Mrs. Snap grabbed him and put him beside her. "Harry, they just have a few questions about Halla," she said.

Harry looked at me. "What about Halla?"

"She's dead," Mrs. Snap said.

Harry blanched. "Dead?"


He nodded. "What questions?"

I cleared my throat. "What did you and Halla fight about?"

"She told me she's been talking to a guy who likes seeing her in different clothes. I told her she shouldn't send pictures to someone she's never met but she said she felt like she did. We went back and forth for a while. Me telling heroes was wrong and her telling me I was wrong."

"Did she this guy's name?" That would help us track him down. Then again it would be too easy if she had told him the name. Or if she even got the name. But I have yet to have a case that was easy. I don't even think easy cases exist.

"No, I asked and she told me he never told her."

See? It seems like she told him quite a bit. "Did she tell you anything else?"

"That her mom didn't know about it and that he told her she was beautiful. That won her over because she thought she was ugly even though I told her she wasn't."

"Alright. Thank you for your time," I said standing up.

"Wait," Lisa said then she turned to Harry. "Why did you run when you saw us?"

"You arrested my dad. I was worried I was next," Harry replied.

"Your dad stole and killed someone," she pointed out.

"I know," he said sadly.

"Lisa, come on," I said glaring at her. We got in my car and I started driving to the station. "I knew why he ran so why did you ask?" I said irritatedly.

She shrugged. "I didn't know why."

"Then you're stupid."

"Can we talk about the case? Halla seems to hate how she looked. Harry seemed to know what was right and what wasn't."

I sighed. "They both are reluctant to talk to the cops." By 'they' I meant Harry and Mrs. Snap.

"That too. We had to tase Mr. Snap to arrest him."

"I remember." Mostly because I had been the one to tase him. He had been fighting really hard and it had been the only way to subdue him. I remember little Harry screaming as he watched it and Mrs. Snap holding him and shaking her head sadly.

We were quiet for a minute. Then she broke the silence by saying, "When will I get to see my niece again? You and Jasp are hogging her."

Hogging her? She's our daughter! Besides, your parents watch her while we're at work. So they see her more than we do." Sort of.

She groaned. "Why do you never let me see her?"

I rolled my eyes. "You saw her two days ago."

"Yes, but it seems like I haven't seen her in forever."

I parked next to her car. "That's your fault. See you tomorrow."

She got out. "Tell my twin he should visit me and bring Amelia with him." She shut the door and got into her car.

I drove home and Amelia threw herself at me as soon as I opened the door. "Daddy!"

I smiled and closed the door with my foot. "Where's Papa?" I asked her.

She squirmed. She didn't like to be held that long unless she was scared. "In the kitchen."

I put her down. "You have a playdate with Faith on Saturday, okay?"


I went into the kitchen and gave Jasper a quick kiss. "Thanks for picking Amelia up. I know it was my turn to do it," I murmured.

"No problem. I knew you'd be busy. How's the case coming?" Jasper asked as he gave Am her dinner.

I shrugged as I sat. "Could be better." A lot better.

He sat. "I have looked at the body and it's the same as the others. I'll send it in the report tomorrow."

I nodded and we ate in silence. After I put Amelia to bed I sat beside Japs in ours. "We that he drives an orange sedan. We call him Night Wolf now though."

Jasper nodded. "I heard you say that Am has a playdate on Saturday?"


"Is Mrs. Air really up for it though? She did just lose one of her daughters."

"I know but she said she'd love to have her over."

"Okay. How are you doing?"

I blinked. I forgot he started asking me this question since I started this case. "Tired. I just wish this guy was caught."

He hugged me. "I do too."

I leaned into him. "How are you?"

"I want to be able to stop cutting into young people."

"He beats them then strangles them," I said listing the things the killer does to get Japser's input.

"He stuffs a gag into their mouths so they can't scream," Jasp reminded me.

I nodded. "He must always have pants, long sleeves, and gloves on too. We never get anything from under the kid's nails."

"He has a grudge against the female kids."

"Ture," I agreed. "Could the killer be a female?"

Jasper thought about that for a minute. "You're the detective but it's a possibility."

"You could be a detective too. You have a law degree and a medical degree," I grumbled.

"I do but I like my job."

I smiled. "I know though I will never understand why. I talked to the Snap family today."

I felt Jasper stiffen. See I had been injured badly in that fight so he was worried. "Why?" He asked.

"Halla had been friends with Harry Snap. He said they argued about her sending pictures to a stranger. She like it and he thought it was a bad idea."

"Smart kid."

"He's definitely not lie his father that's for sure."

He relaxed. "Seems like it."

"It's a good thing."

"It is."

"You seem distracted."

He sighed. "I've been thinking that Am needs a sibling."

I looked at him. "Now?"

"No, after your case maybe. We always said that we would adopt another kid after Amelia."

"She was a baby then," I said. "I thought we said we would wait until she was five."

"I know but lately I've been thinking that we shouldn't wait that long. I bet she'd love to have a younger sibling."

I nodded. "But it would be after Night Wolf's in jail, right?"

He nodded. "Things will be more settled then."

"I suppose it will." I stay silent for a minute. "Okay. I think we should."

"Good." He laid down.

I did too. "Oh, your twin says you need to visit her and bring Am with you."

He laughed. "I'll think about it."

We went to sleep.