Ch. 61 - Rapunzel's powers

For Anna, this birthday is the best birthday ever! Not only did she meet new people and make new friends, but her sister finally opened up to her and she discovered the reason why she has been shutting her out for the past few years. Sure her brain has ice on it and it would cause her to die if it isn't solved much earlier but with Jin assuring her, Anna doesn't care about it anymore and just wanted to enjoy this day as it is the best day of her life!

Right now, Anna is making a snowman with her sister! Something they used to do in the past.

"Look! How about you make mama and papa and put them next to Olaf here." Anna said while pointing at the snowman they created and also named as Olaf.

"Hehe, sure thing, Anna." Elsa's face was full of smiles as she formed a small figurine of both Iduna and Agnarr.

"So cute!" Unknowingly, Rapunzel was also crouching beside them and expressed her excitement.

"If you don't mind me asking, why is your hair long?" Elsa noticed the long braided blonde hair of Rapunzel and she has been noticing it lately, so she just mustered up the courage to ask now.

"Oh this? I am also magical like you, but my powers aren't that much, it's pretty boring to look at actually." Rapunzel embarrassingly looked away as she replied.

"Really! Oh come on, there's no magical ability that is boring. Come and show it to us!" Anna however, was very positive as her mindset was that all powers like Elsa aren't boring. In fact, she's actually jealous of Elsa as she also wanted to have cool powers.

"O-okay, but don't laugh at me okay? I actually have to sing to activate it." Rapunzel said and after receiving the nod of Elsa and Anna, including Jin, Tigress and the parents who were sitting on the couch beside them, Rapunzel breathed in and out before closing her eyes and started singing in a very beautiful and melodic voice.

"🎶Flower, gleam and glow

Let your power shine

Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine.🎶"

As soon as Rapunzel started singing, her hair started glowing, much to everyone's shock. Even Jin was shocked as this was the first time he saw her hair glowing, not to mention, how beautiful her voice is!

"Fascinating!" Iduna can't help but gasp in shock as she stared at the glowing hair, which reminds her of the spirits that has supernatural powers that her people in the Enchanted Forest used to take advantage of to live their lives. Unfortunately, ever since the peace between Arendelle and Northuldra was broken as it resulted in a fight among them, Iduna has to sacrifice her life in the Northuldra tribe just to save Agnarr's life. Though she never regretted it as she truly loved Agnarr.

"🎶Heal what has been hurt

Change the Fates' design

Save what has been lost

Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine.🎶""

As soon as the song came to an end, the glowing hair started returning back to its natural color.

Rapunzel sighed and remembered back when she used to live in the tower alone, without anyone to talk to except for Gothel.

She then realized that everyone was watching and listening to her so, Rapunzel turned beet red and looked at Elsa and Anna, wanting to know their reaction.

" voice bad?" Rapunzel asked with a sad tone after seeing that everyone was silent and not moving an inch.

"That.....WAS AMAZING! HOW DID YOU DO THAT! Oh wait, you told me it was your magical hair but you voice! Oh gosh, your voice is so good!" Anna's eyes were wide at first before she plunged herself into Rapunzel and engulfed her into a hug before praising her non-stop.

"Anna is right, Rapunzel. Your voice is angelic and melodic. Perhaps you could sing me a lullaby every night?" Jin didn't want to be left behind so he also praised her and teased her a bit at the end. In fact, he observed her hair when she activated her magical powers and there, he could sense a weird energy that came from her heart to her head. Jin doesn't know what it is, but he could tell that there is more to Rapunzel's powers than just to make her hair glow or heal someone.

"R-really?" Rapunzel tucked her hair behind her ear as Jin smiled after seeing this.

"If you don't mind me asking, but does your hair only glow whenever you sing?" Elsa raised her hand as if she was some kind of student before raising a question.

"Well, glowing is just part of its magical powers, I don't really know the true extent of my magical hair abilities but I could only tell that it could heal an injury and de-aged someone back to their prime. Gothel would always let me use my powers whenever she's about to grow old." Rapunzel replied, making Agnarr and Iduna nod their heads in agreement. Obviously, everyone would be tempted to be young over and over again, no wonder Gothel kidnapped Rapunzel and kept her to herself.

