who do I like ...

Ziyu wake up and looked at Kevin

Kevin : oh you wake up

Jun ; why they are talking with eachother

Ziyu ; I'm not sleeping

Kevin ; your were sleeping at my shoulder .

Ziyu ; thanks for it .

Kevin ; we reached go with me .

Ziyu ; today you are very nice with me .

Kevin ; you never noticed that .

Ziyu ; I'm not sure.

Jay from behind Ziyu take me with you .

Kevin touched her hand she go with me not with you .

Jun; leave her hand .

Kevin : you should leave her hand .

Ziyu ; you two stopped please I don't want to go with anybody.

I'm leaving.

Kevin and jun stares at eachother angrly.

Kevin ; stay from her .

Jun ; you should just see . I already ask her out . she will be mine .

Kevin ; felt a bit sad and again afraid of losing her .

Kevin ; Ziyu stop here .

Kevin : he asked you for go out. you didn't tell me .

Ziyu; why should I ask you ?

Kevin ; you have to because I ....

Sylvia: you two are there.

Ziyu ; you're here Sylvia . I didn't see you here .

they both talking with eachother.

Jun ; Kevin ! you look sad .

Kevin ; I'm not . I just want to be alone

( my girl is chasing by one I don't like him .... why he is. the one who asked her out why she didn't ask me about that . we are not close enough..)

Jay ; from now on I will be good person for Sylvia.

Kevin ; it's good for you . I'm leaving.

Jay ; what's with him .

Kevin; I'm not alright ( she not close to me I'm feeling her something else . I want her but she will not be mine . I will be alone again , overthinking....)

Sylvia: Ziyu! Jay told me that Kevin was not feeling well . what's talk he did with you .

Ziyu ; I'm not sure.. really

Sylvia: tell me about what happened between you three . jun is not talking to me too .

Ziyu ; I don't know Sylvia. Jun asked me for go out and I' didn't say yes to him . but Kevin asked me that why you didn't tell me about it .

Sylvia; so you mean that Kevin asked you for that that's why He feel sad .

maybe they both like you Jun liked you very fast but I didn't know why Kevin likes you and how I can't believe.

it's impossible for Kevin to fall for you . but I think he like you too .

Ziyu ; What I do then .

Sylvia. ; obey what your heart saying.

in night of hotel room before sleeping. they all go to their places .

Ziyu thinking about what happened today ... can I give a chance both.

Sylvia was talking with Jay in her phone .

Ziyu look at her and become happy look at her she is happy now . thank God ...

Ziyu closed her eyes and thinks about Jun first and then Kevin .

She feel strange feelings for Kevin.

Ziyu ; I think my heart beats for Kevin just now .

Ziyu feels shy .. I guess I like Kevin just now noway such a strange man.

Ziyu maybe they both serious for me I didn't want this.. What should I do . I haven't his number.

student; come outside it's game playing outside.

it's truth game .

Kevin was there sit sliently.. his mood was off . He was not okey .. because when He needs a things it's goes far away from him .. Ziyu was there too .

Jay and Sylvia was enjoying with each other .

Jay ; I guess I like her for sure .

Sylvia become shy..

ohhhhhh all class shout .

Ziyu was seeing him . Kevin was there too but his mind is not here . His eyes was down . Jun seeing her staring at Kevin .