There were a total of 32 7x4 meter rectangles everywhere around the main hall. It was quite spacious to allow so many people to duel at once.

There was a stage portion which had some tables already prompted up, along with a large screen above the stage which had the logo "K.C." before shifting to "I.I.", advertising the sponsors of the tournament, Kaiba Corp and Industrial Illusions.

Waiting in front of a stage, he quickly thumbed his deck one last time for combo purposes before slotting it back to his deck, his nerves slightly going away after feeling the cards on his fingers.

Eventually, a middle-aged man with glasses along with a chubby man appeared and stood before the podium. Tapping on the mic to make sure that it was working, he leaned towards it before speaking.

"Good morning everyone, and welcome to the Annual Domino City School Under-15 Tournament. I am the commentator for this tournament, DX. This here is my co-commentator, Jayz."

Jayz gave a finger salute.

"Woah, DX and Jayz! They're commentators for Tier 2 to 1 Pro duels!"

Tizu said with awe as Ken raised his eyebrows.


"We will commentate on the semi-final and final games, we are thankful for the opportunity."

They gave a slight bow before continuing.

"Now, I know that you all have been waiting for this tournament to occur, so let's cut this portion short and get dueling, shall we?"

That prompted cheers from people around him, including Tizu as the main screen above the stage, showing the matchup for each participant.

Finding his name, he noticed a number beside his name, number 13. So, he quickly walked to the zone number 13.




Reaching there, he noticed a tall student with the air of superiority around him, making Ken sigh in annoyance. He could already feel the type of character that he was facing.

Noticing Ken, the kid snorted before remarking.

"I'm fighting against a kid? Ref, is this the right person?"

He said with disdain as the referee at the side asked him to prove his identity. Showing his tournament ID card that they gave earlier when he entered the hall, he couldn't help but glare at the bastard.

Sure, he was short for his age, but he was still growing! Besides, being 143 cm tall at the age of 12 is not a fucking crime.

Staying silent since he knew that it was a waste of breath, he walked to his side of the field before raising his Duel Disk arm, pointing it at his opponent's Duel Disk.

There was a sensor on the Duel Disk that allowed it to scan and register a match officially, so that no shenanigans after the duel occurred would happen.

The Duel Disks did its thing automatically as the blades on it expanded, revealing the iconic Duel Disk in its glory. Taking out his deck, they walked to the center and gave it to the other person, as it was stated in the rule book to shuffle your opponent's cards well to avoid any cheating.

Silently, he overhand-shuffled his opponent's deck without looking at the cards since it was banned (There was a referee who watched their every move), ignoring the taunts of the kid in front of him before they handed their decks back to their owners.

'Please, I heard the taunt "You look like a girly" too many times now.'

So what if he looked like a girl? Hell, he doesn't even look like one, he's just a little on the feminine side due to his height and body shape. No need to verbally insult him even after knowing his gender (Though the ID card).

Feeling a bit of anger, he slots his deck into the deck slot before glaring at his opponent.

He'll make him regret even thinking about joining this event.


Ken's LP: 4000

???'s LP: 4000

The referee quickly took out a coin to choose who decides the turns.


Ken called out heads while the kid in front of him calls out tails.


The coin lands on the referee's hands and revealed it to be heads.

"I'll go first."

Drawing his opening hand and his turn 1 card, he hums at the cards he drew before starting his turn. Taking three cards out of the six, he places them onto the Duel Disk.

One card on the blades faced down horizontally, and two in the spell/trap zones faced down.

"Main phase. I set a card in face down Defense Position before setting two cards in the back row. I end my turn."

The holograms of a horizontal face down along with two face down vertical cards behind it appeared with a mechanical sound effect.

"Heh, what a horrible start! I'll show you what a real man's turn goes! I draw!"

... This bastard —

He drew his card before grinning.

"I summon [Luster Dragon] (1900/1600) in Attack Position!"

A white light appeared on his side of the field before the hologram of a nostalgic blueish dragon appeared with the values of its ATK and DEF near it.


"Battle! I attack your set down card!"

[Luster Dragon] took flight, soaring high before dive-bombing Ken's face down set card.

It flipped, and the attack connects... and revealed a marshmallow with its gut stretched from the dragon's attack.

