confused with my feelings

Kevin saw them together he wanted her to apologize But he felt that people did not care about him.

Jay It was good that I did not go to school today.

otherwise she would eat my brain

It's quite easy to make her fall for me .

look she is calling .

Sylvia; Why is he ignoring me ?

Why are you worrying about him what is happening to you?Ignore you

Jay :It hasn't come yet why she is not calling

become possessive psychopath.

Ziyu ; today I had to go again in club but can't tell her this .

Sylvia; I have to go jay house Ziyu . keep this house locked inside

Ziyu ; don't you worry about me

it's my chance now. It's weekend and I have to go to village tomorrow just collect money otherwise my mom will taunt me and my dad didn't earn . I just want to study my brother and make my life easy by money that's I'm earning.

She again go to club today she wore a blue dress with the same style.

(kevin ! Kevin ! what he is doing here in this time

oh no my bad .I shouldn't go I have to earn money from serving it's weekend and here come business man they will give me some tips ) in mind thinking of Ziyu

Kevin came with Lisa .

Kevin ; want to dance

Lisa ; yes go

they both left for club dance

Ziyu: thanks they both left .

bussinses man come ; here you're

ziyu ; here are the drinks you drink everytime you come here .

bussinses man ; thanks

Ziyu; want something else

bussinses man: your love is enough.

Ziyu ; what a shame you're so old uncle . I love to date your son Reither than you .

bussinses man ; what is you said

Ziyu : I said my love is not easy that you say and I give you .

business man; sounds interesting beautiful lady here is your tonight tip.

Ziyu ; thanks sir. she is a very good at acting .

feeling awkward after doing this thing feeling sad what she has done for earning. It's not a good idea to work here . she cry a little and then go out from club door outer .

Kevin saw her from back again she is same girl from yesterday and I want to see her . where she is going?

Kevin ; ( should I go or not why Lisa with me I can't even talk to her )

Kevin ; Lisa go home by own . I want to be here for a moment .

Lisa ; no you will go with me

Kevin full in anger go from there just

go .

Lisa; I'm feeling suspicious again you're with the girl you were holding on that day .

Kevin : think whatever you want I'm leaving.