Ch. 4 - Becoming a waiter

Just in time for Sam to receive his first template, his body suddenly started making changes. His previous skinny arms started gaining a little bit of muscle, not too much but it's noticeable if you focused enough.

Sam's senses were also heightened to the almost superhuman levels. However, Sam could feel that there's still a big room for improvement when it comes to his senses.

"Weird, why do I suddenly feel a little bit strong when I just received my template?" Sam muttered a question to himself, which was soon answered by the system.

[Since it is your first template, you are gifted an additional 10% in progress.]

Reading this, Sam almost jumped in excitement however, he immediately fought the urge in, he is in a sacred hall, he can't show such impolite acts.

Sam tried to find a mirror to take a look for himself but found none, so he dejectedly just looked down at his body.

He could trace some lines on his body, though it's a bit unnoticeable but it's still there.

When Sam was thinking of testing his strength here, his ears suddenly perked up when he heard a silent movement behind him.

"Who?" Sam immediately turned around but found no one.

"I swear I heard someone." Sam muttered to himself.

"Down here, you idiot!" Suddenly, someone grabbed his hair and brought his head down on the ground.

And finally, he saw Master Shifu looking at him in disappointment.

"I'm impressed that you can hear my movements but you can't even use your eyes to perceive me." Master Shifu then proceeded to shake his head in disappointment.

Sam could already tell that Master Shifu holds a resentment towards him.

"Who are you?" Since he just technically got here, even though Sam already is this small rat-looking man in front of him, Sam still feigned as an ignorant teen.

"Ahh, you must've lived in the mountains if you don't even know who I am. I'm very disappointed in you. And here, I thought you're worthy of the title of Dragon Warrior." Master Shifu shook his head in disappointment once again.

Having enough of his shit, Sam finally snapped. He felt like he's not welcome here!

"So? Who cares about the Dragon Warrior? I didn't sign up for this shit!" Sam said with a scoff before proceeding to exit the sacred hall.

"Disrespectful and use of bad language! I don't even know what Master Oogway saw in you! Maybe it was all a fluke! It doesn't matter, by tomorrow a new Dragon Warrior will be chosen! Someone that deserves it!" Master Shifu yelled back as Sam exited through the large door.

With his strength, he managed to push the door and exit through the small gap, earning him a raised eye brow from Master Shifu.


"Seriously, I just got here and now I'm the Dragon Warrior?" Sam started kicking small pebbles as he spoke.

"It should've been Po. I wonder where he is?" With one last kick, the pebble that Sam kicked started falling down on numerous amounts of stairs.

"Po's greatest enemy!"



"I heard that the Dragon Warrior fell from the sky! Like a Dragon!"

"Cool! What does he look like?"

"He has a black hair like the night sky! His body was also ripped! However, he looked a bit like Master Tigress but he has no fur except for his head. He also doesn't have a tail. He's wearing nothing but pants!" The Pig started describing Sam's appearance to the small rabbits in front of him.

"You mean like that guy?" A rabbit child said while pointing at a man walking on the street with his hands on his pockets.


The pig suddenly gasped in surprise before started running on his tiny legs to reach Sam.

"Dragon Warrior!" While jumping around excitedly, the pig then pointed his finger at Sam while shouting in excitement, gathering the attention of the nearby citizens.

"Did someone say Dragon Warrior?" While still wearing an apron, a fat panda suddenly walked out of the curtilage of a small home packed with tables and customers.

"Woaahhh! Are you the Dragon Warrior?" Immediately walking in front of Sam, Po kneeled while asking with twinkling stars on his eyes.

"Yeah! Are you really the Dragon Warrior!" A young piglet shouted across the crowd, making the others shout their comments also.

"Is he really the Dragon Warrior?!"

"Of course he is! I saw it in my eyes! He's like a dragon that fell out of the skies!"

Seeing the sudden increase of commotion, Sam doesn't want to disappoint them any further, so he refuted anything they said.

"Calm down, everyone. It was just a fluke. I am not the Dragon Warrior. It was all nothing but a mistake. I heard from Master Shifu that they'll choose the Dragon Warrior again in a few more days or so." When Sam said this, they all started leaving in sadness, making the earlier crowded street, almost desolate.