Even, they also want to go back to their young selves but they're still in their primes, so there's no need to make them younger as it would spread unnecessary rumors to the Kingdom and that's too troublesome.

"Me me! Try me!" Anna quickly raised her hand and volunteered herself as she wanted to experience the feeling of being de-aged.

Just as Rapunzel was about to agree, Jin quickly analyzed the possible consequences to this and immediately stopped her.

"Hold your horses, beauties. I'm afraid we can't do that." Jin held his hand between Rapunzel and Anna as he stopped them.

"What! Why?!" Anna pouted and complained.

"*Sigh* you both should think about the possible outcomes of this, Rapunzel can't fully control her powers and what if she accidentally de-aged you back to a baby? Do you want to be craddled and suck on your mommies tits again?" Jin explained, not minding the vulgar word that he just used.

"Ugh, disgusting. Why do you have to say that, now I can't remove my mother's breasts out of my mind." Anna made a disgusted expression as she held her temples and closed her eyes, muttering a random chant just to remove a part of her memory.

"Anyways, as I was saying. Rapunzel doesn't have full control over her powers and we have no idea what her magical powers truly are." After Jin's explanation, everyone except for Anna nodded their heads.

"Elsa, you too?!" Anna noticed that Elsa also nodded her head, making her feel a bit betrayed.

"As much as I also wanted to feel Rapunzel's magical powers but what Jin said is true, Anna. We have no idea what would happen to someone your age if she used that magical power on you." Elsa shook her head and said, making Anna sigh and finally gave up.

"Alright fine, but promise me that if you could control your powers, make me experience what it feels like to be de aged." Anna then raised her pinky for a pinky swear.

"No problem, Anna!" Rapunzel answered and intertwined her pinky over hers.

"That is so sweet." Iduna leaned to Agnarr and muttered to him.

"You are right. Anna is fast when it comes to making friends." Agnarr replied after seeing how positive and outgoing Anna is.

"To tell you the truth, I also want to experience Rapunzel's powers." Jin coughed and said, making everyone chuckle.

"Aha! See, even the mighty Jin can't resist the temptation of Rapunzel's hair!" Anna stood from her sitting position before pointing her tiny fingers to Jin and shouted, as if she had just won a million dollar question.

Meanwhile, Rapunzel was very happy at seeing everyone's reactions. When she first met Jin and Tigress, she only told them about her magical hair but she was afraid that they would be afraid of her if they saw her powers so she didn't use it anymore ever since Gothel was put into her jail.

But now, she was happy that their reactions are far from her negative expectations.

"And besides, you also want to de-age yourself? You're still a bit young, no?" Anna continued while tilting her head to the side.

"Nope. But since she could also heal, then I want her to heal this wound." Jin said before unleashing his Blades of Havoc, making everyone gasp in shock and stare at him in interest. Unfortunately, Jin doesn't want to taint their innocent eyes, so Jin turned around and quickly used his Blade of Havoc to slash his palm.

"Here." Retracting his Blade of Havoc back, Jin turned around to face them once again and showed his bleeding palm to Rapunzel.

"I suggest you hurry up, Zelly. My regeneration would kick in any second by now." Jin reminds her, making Rapunzel quickly wrap her hair around Jin's wounded hand and sing the magic song.

"🎶Flower, gleam and glow

Let your power shine

Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine🎶

🎶Heal what has been hurt

Change the Fates' design

Save what has been lost

Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine🎶."

As usual, her hair glowed when she sang. During the process, Jin could feel a familiar warmth on his hand, that reminds him of his mother's warm hug, making him almost drop a tear.

And when she was finished, Jin removed his hand from her hair, showing his healed hand, even the scars on his hand due to intense training was also gone.

Tigress, who saw this. Her eyes gleamed in excitement as she stared at her own palm, which is full of scars to the point that it looks ugly to her eye. Normally in her tiger form, the scar looks cool and badass but in her human form, she's like wearing a ripped apart glove.

"....Rapunzel, could you also please heal mine?" Tigress blushed a bit as she requested and showed her scarred hand to Rapunzel.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 62 - Olaf came to life!]

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