trust on someone you know

Ziyu : No I don't need help 

person: Are you sure ? 

Ziyu ; yes ..

person : I respect you because you are girl and you are here in this time .

Ziyu ; thanks but I can arjust 

Person was just going ziyu call him 

"stop here I wanna go with you "

why I'm trusting him . I need to call Kevin . 

Ziyu: no you go . person ; why are wasting my time .Ziyu : nothing I will go with you go this time . person; follow me then I have a place for you . 

Ziyu ; what I do ? should I Go for my home . 

no no I should stay here .

She was hopeless walking around roads.

I guess I have just Kevin on my side .

She calls Kevin ; Kevin sorry this night . I want to say something .

Kevin ; go ahead Ziyu I'm listening.Ziyu : Kevin I want your help can you come I send you location ohoooo you're here too . it's must be Destiny .

Ziyu ; why are here ? 

Kevin ; Who's the man voice behind you ? hey ziyu listen ... huhh

Ziyu ; I don't know him . We just met .

Kevin ; stay here I'm coming and stay from him aside.

Ziyu : ahn my honey jealous . childish 

Kevin ; I'm coming call drop tototh

Ziyu was looking here .. the same person ask her . Who's he on phone ?

Ziyu ; He is my future husband .

Person; oh so you're engaged with him .

Ziyu ; kind of 

person you just come inside the rain is about to start .

Ziyu come inside and sit here . person ;Here is drink drink it .

Ziyu ; no thanks .

Person; it's tasty , have a drink 

She was believing on the person who is stranger reither than who is hers . Trust is very beautiful thing if you keep on the trusted people. Ziyu take a sip of drink and she feels a bit dizzy ... She even don't know she was in club . the man was very cleaver used her for his mean. 

Kevin ; reached here and Ziyu was not there . He used his tracer to check her location . where is she? she was with man . He Trace her the weather was not good. the person was carry her to his room . She was unconsciously walking . here is your room coming girl.

Kevin go to the reception please I want to check the camera footage. He go to the room and looking for the all camera. He saw a man walking with girl . The girl was unconscious. She looks like Ziyu.

the man ; you're CEO child 

Kevin didn't hear and left to the room . Where he was taking to her.

He asked the receptionist the key of the room .

Man was about to take the advantage of Ziyu 

.Ziyu ; I was thinking you are a good man .

person; nobody is good these days . you're really pretty . he touched her face slightly.

Ziyu : move let me go .

Otherwise I will slap you .

person ; I'm happy if you slapped me beautiful girl.

Ziyu ; call Kevin again Kevin ! Kevin ! please save the phone was ringing.

Kevin attended . the person threw the phone from her hand and put it down strongly . it's attended . Save me please .

Kevin attended the phone ; don't scared I'm here . He opened the door by key . Ziyu walked and hugged tight to the Kevin while crying. Kevin stay here . Ziyu! .She was in shocked again . Kevin start beating him . how dare you to touch my girl . person; I didn't touch her much and you're over reacting and we'll I don't interested in her... I just paid for touching her .

KEVIN; again punched him . who paid you I said who ???

person ; Jun paid me . He wants revenge from you .He just paid me for sleeping with her inconveniencly so you leave her after knowing she stay a night with man .that's how you will leave her . but you come here . 

person; let me leave . He already pay me btw im leaving. huhhh 

Ziyu was shocked.... Kevin again come with her and say I trust you Ziyu ! it's not your fault. again hugged her and kissed on her forehead. she was shocked . She was again in trauma . other side Jay was okey now and Sylvia taking care of him . Sylvia; should I call Kevin ? Ziyu is very silly girl . I guess she has not find a space to live.

calling Kevin ; yes Sylvia why you called me .

Sylvia ; please help Ziyu. She has no place to live .

Kevin ; looked at Ziyu ... ( Why didn't she share with me )