Demon's [II]

The sound of gentle rain tackling the leaves and foliage of the dark forest kept ringing in their ears.

It was extremely dark and almost night-like in the shadows of the forest. Especially due to the clouds that had long covered the sun's brilliance.

But neither Kevin Raven nor Han Li had any trouble seeing each other's faces. They were no mortal humans. They were cultivators with senses that surpassed humans by folds.

Especially the Raven. "Demon? Who? Me?" Kevin pointed at himself and laughed. "That's a good one. Really. The first time I heard someone call me that."

Shan Shan stood to the side in the darkness with only their voices being his clear sensation of the world outside. He didn't know what happened, but an unseen pressure had started building up the moment Han Li and Kevin met.

"Well, are you not a demon?" Han Li asked with a chuckle. His red eyes casually glinted at the rusty ancient sword in his opponent's back.