Ch. 44 - Corona Kingdom

While riding on a horse with Tigress running by their side, Jin lets go of the reins and spreads the rolled up map. Rapunzel was behind him, hugging his abdomen.

"Let's see here, the nearest kingdom is the Corona Kingdom. So, that would be our destination." Jin said, he also decided to look at the nearby kingdoms.

"Arendelle? That sounds familiar? And Far Far Away? Is that even a Kingdom? Who the hell names their Kingdom as Far Far Away?" Jin complained under his breath as he rolled the map back and placed it in his back pocket.

There is actually a reason why he wanted to go to Corona Kingdom, which is Rapunzel's Kingdom where she was born. Jin wanted Rapunzel to recognize her real parents and that her current 'mother' is nothing but a thief and a selfish person. And he wanted to prove it to Rapunzel. She might be innocent and naive but she's not dumb enough to not notice that her 'mother' is not her real mother. In the movie, Rapunzel immediately blamed and accused her 'mother' after knowing that she was lying to her all along and that she was actually the lost princess.

[A/N: For those who don't know or haven't realized, Jin's personality leans more towards kindness, instead of being neutral like other protagonists.]

"What are you thinking?" Rapunzel noticed his distant look and asked.

"Nothing." Jin shook his head and replied.

"Can you tell me more about the outside world? Those lanterns, was it? Are they as beautiful as I saw them from afar?" Rapunzel asked, initiating a conversation between them.

"Well, I don't know much about this continent, me and Tigress are from a very far away land however, if you're asking about these lanterns, then my answer is yes. They're not only as beautiful as you imagined them to be but they're more beautiful up close. I promise you that." Jin said with a smile.

"Wow....I can't wait to see them again, but they only happen every time during my birthday each year. My birthday is the day after tomorrow." Rapunzel said with a downed expression, sad that she won't be seeing the lanterns anytime soon and would have to wait until her birthday comes.

"Well then, how about we travel around the Kingdom before your birthday? I'm sure it has many customs and traditions that you would definitely like." Jin said while inside his mind, he's determined to let Rapunzel discover that she's the lost princess before her birthday. In Jin's mind, he wanted Rapunzel to reunite with her parents before her birthday, and also to release the sky lanterns with her parents.

"Really! I can't wait to make friends with everyone! Do they also have delicious food?! I always eat soups and vegetables everyday. Mother said those are the only foods that she can find for me outside." Rapunzel said with a downcast expression.

"Yup! Your mother must've been harsh on you. In fact, I think she was lying to you, Rapunzel. Sure there are some bad and selfish people outside but not everyone. Rapunzel, do you think the people outside are the people you should really hide from or perhaps someone that has been using you all along?" Jin said, dropping some hints about her deceitful mother and that she's the real person that she should hide from.

Rapunzel grew quiet, after hearing what he said, which means that Jin's words are truly having its effect. As long as Rapunzel starts to doubt Gothel, then when he takes her to the Kingdom, it would be easy and smooth for her to realize that she's the lost princess of the Corona Kingdom.

Meanwhile, Tigress was listening to their conversation and couldn't help but praise Jin inside her mind. She also knows that Rapunzel's 'mother' is the selfish person that she's being scared about. She just needs to face reality.

Throughout the journey, Rapunzel has been quiet until they finally arrived at their destination. It seemed as if nothing happened during their journey as Rapunzel is back to her usual excited and curious self.


The Corona Kingdom was beaming with happy people, who did their own businesses while some children were running and chasing each other.

Rapunzel even played with some children while Tigress just tried her best to blend with the background, though she cast an envious and longing look to some parents who are walking along with their children.

At a young age, Tigress has never met her real parents. All she knew was that she was abandoned in Bao Gu Orphanage, where she was shunned by other kids and eventually was found by Master Shifu.

"Are you okay?" Holding her hand, Jin asked her with some worry.

"I'm fine..." Tigress answered, looking away from Jin's eyes, not wanting for him to see her expression through her eyes.

"Look at me, Tigress." Jin said as he placed his finger on Tigress's chin and made her look at him.

"What's the problem? As your husband, it is my duty to fulfill your desires and make sure you're satisfied as long as I live." Jin said with a warm smile, making Tigress lean her head on his shoulder and said.

