The next day, I got up and got the kids ready to go to Edna's. I dropped them off and headed to work. Noah came over after I sat at my desk. "So we know who Night Wolf is," he said.

My head snapped up. "Who?

"Ken Sole."

"You mean had been dating our killer?" I asked.

He shook his head. "She never went on a date with him, remember? Paris had been killed the night she was supposed to meet him."


"Yeah. But it's not like he would have killed her since she was a blond and was five foot nine."

"He probably would have killed her just to get at me." What? It's not too far-fetched you know.

Noah blinked. "Why would he have done that? You only recently saved one of his victims and pissed him off."

Pissed him off was a good way to put it. I shook my head. "I don't know. I'm not thinking properly at the moment. Sorry." I rubbed my temples. My head was still killing me. "Did all the girls use the same app to get in contact with him?"

He nodded. "Lisa used the same app too."

I blinked. "You went through her phone too?"

"Well, when I found out Night Wolf was Ken Sole, I thought it would check to see if Lisa used the same app. Turns out, she did."

"Smart," I commented.

He smiled. "I can't take the credit. It was my wife's idea."

I chuckled. "Okay, then Amanda is smart."

"I am," Amanda agreed as she came into the room. "Hilda and Julian aren't here yet?"

I stood and went to the murder board. I wrote down his real name and glared at it for a moment. "Not yet. But to be fair, we three always get here early."

"Yes, but Julian is usually with us."

That's true. "Maybe Hilda and Julian spent the night together," Noah suggested.

I sighed "I hope not. Having one couple on the team is hard enough."

She looked at me. "Ed, are you sure you're ready for work? I mean you did just get beaten up yesterday by a serial killer."

I scowled at her. "I'm fine. I just needed to relax for a day and that's what I did."

"A quarter of a day is more accurate," Julian said as he came in.

I glared. "Who's side are you on?" He just got here and he's already going against me. I swear these guys are supposed to be my friends and colleagues but I think they just enjoy teaming up on me.

He sat. "Mine."

"Dude, where have you been? I was beginning to think you got eaten by something," Noah said.

Julian shrugged. "Around."

Amanda scowled. "You better not have been with Hilda."

He smirked. "Now what gave you that idea?"

I chuckled. Usually when he says that, he has been with whoever Amanda talks about. "You were with her, weren't you?"

"She asked," he said defensively.

"So are you in a relationship with her> Or was it a one-night stand?" Noah asked.

"She said she's been watching me and developed feelings for me," Julian said.

"So you're in a relationship now," I said.

He looked at me. "Is that what that means?"

I laughed. "Dude, you are so clueless."

"Not my fault women are confusing!"

"Uh, hello? A woman is in the room," Amanda said. "Besides, Ed's gay and he knew what that meant. Does that mean he's more observant than you?"

Julian rolled his eyes. "Obviously. But his being gay has nothing to do with it. He's just able to understand things that are seriously confusing to me. Hell, I pretty sure that's one of the reasons he was chosen to be our leader." He sighed. "Oh, and he's in a relationship, so of course he knows what that means. IJasper probably said it to him once too."

Noah saw my look and hcanged the subject."Hey, at least we know he's able to shoot someone," he said.

"True, though he did miss," Julian said.

This wasn't the subject I had in mind. "I didn't shoot to kill and he was moving," I said.

"You'd thought he'd stay still and let you shoot him?" Noah asked.

I glared. "No! I'm just saying that I purposely didn't shoot to kill. I was aiming for his shoulder but he moved at the last second so it just grazezd him."

Amanda smiled at my exasperation. "Come on, guys. If the bullet hadn't grazed this guy we wouldn't know Night Wolf's identity."

"Damn, she's right," Julian said,

"She is," Noah agreed. "We also have to give him the credit of saving Conya."

I snorted. "We both would be dead if an ambulance hadn't been on it's way past the house. He heard the sirens and freaked. Well, that's what Conya told me since I was passed out when this happened. Though I wish I hadn't been because I would have loved to see him freaked out."

Noah smirked. "The same ambulance that freaked him out was the same one that treated you."

I smiled. "I know. I had thanked them for driving by at the right moment." They had acknowledged my thanks and said that if someone hadn't called for them they would have driven by.

Amanda sighed. "Can you believe it? We actually saved one of Night Wolf's victims. It might have taken us a while but we still did it."

"Though Ed did most of the work," Julian said.

Noah looked around. "Was Hilda on her way when you left her house this morning?"

Julian snorted. "I hadn't spent the night. I left at one this morning. I just overslept. She's gotten to work this early."

"Well, if she wants to keep her spot on this tema, she'll have to start."

I had tuned them out because of a dawning realization. Night Wolf had been deprived of his next victim but there is one other person we know baout who might fit with who he goes after. "How tall is Hilda?" I asked abruptly as I mentally started running through everything we'll need to do.

"She's five foot six…" Julian's eyes widened. "And she has brown hair!"

I grabbed my keys and jacket. I started loading my gun. "We need to go. Now. "Julian, you lead the way since you've been to her house." The others jumped up and grabbed their keys and guns. We all ran out of the station and into our cars. Problem was there was traffic and our cars didn't have sirens. Julian texted and said he'll take us another way. Though this is the shortest way to get to her house. I texted back that the long way will be shorter than waiting for traffic to move along. That could take hours and we don't have that long. He could be at her house right now. So he turned right and the rest of us followed his lead.

If our cars had sirens on them we could get there quicker. As it stands, I can just hope we get there in time to save her from Ken Sole.