factors as well."

The prosecutor probed further, trying to understand the intricacies of my state of mind at that time.

"But isn't it possible that his emotions were overwhelming him to the point where he couldn't control his actions?" the prosecutor inquired, his voice softening. "Could his grief and pain have pushed him to hurt Eliza?"

Dr. Solomon nodded in understanding, his gaze never leaving me. "Emotions can indeed be intense, but we need to look at the bigger picture," he explained. "There were underlying issues with Eliza, and it's crucial to understand their relationship dynamics."

The prosecutor pressed on, seeking more clarity.

"Are you suggesting as well that Lucas killed Eliza as a form of self-defense?" the lawyer asked, his brows furrowed in contemplation.

Dr. Solomon chose his words carefully. "I'm not ruling out the possibility," he replied, his voice gentle. "Lucas was in a vulnerable state, and his actions might have been driven by a sense of fear and desperation."

The prosecutor shifted gears, delving into my mental health history.

"But what about his history of mental health issues?" he questioned, his tone cautious. "Could that have played a part in his actions as well?"

Dr. Solomon's response was measured and thoughtful. "Lucas's mental health is a relevant factor to consider, but we can't use it as a blanket explanation for his actions," he said. "It's a complex situation."

The prosecutor continued to explore all angles, trying to uncover the truth.

"So, you are saying that Lucas's actions were not solely driven by his emotions or mental health issues?" the prosecutor probed, seeking clarity.

Dr. Solomon nodded, his expression empathetic. "That's correct. We need to analyze the complete picture and not oversimplify the circumstances."

The courtroom tension was palpable as the truth began to unfold piece by piece. The emotions inside me churned like a storm, and I clutched the locket tighter, grounding myself in the love of my mother, my anchor in the chaos.

As the conversation continued, it became apparent that the reasons behind my actions were more intricate than anyone could have imagined. The courtroom drama intensified, and the weight of the truth bore down on me, but I knew that facing the truth, painful as it was, was the only way forward.
