scared of losing you

Sam come on the Ziyu door . He was a short boy .

Ziyu knows that he is her brother.

Sam ; mother calling for Sylvia.

Ziyu : she just go outside.

Ziyu ; come inside . sister treat you best breakfast.

Sam ; I ate already. I want to leave here too after it .

Kevin was there again going to sorry her . who is that little boy . oh now she has little friend too . Kevin knocked at her door .

Sam opened door.

Kevin : oh you little boy where is Ziyu .

Ziyu ; yeah why you are here .

Kevin ; I was sorry from yesterday..

Sam : sister who is he ?

ziyu : who I don't want to know but know.

Kevin; huhh

Ziyu ; okey I'll accept your apology.

you should go .

Kevin ; I'm hungry please give me breakfast too .

Ziyu ; okey okey . sit both of you .

Ziyu gave the breakfast both of them .

Kevin ; ahmmm it's yummy

Sam ; sister even my sister don't treat me the way you treating me . you're nice really .

Ziyu ; eat well

Kevin: please give me food by your hand .

Ziyu : are you kid ?

Kevin ; yes feed me . some .

Ziyu ; childish!

Kevin ; just for you ....smiling at her .

Ziyu smile him back too .

ring bell . Sylvia come .

Sylvia: come with Jelena . she is cute and they become friends now .

Sam was there too .

Kevin and sam was sitting on the table of dinning.

hey All.... Jelena saw Sam in front of him .

they are just 14 at this time.

read on school with eachother.


sister in law He is your brother.

Sam ; sister in lawwww

Jelena ; yes doubt any

sam ; yes Sylvia sister IF mom know she will kill you. You are dating Jay .

Sylvia; but I fall in love since childhood.

Sam ; stop stop .

she will kill you not because you dating him it's you are dating.

Sylvia; please don't tell .

Sam ; just for one condition. if you stay me there.

Sylvia; done ..

Sam ; let's go...

jelena: Sam as you are here please let me know about you more we read in class .

Sam ; please I want to study .

Jelena ; okey read .

Kevin ; okey Ziyu it's my good day now I see you now . bye all of you .


Jun find her all history from the club manager. Jun used to follow her for very first. he is possessive and obsessed with Ziyu.

Ziyu ( it's so busy for me to go in Club tonight but I'll try ... it tonight)

Sam was doing his homework.

Sylvia was chatting with Jay .

Only I'm here .

Sylvia! I want to go there

Sylvia; oh there game play .

Ziyu ; right should I go Im bored .

Sylvia: yes go .

Ziyu Today I'll earn much more money . she come from village. she call her home .

how is life going there

mother ; it's same but much better . are you eating well . you're very hardworking girl. I proud of you . I wish your brother be like you . he doesn't understand you .

Ziyu ; it's okey . he is little . he is not studying.

mother; no he is free again .

Ziyu ; okey I'm busy ... person have to go.goodbye I'll come there after I get money .

" some person need to be responsible after facing some financial issue but my brother is sane "

let's go first for game then somewhere.

Elle : hey yours here Ziyu .

after a long time .

Ziyu : I was free so .

Elle ; just now jun come to ask about you .

Ziyu; oh well play game .

it's night now .

Kevin ; was there In evening.

Kevin ; you here .

Ziyu ; I'm going somewhere.. enjoy the game .

see you tomorrow .

Kevin left after she left .

she goes again in club and wore a dress blue today . and put her hair wig again and she becomes so pretty. she only go in weekend because they have so many bussinses man there in weekend.

Ziyu : he is Jun. what he is doing here.

Jun : oh look here a beautiful lady .

here sit and all business man yeah sit on our lap . Ziyu ; no need I'm okey .

Jun ; okey how . come here let's spend some more time with me. it will be good for you . He wave the money and put in her face . she was facing humility because of money . she is about to cry but she control her emissions there . bussinses man. drink some with us .

she was little dizzy . she knows that if she stay here for a while anyone can use her .

Jun touched her hand and try to grab her from the back . it's look like Ziyu you didn't told Kevin about your past scandal. leave me .

ziyu ; Kevin was right you're not a good man .

Jay ; yeahhh just for you I will be right .. he was trying to harassed her... she run away from there with this dress . She was feeling bit not well in this dress . she was about to cry too much but she control her emotion.

Kevin go to the maneger; did the girl come here .

maneger: yeah she come but I guess she was not okey today that's why she left.but it's something happens today I think she left because of that .

Kevin ; what what happened he was nervous .

maneger I guess a man trying to harassed her .

Kevin feel sad and become more sad after hearing this

she is not okey I need to find her . yeah she changed her dress from there I should be there .

He go again there... and wait for her .

He saw a girl wearing the same black upper and black trouser . and curve black hat and mask on her face .

Kevin : stop just here .

He stop her and he knows that she is Ziyu . remove her mask from her face . she was just about to cry .they both looked at each other by eyes . Kevin eyes was filled up with tears too .

He feel sad to see her crying .

you don't need to say . He hugged her tightly.

and cover her face inside his jacket. she started crying.

Kevin ; it's okey ! Ziyu ! I'm here . you must be startled.

He cleared her tears with his hands. stop !He hold her hand and put her mask again on her face .

and go to the place where there is no one .

Kevin: now told me who did it to you . just tell me his name . I'll kill him if he touched you again .

Ziyu was in shocked again she goes in trauma.

Kevin ; Ziyu are you okey .

he hold her hand tightly.they sitting in the ocean place and luckily it's moonlight when they always met .

Ziyu : how did you know that I was the girl in black .

Kevin ; it's not time for it . tell me about what happened with you .

Ziyu ; tell me because you don't want me in the end you will leave me after getting know my sandals.

Kevin ; I'll never .

Ziyu ; you love Lisa and in the end you have Lisa on your side . I'm nothing for you in the end .

Kevin ; shut up and listen me . I never love anyone before or like. my like and love is both for you not for anyone. you're my first priority. I always wants to here with me and end up with me in my life .

Ziyu ; but why I feel know body really want me . will leave me in the end .

Kevin : scared is the same . I feel this scared too . if I lost you I will have nothing. I'm not without you . you keeps me happy . just tell me be casual .

Ziyu : looks at him with teary eyes .

Kevin : say yes told me I'm listening.

Ziyu; okey I'll told you everything.