Ch. 74 - Near Death!

"Let's take a look!" Dracula excitedly tried to convince him as he didn't even wait for Jin's response and started flying towards the area after turning in his bat form.

"Wait!" Jin didn't even manage to respond to Dracula when he saw him in his bat form and flying towards the direction of the battle.

A few seconds later of constant chasing and evading, the both of them finally arrived at the location and what Jin saw shocked him a bit as he literally saw a war between humans and monsters that looked as if it came out of a fantasy movie.

"What the hell is going on here?" Jin muttered to himself as Dracula didn't wait for him and suddenly came over the battlefield and turned into his vampire form, his face looking all excited as if what was happening around him is a game.

"Look! Another vampire there! Kill him!" One of the knights said while poiting his sharp sword towards Dracula. It didn't take long for other knights to hear and relay the information before they all started running towards Dracula while shouting curses and such.

First time facing such a situation, Dracula doesn't know what to do and he could only crouch and close his eyes in fear.

Just as the knight that first arrived was about to slash his sword towards Dracule, a blur suddenly flashed between them and watched as Jin stood in front of Dracula while the sharp sword was resting in his shoulders, void of any injuries except for a small red line spot that faded away as time passed by.

"Are you really serious on hurting a defenseless child?" Jin said in slight anger as he mentally sighed in relief that he found Dracula and saved him in time.

"What the?" The knight muttered in awe and before he could react, Jin delivered a single punch on the knight's abdomen, cracking and smashing the metal armor, allowing his fists to connect to his guts.

"Fuwahhhh!" The knight spit out in pain as his body was thrown backwards, colliding with the other knights and causing them to lose balance and fell at the ground one by one like some kind of domino.

The other knights and monsters witnessed this and while the knights were yelling curses and started running towards Jin to kill him, the monsters yelled in joy at seeing a strong individual joining their cause. Though they were also curious why Jin looks very human instead of being a monster like them.

Obviously, Jin knows about this and since he wanted to make connections with the monsters here as they are like the main residents in this world, Jin closed his eyes and slowly transformed in his devil form.

Under everyone's shock and curious eyes, wings sprouted out of Jin's back and at the same time, so are the horns in his forehead. Meanwhile, tattoos started fading around Jin's body and soon, after a few seconds with just everyone watching Jin, he finally completed his transformation. In this form, It's not like Jin has a new personality, it's just that his inner evil thoughts become more dominant, but Jin is still JIn, his evil thoughts are just appearing more than normal. Which is why Jin rarely transforms in his devil form as his evil thoughts are becoming more dominant.

"An angel?" One of the knights muttered in surprise. The existence of god and angels isn't unknown here. In fact, they are widely known here and seeing Jin's wings made them think that he's an angel.

"Idiot! Can't you see that his wings are black and he has horns!? He's obviously the devil! They must have finally started stepping in our lands! The church needs to know this! They are the only ones who have the means to vanquish the devils!" Another knight refuted his claim and explained more accurately while at the same time, mentioning the church.

"Oh god, please save us all!" One of the knights kneeled and prayed. Not knowing that God is simply watching all of this in interest.

Meanwhile, the monsters were cheering more when they heard what those knights said, they could see that they're afraid of the newcomer's existence which means that he must be a very strong monster to be feared by humans.

'I'm not surprised that God's religion is multiversal wide, his influence is really stretched out.' Jin muttered in his mind, not noticing the awe looks that Dracula is giving him.

'I also want to be like him! Being feared and respected!' At this time, Dracula hasn't met his lover, Martha yet, so Dracula isn't that soft-hearted when it comes to humans yet like how he would be in the future.

"Dracula, I think your father is somewhere around here, go find him and tell him that you're here." Jin could see that the knights were now focusing their forces on him since in their eyes, he's probably the biggest threat in the battlefield.

"O-okay!" Dracula quickly snapped out of himself and responded with a stutter before getting up and running away in very fast speeds, avoiding everyone he passes through.

