Pegasus draws a card before starting his turn.

"A very well turn, Yusou-boyya. Two monsters on the field, two face downs, and a few Pot of Greeds for the next turn. As expected for the U-15 champion.

I start my turn by playing the spell, Toon Bookmark from my hand. I can add 1 Toon World card or a card that mentions Toon World from my deck to my hand. I choose my new favorite card, Toon Kingdom!"

The details of Toon Kingdom appeared on the screen of the console as Pegasus searches the card from his deck. Adding it to his hand, he instantly plays it.

The surrounding Monarchs disappeared into light, and replacing the surroundings were castles of cartoons, with a book floating near Pegasus that had a pop-up castle.

"As a cost, I must banish 3 cards from my deck face down.

I will then play my quick-play spell, Toon Page-Flip! If I control Toon World, I can reveal 3 Toon monsters with different names from my deck, and you have to randomly pick 1 for me to special summon, ignoring its summoning conditions.

And since Toon Kingdom acts as Toon World when it's on the field, its effect goes through! Now, Yusou-boyya, choose!"

The cards that he revealed were 3 copies of Toon Black Luster Soldier. Reading its effects, Ken winces at the effects.

"I will choose Toon Black Luster Soldier, Mr. Pegasus."

"Very well. I shall now special summon Toon Black Luster Soldier in Attack Position!"

With a ray of light, the cartoonish Black Luster Soldier appears on the field, its hat starting to cackle when Ken yelled out.

"I now activate my face down continuous trap, Escalation of the Monarchs!"

Ken flips his face down as a red and blue sphere starts to spiral above the battlefield.

"Once per turn, during your main phase or battle phase, I can tribute summon 1 monster immediately after this effect resolves.

Then, I'll flip my second face down, The Monarchs Stormforth! Once during this turn, if I would tribute a monster for a tribute summon, I can tribute 1 monster your opponent controls even though I do not control it!"

Angmarl started to roar as a huge tornado started to blow.

"I will use Eidos as material to tribute summon Caius the Mega Monarch!"

Eidos started to salute before it gets sucked into the tornado. After a second, Caius emerges from the tornado, falling down onto the ground in his field.

"Caius' effect activates! When I tribute summon him, I can target a card on the field, and banish it! I target Toon Kingdom! If it hits, Caius does 1000 damage to you!"

Caius started to focus energy into his palm before firing it at the book.


Pegasus' LP: 4000 → 3000

The blast that was near his body caused Pegasus to cover his face as holographic debris and dust surrounded him. The castles started fading away as Pegasus pats off the dust on his coat.

"... Well played, Yusou-boyya. You have me in quite the bind..."

He formulates a plan before continuing with his turn.

I will play Toon Table of Contents! This allows me to add 1 Toon card into my hand. I choose Toon Kingdom!"

He plays the card that he just got, returning the book from the grave.

"I shall enter battle phase! Toon Black Luster Soldier's effect activates! While I have control of Toon Kingdom, he can attack directly!

The soldier starts to raise his sword and jumped up high before slashing Ken with a downward strike.

Ken' LP: 4000 → 1000

"I will set one card face down, and I end my turn."

Ken stared at his hand and his field before taking a deep breath. If he drew the cards that he needed, he could end this duel in this turn.

"... I draw."

Drawing, he starts to grin as he quickly played it, his mind starting to block out everything unnecessary.

"I activate Domain of the Monarchs!"

Toon Kingdom shatters into white particles as the familiar monsters surrounded and bowed before Ken.

"No, my Toon Kingdom!"

Pegasus cried out in sadness.

"Next, I'll play my Pot of Greeds to draw two cards thrice!"

Drawing 6 cards, he starts his turn.

"I'll play Pantheism of the Monarchs to draw 2 after discarding a Monarch spell or trap card from my hand!"

Discarding another Monarchs Erupt, he drew two. He had everything.

It was showtime.

"Let's do this! I use Eidos' effect in the GY! By banishing it, I can special summon one monster with 800 ATK and 1000 DEF from my GY to the field, except for Eidos. I special summon Edea the Heavenly Squire back from the grave!"

With a flash of light, Edea returned back to his field in Defense Position.

"Now, her effect activates! I can special summon another monster with 800 ATK and 1000 DEF from my deck to the field in Defense Position. I choose Eidos the Underworld Squire!

His effect activates upon summoning him, I can now tribute summon 1 extra time!"

Looking at Pegasus' face down, he quickly took one card from his hand before playing it.

"I use the quick-play spell, Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your set card!"

The set card gets swallowed into a typhoon that appeared under the card, revealing it to be Toon Mask before it shattered.

