Are these feelings are mine

Sylvia ; touched his face 🤐

Are you okey Jay !

Jay ; yeah so ....

Sylvia; come with me .... she banged his face.

Jay ; are you okey too .

a; yes but I was scared too much after seeing them close to me .

Jay ; I don't know how how to fight that's why I was not competing with them .

Sylvia: I know that it's not your fault.

Jay ; ( she cares for me )

Kevin see his call log ; Jay called me .

Kevin call him . ringing

Jay ; oh hey Kevin

Kevin ; I didn't look your call sorry I was busy.

Jay ; it's okay.. it's nothing I was just wondering to call you .

Kevin ; okey see you tomorrow.

drop the call ... tttthh

Sylvia; Now we are good friends as you take a risk for me . So I'll consider you again my friend.

Jay ; at least you consider me something.

Sylvia; let's go home now .

Jay ; are you going to your home or mom's house.

It's late now if you go this time it will bad . I'll drop you home .

Sylvia; no I'll go .

Jay ; I said go with me it's not safe for you to walk this hour . you know the result already.

Jay dropped her home .

Ziyu opened the door.

Ziyu ; you back now . where you were . are you two on date . you did matching.

Sylvia: no it's just coincidence nothing much .

Jay: actually we are going to eat something where we eat last time the aunt restaurant.

Ziyu ; oh well it's good for you both.

come inside Sylvia.

Sylvia; I'm tired I want to sleep .

Ziyu ; sure .

Sylvia talking to herself ( I was scared. he look so handsome when was fighting. I can't wait but He get beated by them bastard. aw he feel pain , wait wait you are worries about him. you like her now ... Are these feelings are really mine .....

next day at school.

Jay ; Hey Sylvia Good morning.

Ziyu ; good morning jun and sit on her seat .

Jun talking with Ziyu .

Kevin noticed her again talking her with Jun.

Kevin ; She again talking with her .

wait wait .. she wore a scaff on her hair .

Kevin noticed that this is the scaff the club lady wore that day ( he was doubting her again not this time . He was sure that the girl in the club is Ziyu ..why she used me .... she work on club for making man mind fresh and making herself available for anyone man )

Kevin ; take a look at her with angry eyebrows.

Ziyu ; what this look . why are you staring me .

Kevin was just noticing her closely.

Kevin; I don't know why she using many people for her fun .

Jay was outside standing in the corner. have a juice for Sylvia and thinking about her shyly.

Kevin ; Jay I want to talk to you something it's for my friend .

Jay ; Who is your friend this time ?

Kevin ; someone you don't know ask you something tell me some consellation about it .

Jay ; okey !

Kevin ; I'll told you tonight. it's very difficult situation. about the girl ...

Jay ; Who is the girl ?