Sam wiped off his sweat and noticed that Po was still standing in his place while still looking at him.

"Uh, why are you still here?" Sam was weirded out so he asked.

"I don't believe you." Po said in a serious face, while slowly marching towards him.

Gulping nervously, Sam doesn't know why he is even nervous in the first place.

It wasn't until Po arrived in front of him and his previous serious expression suddenly changed to fascination.

"You must be on a super secret mission! The enemy must not know that you're the Dragon Warrior so once they're left with their guard down, you'll strike them hard like Ka-pow! Ching! Bam! And boom!" Po started rambling and making Kung-Fu movements that left him tripping with his face flat on the cemented floor.


"Oof! Ow!" While getting up, Po massaged his nose in great pain while Sam couldn't hold his laugh and started laughing out loud.

"Ah hahahahaha! Man, you're a funny guy." Sam laughed as Po shyly stood up and scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"R-really? Wow, thanks. You're the first guy that ever said that to me." Po smiled brightly, as he fiddled with his fingers, still shy on being complimented by Sam.

Sam knew that Po and his adoptive father were running a noodle restaurant. Having no place to stay in, Sam suddenly had a great idea in his mind.

"Hey panda." Sam snapped his fingers and called out his name, catching his attention.

"Wh-what?." Po snapped out of his thoughts and asked in wonder.

"I can see that you're running a Noodle Shop." Sam said while pointing towards their restaurant.

"Oh? Oh yeah, you should eat at our Noodle Shop sometimes. I guarantee that you will like my dad's noodles." Po proudly and confidently said.

"Ah, that's the problem you see. I don't have any money or a place to stay. So I was kinda hoping that maybe you're hiring some helpers for your restaurant. I'm very good at serving people, in fact, I could even do overtime if you want. Actually, you guys don't have to pay me, I just need a place where I could stay and eat without having to pay anything. What do you think?" Sam explained his circumstances which left Po speechless for a while.

"Uhh, hello?" Waving his hand in front of Po. Po was woken up by the suddenly movement in his vision and without hesitation, Po immediately gave his answer.

"Of course!..ehem, I mean I would be delighted to have you." Po yelled in excitement before realizing it and toned down his volume.

"Thanks!" Sam sighed in great relief.

"Come with me! I'll introduce you to my dad." Po then proceeded to grab Sam's hand and dragged him inside their home where Sam finally got to meet Ping, Po's adoptive father.

"Po? I noticed that you were gone in a while? And who is this guy?" Ping noticed Po's arrival and greeted him before pointing his ladle at Sam.

"Uh, dad. This is the Drag- I mean this is..." Po was still thinking that Sam was working undercover, so when he almost slipped up, he immediately stopped himself.

"Uhh, what's your name? We kinda forgot to introduce ourselves. My name is Po by the way." Po leaned his head to Sam's ears and whispered.

"I'm...." Sam hesitated for a while. He was thinking of using Jin's name as his new identity in this world, after all, there's a chance that his percentage with Jin might increase if he uses his identity for himself.

[A/N: From now on, he'll be identified as Jin instead of Sam. Since I think the name Jin sounds cooler and blends in with the world of Kung-Fu Panda.]

"...Jin. My name is Jin Kazama." After a moment of hesitation, Sam or Jin, finally made his decision to take Jin's identity for himself. So, he introduced himself out loud.

"What a cool name." Po almost went out of breath just by the sheer excitement and coolness of Jin's name.

"I'm here to work as a waiter. I promise that I wil-." Just when Jin was about to state his worths and why he should be working at Ping's Noodle Shop. Mr. Ping didn't hesitate to grab another apron, similar to Po's and wrapped it around Jin's abdomen and tied it behind him.

"Welcome to Ping's Noodle Shop! Here take these bowls and bring them to that table. Don't forget to take their payment before they leave, okay?" Mr. Ping then proceeded to place a bunch of bowls with soups inside them and instructed Jin about what he was supposed to do.

Although surprised by the sudden order, Jin was quick to adapt and recovered immediately before grabbing the bowls and left the kitchen with great balance, not spilling any soup from the bowls.

"Well that was quick." Jin muttered to himself.


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