He is impossible because I know him

Kevin turn his face back . One look at Ziyu.

and from there he goes. the day goes by like this

school ends .

Jiyu ayenda won't happen please forgive me

"Ignoring someone is the worst feeling You never know what the next one goes through. "

I didn't remember.

Ziyu ,:forgave you

oh good bestfriend

Ziyu: yes

"Relationships get spoiled if you don't clear up misunderstandings. "

Sylvia: That's why I want to clear it.

jay: doctor I don't like talking about it with jun

who's he ?

hw is her friend

I just want her to be my friend just

just mine not him

I'm angry again

doctor: Don't you remember anything? you must ignore her .

Jay : no doctor why

doctor ; take medicine again it's good for you to ignore her.

Jay: thank you

Sylvia: And let's go to a cafe somewhere today .

Ziyu: not Today. want to sleep just

Sylvia: you go to sleep then . okey I'm leaving.

Sylvia goes to the restaurant instead of Ziyu.

I'm here in place of Ziyu today

sure work your duty start now .

go to the cafe Ziyu is studying after wake up . Beautiful knock on the door

who ?


I can't let you come jay comes here what

you are doing here ? he gets angry and punches her Next time you look closer to Sylvia I'll kill you.

Jun :Why are you overreacting so much? And please stay away from me sigh ;you know the thing, you already punched me.

JaY: leaves from there This must have happened to me because I got so angry .

Why do I can't controlled my anger .

Jun : goes to Sylvia's restaurant and tells

tell him to stay away from me I am saying this very lightly

Sylvia: what have done you , please tell me.

Jun : Jay beats me for you .

Sylvia: what mean of that ?

jun: i think he likes you and become jealous over me

Sylvia: this can't be possible