Trust matters in love most


Jun ; Your girl.... she will never be your at a very first she told me about that she has fiance in her village... she will end up doing marriage to him 

Kevin ; shame on you . You are lying Noway.... you are lying.... You saying this because you are jealous of me with her 

jun; AHHHHHH Kevin... you know that ziyu was my friend when we were in school.. we were so close enough that she told me about her life,,, she did't told you she is using you 

Kevin was shocked JAY was here too 

you just shut up jun.... i just don't like you from childhood 

kevin was dishearted why she do this to me .... she thinks me nothing 

jay ; have pateince 

Kevin leave ,me alone ....for a moment 

other side ziyu was stumble on her home 

her mother wants her to marry so early because their relative son like her 

  she did't agree to marry him... she is still thinking about him.

should I call him and tell about all the situation \

it's midnight it was chilly weather...calling kevin

'kevin pick up the phone'

kevin was at his home lying on the bed looking at his room ceiling 

recieving a call from the ZIYU 


he see the call log and drop a eye tear...still thinking she cheats me 

ziyu what happened ? He did't attended my call 

ziyu she message him'''good night KEVIN MISSING YOU' 

kevin ; fake feelings,she did't love me at all.I guess this time I am the one who still don't want to leave me' i got serious attachement this time. ohhh kevin! What's happening with me ? 

jun was happy that they are going sepreated this time. he was happy 

bosss; you look happy 

'yeah why not ... i finally get my girl back ....but boss she is going to marry other guy 'no worries reallty 

i have a plan already..... ohooo boss finally win 

ziyu was tens thart kevin maybe avoiding 

ziyu was sad....she decided to tell all home about kevin next morning 

ziyu; mom good morning! my university is running ...I have to back to the city

noway you be here your in laws are coming today 

you are not able to leave.selfish girl!

why mom... you always used me for your mean. I am earning from a little age and you saying me selfish .... I want to live my life by own you promised me to study in university .I already paid my fee please let me go ....

go to your room

if your in laws give you permission yo may go then otherwise you are going to marry their son

'don't use me.... I already has someone that i love'

what you said already ahhhh where I GO... she slapped her 

leave him and marry him ..just it go your room. sadly she was sacrificing her dream everytime for their family but their family is not understanding her

she go to the room and call kevin 

kevin was sleeping and mode was slient 

what to do 

call sylvia was depressed about  jay '

sylvia' attended the call ziyu you are not here ''''something happened '''

ask kevin to pick my phone he is avoiding me 

sylvia; I am also very depressed jay is ingoring me too.

ziyu was weeeping please sylvia n=my mom forced me to marry him

sylvia; ohhh you did't tell about him to kevin 

ziyu; not yet,,,,,i guess he know in laws are coming please help ... I don't wanna lose him ....okey ziyu don't worry 

I will help you....I am going there 

jay was at his home ; sylvia come at the door ..... he was again with girl in his home they both are studying 

sylvia; ohhh enjoying....jay ''tell me about kevin ....I wanna meet him 

she again asking for kevin 

noway i will not tell you ....huyhhh why are you jealous over him ... I did't ask for this girl who is sitting with you

she calls kevin ...he attended 

I wanna ,meet you kevin in personal


they meet at the cofee place 

Kevin; tell me why you want to meet me,

just want to tell you about Ziyu ..she is very hopeless this time...she always afraid to loss you....she told me about her engagement of her relatives son. actually she did't agree to marry himf.. actually her mother took a lot debt from them so she wanted to sacrifice her with those selfish people ... please save her jun bewitch to you with his talk...don;t listen to her she really love you if you don't make a move for her just told her but don't gave her pain

kevin ; but why did't she told me about it 

''when you find a truth from other person  it's make you feel upset and it's bitter while the person who is hiding this truth don't telling you about this it make me feel bad too ''

just forget it kevin and make a move to her.... she need you this time 

kevin; was a little bit relaxed now