Autumn, Winter

The final month of the year, the 12th month, had begun a week ago.

More than almost a month since the chicken event happened in Han Li's household.

Autumn had come and passed; the leaves of the trees had fallen mostly while some resilient branches still held on to survival with the rare few verdant leaves.

Winter was rising once more in the distant horizons; the sun's shine seemed faint and pleasing from Southern Lust City now.

And as one might expect of winter, it was a time of silence the past few days.

Even the Awakening ceremony that passed yesterday was far less lively in comparison to the usual ones, which were full of chatter and liveliness.

Having mostly been simple pleasantries rather than anything of great expectation.

The fact that another of their clan mate failed in his attempt at Evolution didn't change that one bit other than worsening the silence of snow.