Meanwhile, the monsters were gathering behind him, it looks like they already see him as some kind of alpha in their pack or something. But one thing for sure, Jin has finally established the background that he wanted to have. A mysterious strong individual whose name will be etched in the annals of history.


Meanwhile, Vlad was having a face off with Audur's son, Eduard Helsing, a small teen with an angry look on his face as he stared at his father's killer, Vlad.

"Are you his son? Seriously, I am starting to envy your family's genetic ability to breed as fast as the rabbits, I remember one time when I killed your father's father's father's grandfather. Oh, how time flies." Vlad said in an exaggerated tone, which just intensifies Eduard's anger on Vlad.

"I swear on my father's name that I will eradicate all of you vampires and pave a peaceful path for my son and the future generations!" Eduard yelled in anger as Vlad just stared at Eduard in an expressionless face.

"You already have a son? How old are you right now? You look like you haven't even gotten circumcised!" Vlad pointed out while Eduard blushed in embarrassment which only answers that Vlad is somehow right about his accusation.

"D-don't change the topic! You killed my father and I will avenge him!" Eduard stuttered in embarrassment as he took out a crossbow looking weapon with an arrow as a bullet, what is unique about this is that the entire arrow is made of silver and there's a chain attached at the end of it.

"Stupid Helsings with their stupid inventions." Vlad muttered to himself as he already knew that the crossbow's arrow is made of silver and that the chain's purpose is for the silver arrow to pull it back to the crossbow.

"Prepare to face my Vampire Annihilation Crossbow!" Eduard shouted before pulling the trigger and letting the silver arrow fly out of its home.


"That is too slow." Vlad shook his head in disappointment as the silver arrow just passed by his side.

"Are you sure about that?" Eduard cruelly smiled as Vlad had a bad premonition.

"Father!" Suddenly, Vlad heard Dracula's voice behind him, quickly turning around, Vlad was faced with Dracula's running figure who is slowly being faced with the silver arrow.

"Drac!" Vlad's blood turned cold as his voice contained intense power that froze everyone around him except for Jin, who quickly noticed the sudden burst of power and turned around, however it is still not enough to stop the flying arrow as it is made of silver, which is his weakness.

Naturally, Dracula already saw the flying silver arrow however, it was already too late as the silver arrow is already a few inches away from his head.

When Jin saw this, he knew that if the silver arrow hits Dracula, then he practically disturbed the canon greatly. No, not just disturbed but destroyed the canon itself completely.

After Vlad's sudden outburst of power, he was left powerless as his eyes watched the silver arrow closing in on Dracula's head.

'Fuck it. I don't want to use this but I had to.' If there's one thing that Jin could do during his Devil form that Jin hates the most is the teleportation.

Yes, Jin could also teleport but only on short distances however, the backlash is very great as unlike teleportation by crossing the space and such, Jin's teleportation is very cruel as his entire body will disintegrate, atom by atom before reforming in another place, all in less than a millisecond. The thing is, that kind of teleportation hurts as fuck and maybe the only reason the original Jin could endure it is because he's somehow a masochist. That's the only reason Jin could come up with after testing the teleportation last time.


After Jin's body disintegrated at a very fast rate, his body quickly reformed in front of Dracula, however the silver arrow is on the way of where he is teleporting, so the moment his teleportation is done and his body is fully reformed, the silver arrow as stuck in his chest, looking as if he was the one who got stabbed.

'Fuck! That hurts! Luckily, I arrived in time or else this silver arrow would kill Dracula and my entire vacation in this world is ruined.' Jin said to himself as he mentally yelled in pain.

"M-mister." Dracula stared up at him in shock as he just realized that he was saved by Jin.

"Hey Dracles, didn't I tell you to be careful?" At this moment, Jin felt like Dracula was his little cousin or a little brother, not knowing that one day he would be his father in law.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 75 - The Legend of the Devil!]

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