"I'm just....wondering why my parents abandoned me at the orphanage at that time. Do they hate me? Or were they not satisfied with my appearance? I never knew their reason and I wish I knew." After a bit of hesitation, Tigress finally opened her problem to Jin, who nodded his head.

Jin was shocked at the problem and couldn't help but pat her back.

If it comes to things like this, his wisdom may not be that useful, after all, he grew up with a loving family, so he doesn't know what Tigress feels, so he could only give her personal advice.

"Sometimes, my little kitten, life's path can be filled with twists and turns we can't fully understand. Just like a tea blend takes time to steep, so does the wisdom of our experiences. Remember, the choices of others are not a reflection of your worth. You have the power to shape your own destiny, and your heart's resilience can be your greatest strength." Jin smiled, however inside his heart, he was shocked at the words he just uttered.

'How the heck did I say those words?' Jin sweated a bit as even he felt a bit enlightened by what he just said.

'Iroh's template is too strong!' Was what Jin felt towards the new template he just got.

"That's wise. I felt like I was talking to Master Oogway just now." Tigress praised him and felt the similarities between Jin and Master Oogway.

"Thanks." Obviously, Jin took that as a compliment.

While they were talking, they didn't notice that Rapunzel's hair was braided by a bunch of little girls that were mesmerized by her long hair.

"That's beautiful." Jin complimented her while Tigress nodded her head in agreement. Unlike other girls who may get jealous if their lover complimented someone, Tigress's mindset was different. She only felt that Jin was really complimenting her beauty but not in a romantic way, it's more like complimenting a friend.

"Thank you!" Rapunzel flashed a smile as she took out a handkerchief and showed it to them.

Jin and Tigress saw the handkerchief was purple and had a beautiful sun art etched as its design.

"Look at this!, It's beautiful, right!" Rapunzel excitedly said while Jin just asked her a question.

"Uhm, Rapunzel...where did you get that?" Jin asked while pointing at the handkerchief.

"Oh this? I just grabbed it there." Rapunzel said while pointing at a stall where a man was standing and selling the handkerchief.

"Let's find someplace else." Jin said before dragging both Tigress and Rapunzel out of the area in a hurry.


"Mommy, look it's the painting of the royals with the lost princess." A little child dragged her mother to a wall with a decorative painting of a king and queen, holding their child with blond hair and green eyes.

Standing in front of it was Jin, Tigress and Rapunzel.

While Tigress was eyeing the painting with suspicion and Rapunzel was looking at the painting with a hint of unsureness in her eyes, Jin decided to strike the iron while it was still hot.

"Am I the only one or does that lost princess look a bit like you. Blonde hair and green eyes. Except that your hair is a bit longer but it's understandable after all, our hair grows as we also grow." Jin said while giving many hints at Rapunzel.

It only took a few moments before Rapunzel's eyes widened in surprise as she realized something.

'Am I....the lost princess?' 

Seeing the expression on Rapunzel's face, both Jin and Tigress finally smiled unknowingly.

After realizing by herself, she then looked at both Jin and Tigress then asked.

"I am the lost princess, isn't it?" Rapunzel said and seeing them nodded, shocked filled Rapunzel's eyes as tears welled up, her mind was in chaos. All this time.... Her mother has been lying to her, telling her that she was hiding her from the malicious people outside the tower and it turns out, Gothel was supposed to be the one she is hiding from.

"Zel, can I call you that?" Now that Rapunzel has known about the truth, Jin was now more comfortable with her, so after he asked her permission to call her by a nickname, she nodded and he continued.

"Are you ready to meet your parents? I'm sure they would be happy, more than happy." Jin said with a warm smile.

Just as Rapunzel nodded and was about to prepare herself from meeting her true parents, they suddenly heard a shout that is familiar to Rapunzel.

"Rapunzel! What are you doing in this kingdom, out of your tower?!"


Nearby them, two people were walking side by side, every time they passed by someone they would immediately bow their heads in respect.

While the lady with a crown smiled at them and greeted them back, the man was looking down on the ground with a huge amount of sadness filled in his face. When suddenly, they heard a shout from afar.

"Rapunzel! What are you doing in this kingdom, out of your tower?!"


[I always felt like they didn't do much justice on Rapunzel's parents, I mean sure they got reunited with their long lost daughter but they should be the one to exact revenge on Gothel.]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 45 - Rapunzel's true parents]

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