Ch. 72 - Meeting the Dracula Family

With a single stare from Vlad, Audur's head went 360°, taking his life without any hindrance.

That's when Jin decided to take the opportunity to make his presence known by the vampire.

"No wonder people fear you, Vlad." Jin went out of the shadow of a tree as he spoke while his eyes stared at Vlad's eyes with mystery. Obviously, to have a great background, the easiest way is to be a mysterious individual that will attract curiosity from the people.

"....May I know who you are?" Vlad's senses were telling him that Jin is not an ordinary individual, so he politely asked, maintaining a neutral attitude with Jin.

"Jin's my name. You can call me that. I'm just an ordinary guy who just wants to explore the world and discover everything it has to offer." Jin introduced himself coolly.

"Jin....would you mind having a cup of tea with me?" Grinning from ear to ear, Vlad was starting to like Jin's character. Such a person with a dangerous aura around him calling himself an 'ordinary guy' is definitely not an ordinary guy.

"Oh, tea! I love tea! You wouldn't mind having a taste of my own blend, right? I have a couple of tea blends that I would like for others to try out." Jin's eyebrows and ear perked up like some kind of dog and offered with a smile.

"That's very interesting. Sure, follow me." Answering him, Vlad wanted to test Jin a little if he is truly a strong person to have such an aura around him.


Turning into a small bat, Vlad kept flapping his wings and looked at Jin before saying.

"Try to keep up, 'Ordinary Guy'." Vlad said in irony before flapping his wings intensely and flew in the air as his small figure was watched under the eyes of the vampires and the knights who were finally freed from the time pausing technique.

Jin simply smirked and under everyone including Vlad's shocked eyes, Jin floated up from the ground without any support before reaching Vlad's altitude.

"Not so ordinary now, are we?" Vlad chuckled and said before getting speed and flashed away from his current position.

"Oh, you're on!" Feeling challenged, Jin used his eyes and meticulously searched for Vlad's bat figure.

The moment his eyes laid on him, Jin smiled and used large reserves of his chi to not only match Vlad's speed but also to burst his speed and suddenly arrive beside Vlad.

"How's it going?" Jin smirked in victory as he saw Vlad's shocked eyes on him before turning into an excited grin.

"Let's see if you can keep up this time!" Vlad said before looking up and took off further up in the skies.

Jin then followed suit and chased Vlad who stopped right exactly near the Earth's atmosphere.

Before Jin could reach Vlad's same altitude, Vlad suddenly turned into his vampire form and waved on Jin goodbye before letting the physics do its work and allowed the gravity to pull him downwards at great speed.

"Oh great." Jin rolled his eyes upon seeing this as he has to come into a full halt and deactivate his chi flight ability and let his body fall down back towards the ground.

As both of their bodies were free falling in the air, Vlad noticed what JIn did as smiled before once again turning into a bat and flew in a certain direction while Jin used his chi flight and followed him again.

'I can't believe I'm actually having fun playing with a vampire that is older than me.' Jin said to himself as he caught up with Vlad to have a small conversation, this time Vlad maintained his speed, letting Jin catch up with him.

"Not bad for a young man like you." Vlad complimented him after he caught up with him.

"Same goes to you, mind telling me where we are going." Jin replied with the same compliment before asking a question.

"We are going to my humble abode, I'm sure my son would like some company aside from an old man like me." Vlad replied to his question and chuckled.


It didn't take long for them to arrive at a large inactive volcano, where they flew inside through the mouth of the volcano, fortunately the volcano has long been inactive so there's nothing left inside except for a dark and damp cave.

Inside the cave, Jin saw a small boy playing with a few small pebbles, the moment the boy heard Vlad's bat form flapping his wings as he descended, the boy commented.

"The old man's back." The boy rolled his eyes and monotonously said before dropping the pebbles on the ground and turned around.

"Come on, Drac. Give your old man two cups made of rat skull so I could share some tea with this friend of mine." Vlad turned back to his human form and immediately gave an order to Dracula.

