Ch. 70 - Elsa's PoV

[Elsa's PoV]

Ever since Jin came into my life, so many things have changed. My sister and I were finally together again, playing and communicating with each other. Telling her of my powers lifted a huge burden in my shoulders, all thanks to Jin, although it was accidental, however I could somehow feel like what happened that day was planned by him. I don't have anything to prove it yet but I just have the feeling.

I'm also finally able to partially control my ice magic and it won't take long before I could finally remove the ice I accidentally put inside Anna's head.

Jin's personality is a bit weird.... It's like he was casual about everything but at the same time, he's very observant of his surroundings, like he was hiding something from me.

The way Jin looks and stares at me feels like he already knows me.

It's a bit weird for him to have two women at the same time and those are Tigress and Rapunzel. Although papa told me it's normal for royalties to have more than one woman, he also told me that it also forms conflicts among women. And by the looks of Tigress and Rapunzel, they seem fine to me as if they see each other not as a rival for Jin's love, but as sisters like me and Anna.

The day we sparred, I finally realized one of his secrets. He didn't tell us what he is but from what I've read, having horns on your forehead and wings are called a Devil. Devils are said to be extinct creatures and if there is one, then chaos and destruction would roam the world.

But from what I can see from Jin, he's anything but that. He's kind, handsome, brave, strong, least but not the least, he's not like any other men who are said to be lustful creatures. Mama warned me about them back when I was 16.

She told me that I'm nearing my proper age and that I would have to find my partner as it is frowned upon for Princesses to not be bethroated to someone.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but think of Jin as his face suddenly flashed in my mind.

Hold it off, Elsa! He's already married to someone, according to Tigress. Isn't it bad to be with someone that is already married?

But what about true love then?

Mama said that true love isn't just a simple love that you can get by love at first sight. She said that true love is more than that. I hope I would find my true love someday, and I wish it would someone like Jin.

I can't help but set him as my standard for men. If my suitors aren't as strong and charming like him, then I would stay single for a long time.

That's all for now and I hope this moment will stay forever. To me, this is the best day of my life!


Olaf has gone missing after we escaped from the forest, so we all tried to search for him. It didn't take long for me and Tigress to find Olaf being carried around by a mysterious old man.

My body just shuddered when I saw the glimpse of the old man's purple eyes. It seems as if he's not as good as he looks.

And it turns out, I was right! The old man suddenly turned into a large grosteque creature after meeting with Tigress.

I can't tell the reason behind their sudden fight, however I would be on Tigress side, so the moment I saw that she was in danger, I didn't hesitate to reveal my ice powers and made an ice wall between the two of them.

I saw how shocked the devil was before turning his attention to me, he told me something about me being a 5th spirit however, since I have no idea about what he was saying, I decided to ignore him and try to attack him with my ice powers however, the devil was simply too fast, I didn't even managed to react when his trident was already in front of me.

My life flashed before my eyes, my plays with Anna when we were kids, my mama singing me her lullaby every night and papa, telling her a story about the mythical Enchanted Forest.

In this simple amount of time, I managed to remember everything I didn't throughout my life, so with a final goodbye to her family, I closed my eyes, waiting for my impending death.

Perhaps... she should have confessed to Jin before this. She finally realized that he's the one he's meant to be with. Even with their small interactions, I could already feel my heart beating for him.


Suddenly, I heard the sound of chains rushing towards my position. Opening my eyes, I suddenly lost balance due to the sudden earthquake around me. The last thing I remember before I fell unconscious was warm arms enveloping me, giving me a sense of safety and security.


Slowly opening my eyes, I was met with the ceiling of my bedroom.

Shocked, I suddenly tried to stand up however, I suddenly heard mama and papa's voice.

"Don't stand yet, Elsa." Her mama, Iduna told her.

"Elsa, you should rest back in your bed." Her papa, Agnarr said to her.

"W-what happened?" I asked as I have no idea how I ended up in my bedroom.

"Jin saved you, Elsa. Tigress brought you back here." Mama said to me as she sat near me and started caressing my face.

"We almost lost you, Elsa. I don't want you to put yourself in danger like that." Mama said in worry as I could feel tears streaming down my eyes. This is the first time I actually felt grateful to be alive. Back then, when I accidentally struck Anna and was kept away from her. There are my dark times where I tried to take my own life as I deemed myself a monster and unnecessary to the world. Thankfully, mama and papa were there to save me.

"Thank God, Jin arrived on time and saved you." Agnarr patted Iduna's shoulder as he spoke.

"What about Jin? Where is he now?" Remembering that she felt warm arms enveloping her before she fell unconscious, I finally came to realize that it was Jin that arrived and saved me when I was already at death's doorstep.

"That's what Tigress wants to talk with you. She'll be here shortly." Iduna said and just in time she finished her sentence, the door was blasted open and Tigress arrived along with my sister, Anna. And there's also Olaf who was slowly walking inside with his head down.

"Elsa, you're awake!" Anna immediately ran towards me and threw herself over me.


"Calm down, Anna. I'm still alive, you see?" I said to her as Anna was sniffing and crying over my dress.

"I thought I lost you. When I hear what happened, I just want to get there and smack Jin for not arriving earlier to save you!" Anna said and ferociously threatened as I chuckled.

"Before I speak about Jin, I would like to thank you for saving me back there. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what would've happened to me, perhaps my corpse would be laying on the ground." Tigress slightly bowed her head and thanked me. I feel touched by her words and I can't help but feel that it is good saving people.

Even without being paid, their words of gratitude to her is enough.

"So, about Jin..." I asked slowly as Tigress sighed and gestured for my sister and parents to leave, including Olaf.

Without hesitation, they all left before giving me words like 'Get Well' and words like that.

"Before I speak, promise me that anything we speak of will stay in this room, okay?" Tigress sat on the chair beside her and seriously said to me as she stared at my eyes.

Gulping in nervousness, I quickly nodded my head as this is the first time I actually saw Tigress's serious stare. She felt like she was suffocating just by staring at her eyes.

Tigress then proceeded to tell me everything about Jin. How he is an agent of God himself to avoid the Great War and that he can't fight alone. He needed companions. And finally, where he is right now.

"I received a message from God about Jin. Unfortunately, the fight has caused him injuries and slight disturbance in the multiverse, attracting dangerous individuals that would definitely take Jin's life once they saw him. So he would have to temporarily hide in another universe before the search calms down." After hearing Tigress, I could only stare at her in shock. My jaw was dropped from everything I just heard from her. To be honest, what she said sounds fake however, since it came out from her mouth, then I have no choice but to truly believe the words that she said.

"So, Jin is okay?" I asked and Tigress nodded her head.

Thank God, Jin is okay.


Meanwhile, in another universe Jin was running away as he was being chased by several humans carrying torches.

"Monster!" One of the humans yelled.

"I saw him fall out of the sky with horns and wings! He must be one of those monsters!" A kid with scrawny arms yelled as he was carrying a pitchfork.

'Where the fuck was I brought to?!' Jin yelled inside his mind as he continued to run. He wanted to fly with his wings however that would just prove their assumptions correct.

He also can't use chi as flying would also be the same as what will happen if he flies with his wings. The same goes if he runs so fast that he would become a blur.

As for killing them? He's not a cold blooded killer and besides, there's children among them.

So, for now. He could only run and run until the humans became exhausted from chasing him.

God told him to make a good background here and he can't have a background where he's chased and wanted by humans. It's not the best way to start your background in another universe.


[Guess the world. It's on the choices in the sypnosis.]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 71 - Vampires and Helsing?]

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