don't know while knowing

Jay ; please understand me Sylvia.

Sylvia: don't I'm leaving now I'm not that kind of Sylvia you're assuming.

Jay ; I'm serious I like you but as a friend.

we could be friend first .

Sylvia: I'm leaving I have no time for it .

Sylvia; why he is always two face . I don't know him while I'm knowing him.

Ziyu : was waiting her on home .

She was late .

Ziyu ; what to do? I'm alone. I have no one to chat should I asked Jun but I have not his number . Where did she go ?

She was not at school. maybe he left with Jay . but Jay is not Right person.

Ziyu ; I have no one number .

its already 6 pm . should I go outside to search her . I don't know Jay's home and number .

let me wait her or go to play game . I'm facing anxiety in aloneness.

Ziyu went to game place. here she saw Elle

ziyu ; hey Elle do you have Jun number.

Elle ; no I haven't.

why are you asking for .

Ziyu ; actually I urgently needed..

Elle; I have Kevin number if you want give you it .

Ziyu : no I don't need it .

Elle: sure we'll ziyu why are you asking for his number you can tell me we are close now .

Ziyu : actually Sylvia lost

Elle ; who's Sylvia?

Ziyu ; she my friend she didn't went home so I was wondering to call him ..

Elle: he is also friend with her .

Ziyu ; yes they are childhood friends.

Elle; oh that's good.

Ziyu ; Kevin didn't come tonight

Elle ; no He didn't come .

Ziyu ; okey I'm leaving

Kevin entered after she left . she was again with the black style clothes.

Kevin ; Elle is she Ziyu ?

Elle ; Yeah she was here for asking the number of Jun why are you asking?

Kevin : huh ... asking number ( I guess they go so far away , I didn't noticed she like him very fast )

Elle ; yes actually Kevin . Her friend lost and She was asking Sylvia's childhood friend number .

Kevin ; ohh you told me first ( I misunderstood her wrong without knowing her .... situation )

Kevin ; thanks for it.

Kevin goes to Jay house .

Jay opened the door .Is Sylvia with you .

Jay; why are you asking for?

Kevin ; just enough

Jay ; she left half an hour .

Kevin ; well I'm leaving. good night

Jay ;He was very excited today what's with him,

Sylvia went to her mom house .

Sylvia again send Jun for informed her . She is not coming tonight.

bell ring . Ziyu was coming from behind .

you're here Jun .

Jun ; where you are come from ?

Ziyu ; I was searching her .

Jun ; she will not come home tonight.

she stays at her home . I was just here to informed you that .

Kevin was there to told her . She left Jay place . He was on his car . seeing her talking with him at this hour .

Kevin felt bad about seeing them together .He feel jealousy . He was in anger now .left from there . while driving He touched his head in anger.

( why I was jealous seeing her with him , noway it's just friendzone maybe I was jealous in friendzone .... huh friend we are not even friends yet... )