"I use Domain of the Monarch's effect to reduce Ehther's level on my hand by 2 levels, meaning she's now a level 6 monster! Using Edea as material, I tribute summon!

Appear before me, Ehther the Heavenly Monarch!"

Edea kneeled down before shattering, her essence fusing together to summon Ehther the Heavenly Monarch as she descended from the dark mist.

"Ehther's effect activates upon summoning! I can send 2 Monarch spell or trap cards with different names from my hand and/or deck to the GY, and if I do, I can special summon 1 monster with 2400 or more ATK and 1000 DEF from my Deck, but return it to my hand during the end phase.

I send Stormforth from my hand and Tenacity from my deck to the GY!"

Ehther raised her staff, illuminating the mist away as a being walked with large strides towards Ken.

"Come forth, Erebus the Underworld Monarch!"

With a flick of the wrist, Erebus summoned a throne from the ground as he sat, leaning his head on his fist as he stared at Pegasus menacingly.

"Finally, I use Eidos as material to tribute summon Kuraz the Light Monarch from my hand!"

Eidos dissipates in place for Kuraz to appear in a yellow beam of light.

"Kuraz's effect activates! I can target up to 2 cards on the field and destroy those targets. If it goes through, each player can draw 1 card for each of the cards they controlled that was destroyed by this effect. I target your Toon Black Luster Soldier!"

Aiming a finger gun at Toon Black Luster Soldier, it barely had time to widen its eyes all toon-like before disintegrating from the field.

Pegasus drew a card, but both of them already know who had won the duel.

"Battle! Ehther the Heavenly Monarch and Erebus the Underworld Monarch attacks directly!"

Swaying her staff, Ehther generates a huge ball of light before it launches at Pegasus, erupting on contact while Erebus created stone spikes that rose from the ground.


Pegasus' LP: 3000 → 0

Still with adrenaline in his veins, Ken subconsciously raised his left hand, doing a finger gun gesture towards Pegasus while his right hand was pushing his hair up.

"The Show's Over!"

Snapping out it, he blinks before facepalming in embarrassment at what he did.

"Really? Are you kidding me?!"


Looking up, he watched as Pegasus clapped his hands with a smile on his face.

"Very well done, Yusou-boyya! That was the best duel that I've ever played! I didn't even stand a chance!"

Now embarrassed at the praise, Ken replied with the truth.

"Mr. Pegasus, that was the best duel that I've had too."

That was true, that duel was peak out of his career of dueling. This was the first time that he had to hope RNGesus gave him good cards.

Pegasus laughed at that.

"Then I'm honored to be your current best player then! Now..."

Keeping his deck into his coat, Pegasus deactivated the dueling stations before walking down the stairs.

"Let's get to business, shall we?"




"You want to sponsor me?!"

Ken asked with shock as Pegasus sips his tea from his cup.

"Yes. You have potential, Yusou-boyya. Especially after that duel, I'm certain now that you'll go very far in the pro scene. That's why I'd like to sponsor you before any other company or brand."

Taking the documents that were on the table, he looked at the details.

Thankfully it was already simplified so that a 12-year-old could understand a contract, which made him breathe a sigh of relief since he'd never seen a company contract before, even in his past life.

Yusou Ken must:

1. Wear Industrial Illusion logos all the time.

2. Attend dueling competitions that the company deems worthy.

3. Stream Virtual Duel Monster duels once every week.

4. Reach Diamond Rank or higher in Virtual Duel Monsters upon release.

Industrial Illusions must:

1. Compensate Yusou Ken if needed.

2. Help Yusou Ken with agendas regarding Duel Monsters, eg. Obtaining cards, Finding best card deals, etc.

3. Give Yusou Ken a copy of Virtual Duel Monsters a month before release.

4. Give a salary of 500,000 Yen per month, with 10% from streaming and 50% from tournaments.

NOTE: Conditions are subjective to changes as contract renews every year.

"So, what say you, Yusou-boyya?"

Pegasus asked as Ken thought of the terms. Sure, it looked good to him, but he had to make sure.

"Can I cancel this contract anytime?"

"Hmm... 3 months after agreeing to it, you may cancel this contract if you wish to. Any less and I'll lose profit."

"And what is this Virtual Duel Monsters?"

"Join us, and I will tell you all about it."

Pegasus said with a cryptic smile.

Thinking about it one more time, he eventually took the pen that Pegasus had laying on the table before signing it.

Handing the documents over to Pegasus, he checks them before smiling with excitement.

"Welcome to Industrial Illusions, Yusou-boyya! Now, about the Virtual Duel Monsters..."


Read future chapters early in Pa**eon.

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