"Your friend?" Confused, Dracula turned his head on the side and that's when he saw Jin descending on the ground and landed smoothly.

"Wait, you have a friend!?" Dracula said in shock. How can you blame him? All these years that he has been living with his father, he never once saw him have friends with anyone except for some large bats. As far as he knows, the only thing Vlad knows is to sleep, suck human blood and terrorize a small village for fun, and now he's here with none other than who he called a friend and not to mention, he also said that he would be drinking tea? But isn't your tea made of a mix of human and rat blood? I'm not sure the guy in front of me would like that tea.

"What are you staring in gaze at there at?! We have a guest, Drac!" Seeing that Dracula was stationary in his position and not moving an inch, Vlad finally yelled at him to make him snap out of his thoughts.

"I know!" Dracula yelled back before turning his attention back to Jin and spoke.

"Uhmm, n-nice to meet you, my name is Count Dracula." Dracula stuttered while introducing himself, after all this is the first time he actually talked to somebody else aside from his father.

"I'll just go and get the cups." Dracula continued before walking away and entered one of the large holes on the wall.

"As he grows older, he's getting more disrespectful, I should increase the intensity of his training perhaps making him fly under the heat of the sun should do its job, he must've forgotten the rule of respecting his own father." Vlad muttered loud enough for Jin to hear.

"Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that his father is not doing a good job as a father." Jin said, he was actually surprised that Vlad is training his son, though he's not that surprised since he quite expected it as both father and son have powers but what shocked him the most is that he would actually let him fly out under the sun? Their most brutal weakness. Either Vlad is a sadistic person or he's somehow just an incompetent and abusive father.

"You're telling me that I'm a bad father!" Vlad felt offended by what Jin said which caused him to stand up and menacingly stared at Jin.

"No offense but what I said is the truth, perhaps you should make another approach in raising Dracula." Jin fearlessly stared at Vlad's eyes who squinted his eyes in return. Vlad is actully using his hypnotization skill to manipulate Jin's mind however seeing that Jin's eyes weren't glowing like how it should be when he's using the skill.

After a few minutes of awkward staring contest, Vlad finally gave up and slumped back to his seat and spoke to Jin in a very tired tone.

"How am I supposed to do that? His mother died when she gave birth to him, leaving only me to take care of him, I don't know how to raise a child so I just did like how my father raised me when my mother died." Vlad said, it looks like Vlad is indeed tired and doesn't know how to properly raise a child without his wife's guidance.

"Then ask." Jin simply replied in two words.

"Ask? Ask what?" Vlad asked.

"Ask Dracula what he wants you to be. From what I can see, it is not yet too late to make up with him, Dracula is far more than just an average vampire, I can see that he will become someone great." Jin said as Vlad proudly stood up and said.

"Of course he will! He is my son and I'm proud of him!"

"Then tell him that." The moment Jin said those words, Vlad immediately sat back down on his seat.

"Nope, that's too embarrassing even for me." Vlad sat back down and said, losing the pride towards his son that he had earlier.

"But you said it yourself, right? That you are proud of him so there's no hurt in telling him that. You know being a father isn't just a job that you have to do, it is your responsibility and your purpose in Dracula's life. Would your wife really like to hear that you abused your son under your care? No mother would want that, so man up and take your responsibility as a father to your son." Before Vlad could reply to his words, Jin continued.

"You said that you are just copying what your father did to you when you were under his care, right?" After receiving a nod from Vlad, Jin then continued.

"Did you like it?" Vlad then shook his head.

"Then don't repeat the same mistakes as he did to you, if you really don't know how to raise Dracula, then try to observe how others do it."


While the two of them were talking, Dracula can be seen hiding behind a wall while on his hands were a wooden tray with two rat shaped cups. Dracula's face can be seen to be covered by his small cape, small tears were flowing down on his cheeks as he overheard what they were talking about,





[Next Chapter: Ch. 73 - The final war between humans and monsters]

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