"[Marshmallon]'s (300/500) effect activates. It can't be destroyed by battle. And if this card was attacked faced-down, you take 1000 damage."

Ken explained as [Marshmallon] floated to his opponent before taking a good bite at his leg.

???'s LP: 4000 → 3000

"... Tsk!"

With a tongue click, he ends his battle phase, setting a card faced down and was about to end his turn when Ken activated one of his face downs by pressing a button on the designated card's zone near the deck zone.

"On your end phase, I activate my trap, [Compulsory Evacuation Device] to return one card to one's hand. The target that I choose is [Marshmallon]."

A device suddenly appeared under [Marshmallon]. With a burst of an explosion, [Marshmallon] flew up into the sky before shining a white glow, symboling that it had returned back to his hand.

His opponent ends his turn with an idea of what was happened.


Ken drew, and stared at his hand before setting [Marshmallon] faced down.

"After setting a card face-down in Defense Position, I activate [Pot of Greed]."

Drawing two more cards, he set one more card in the spell and trap zone before ending his turn, having almost everything to win.

"My turn! Draw!"

He drew before glaring at him.

"Don't think you'll get away with your boring tactics! I summon [Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1] (1400/1200) in Attack Position!"

Appearing beside [Luster Dragon], it gave out a roar before he entered battle phase.


[Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 attacks]!"

The attack connects and [Marshmallon] appears once again.

???'s LP: 3000 → 2000

"I then activate my trap card, [Ring of Destruction] to get rid of your puny marshmallow!"

That made Ken a little surprised as a ring of grenades suddenly appeared on [Marshmallon]'s head before the grenades ignited.


The explosion caused Ken to shield his eyes as their Life Points dropped by 300, the number on the Duel Disk that displayed his LP dropping.

Ken's LP: 4000 → 3700

???'s LP: 2000 → 1700

"Now [Luster Dragon] attacks!"

[Luster Dragon] does its dive bomb again, but Ken quickly activated one of his trap cards.

"I activate my trap card, [Mirror Force]! The attack is negated, and all your monsters are sent to the GY!"

The dragon slams into a semi-translucent barrier before it explodes into mirror shards outwards, the shards stabbing both of his opponent's monsters before they shattered into light.

The shock of his face made Ken a little satisfied, with him sadly ending his turn after setting two cards. Putting [Mirror Force] into the GY, he starts his turn.

After drawing, he looks at his cards before smiling.

He won this duel.

"I activate my face down card, [Hey, Trunade!]. Every spell and trap card on the field will return to the owner's hand."

Pressing the button on the Duel Disk, wind suddenly flared as a tornado with an angry face blew all the holographic cards in the back row away. He took his remaining face down back.

It was a [Bottomless Trap Hole], but he didn't need it. He had everything to win, now that the two face downs on the opposite side were removed.

"From my hand, I'll play [Double Summon]. I can make two normal summons or sets this turn."

Taking a card from his hand, he places it in Attack Position.

"I summon [Fairy Tail - Luna] in Attack Position."

In a glow of white, a cute fox girl wearing a kimono with a fan covering her mouth appeared, floating as she curled her tail around her body.

"Her effect activates, letting me add a Spellcaster with 1850 ATK from my deck to my hand if she's summoned."

Thumbing through his deck, he takes out the card that he found before slotting it back into the deck zone after shuffling, too bad that the Duel Disks don't shuffle for them automatically.

"Because of [Double Summon], I can summon another card. I summon [Fairy Tail - Snow] in Attack Position."

A cute squirrel girl appeared wearing a red version of Snow White's dress, tilting her head before waving shyly at his opponent.

"Battle, I attack with [Fairy Tail - Luna]."

With a hmph, [Fairy Tail - Luna] waved her fan as thunder suddenly came down from the sky and slammed into his opponent, dropping his LP to 0.

???'s LP: 1700 → 0

"Imagine losing to cute fox girls. Well, I hope you'd do better than a "girl" in the losers bracket."

He mocked as the holograms faded away, the Duel Disks turning off, and its blades retracting into its compact mode at the victory, before walking away to wait for his next match.


Read future chapters early in Pa**eon.

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