Ch. 77 - Guess who's back! (Slight lemon)

In the Kingdom of Arendelle, Elsa was gazing up at the night sky outside her balcony.

The stars shimmered as she wondered about Jin's current situation.

It's been one and a half months since he disappeared and was said to be in another world to hide from his enemies.

Until this day, Elsa was still worrying about him. There are some instances where she thought that Tigress was just lying to her as to not make her sad and blame herself for causing Jin's death.

"Jin....where are you?" Elsa muttered to herself as she stared at the sky for a few more minutes before she yawned, indicating that she was sleepy.

Just as Elsa was about to turn around and go to bed so she could get her beauty sleep, she suddenly noticed one particular 'star' that doesn't shimmer but was getting closer and closer to her position.

"Is that a meteor?" Vexed, Elsa muttered to worry as she was about to go and alert everyone in the castle when suddenly, the pace of the 'meteor' quickly and it was too late for her to leave the balcony as the 'meteor' was about to crash land on her balcony.

Not wanting to lose her life, including her parents and friends, Elsa quickly made a large ice wall in front of her, hoping that the ice wall would be enough to soften the meteor's landing and won't cause large destruction on her home.

"What the?" Surprisingly, Elsa suddenly heard a familiar voice behind the ice wall.

"Jin?" Calling out, Elsa immediately took her ice wall apart by simply melting them and behold!

She finally saw the man that has been on her mind ever since he disappeared.

"Elsa? I'm not gonna lie, you look more dashing rig-." Jin squinted his eyes at Elsa and felt breathless at seeing her in her night gown while her hair was down past her shoulders. However, he didn't manage to finish his sentence when Elsa suddenly rushed towards him and engulfed him in a tight hug.

"I-I thought you were gone." Jin could hear Elsa's muffled voice as she buried her head on his chest.

"Gone? Didn't Tigress tell you anything about me?" Confused, Jin raised a question as he really thought that Tigress would tell Elsa. After all, knowing Tigress, she would definitely do that just to make sure that Elsa won't blame herself for his disappearance.

"I thought she was only making it up so I wouldn't blame myself." Elsa blushed and said, as another voice suddenly interrupted their small moment.

"Jin!" Obviously, such loud commotion was heard across the castle, so it woke everybody up and rushed towards Elsa's bedroom.

Agnarr, Iduna, Rapunzel, and Tigress were surprised to see Jin and immediately called out his name.

"Hey guys, so how was it without me?" Jin raised his hand as he greets them while Elsa quickly detached herself from Jin with a small blush.

'What are you doing, Elsa! He's already married! How could you hug him like that!' Elsa reprimanded herself inside her mind while her eyes were tracing Jin's body as she could vividly remember the way his body felt when she hugged him.

'His body is so hard and strong.' Elsa mutters to herself as she doesn't notice the sly looks that her parents are giving her.

"I'm glad you're back!" Tigress quickly stepped forward and hugged Jin, ignoring Elsa who was standing by their side.

After Tigress, it was Rapunzel's turn and unlike the others, her hug is anything but normal.

Barefoot, Rapunzel tip-toed towards Jin and jumped towards him, expecting Jin to catch her mid-air.

Obviously, Jin wouldn't let her fall on the ground, so he opened his arms wide and caught her in his arms.

Surprisingly Rapunzel planted a deep kiss on his lips as she straddled his waist.


Jin was surprised at first and couldn't help but complain inside his mind.

'She's becoming more bold. It's going to be a lie if I say I didn't like it but as a man, I should be bolder!' With determination in his mind, Jin grabbed a handful of Rapunzel's long braided hair and deepened their kiss.

"Oh, excuse us." Agnarr and Iduna quickly closed Anna's eyes and walked outside the room as Tigress and Elsa's faces just twitched in disbelief.

Seriously?! Right in front of everyone? Find some room!

"Fuwaaahh!" After releasing their very long and deep kiss, Rapunzel was left breathing heavily while Jin seductively licked his lips as his eyes squinted at Tigress.

Feeling the hidden meaning on his gaze, Tigress blushed and quickly walked out of here room, swaying her hips as she walked.

"It's nice to see you again, Elsa. But let's continue our reunion tomorrow. Goodnight!" Walking away in a hurry, Jin said his farewells to Elsa before leaving, while still carrying the hazy Rapunzel on his arms. What Elsa didn't notice was the wet patch on Rapunzel's crotch, which only Jin felt and Tigress smelled earlier.

"That's weird." Elsa noticed the sudden awkward atmosphere, though she blamed it on Jin's and Rapunzel's making out.

Thinking about how they kiss each other, it was unlike what she saw in books and fairytale stories where the prince charming would only kiss their princess but what Jin and Rapunzel did earlier was so different earlier.

"Is there some kind of level in kissing?" Elsa muttered to herself in wonder as she plumped herself on the bed and buried her head on the pillow.

She could still vividly remember and feel the hug that she gave him earlier.

'I'm feeling so hot...' Elsa muttered inside her mind as her fingers unknowingly found itself crawling towards her crotch.

The moment her fingers touched her clitoris, Elsa suddenly shuddered in pleasure as she continued to touch herself while picturing Jin inside her mind. She even imagined him doing different and erotic poses as it makes her more horny.



While Elsa was left to please herself, Anna was complaining to her parents as she didn't even manage to complete her reunion with Jin as she was suddenly dragged outside by her parents.

"Mama, Papa! Why did you drag me away! I have so many things to tell Jin!" Anna said while trying to walk back to Elsa's room, however Iduna tightened her grip on Anna as she doesn't want her to be corrupted at such an early age. Sure they would learn about such things in the future but as of now, Anna is still 15 years old. What she should be learning is manners and how a princess should act in public.

"Anna, there are some things in this world that you shouldn't know." Agnarr told her as Anna turned silent.

"Look, how about Mama sings for you? You'll be sleeping on our bed tonight! Isn't that exciting!" Knowing that Anna is very hard to persuade, Iduna finally resorted to her secret weapon, causing even Agnarr to look at her shock as if asking her to take pity on him as he wouldn't be able to cuddle with her wife tonight.

Ignoring Agnarr's stare, Iduna held Anna's hand and resumed their waking pace.

"Really!? Yey!" Anna jumped in excitement, forgetting that she was supposed to complain and force her parents to bring her back to Elsa's room.

Seeing this, both Agnarr and Iduna sighed in relief before surrendering back to their room.


While the family of Elsa, including Elsa herself were busy with their own matters, so did Jin, Rapunzel and Tigress.

Because as soon as Tigress went inside the room, she didn't hesitate to undress herself and jump on the bed.

Meanwhile, Jin also soon entered with Rapunzel on his arms. From the looks of her, Rapunzel seemed to be very horny at this moment.

"She's acting quite weird, Tigress." Jin said in suspicion as he stared at Tigress, who had gone naked on the bed.

"Well, I kinda told her about our little night adventures." Tigress licked her lips and seductively said as Jin sighed and brought Rapunzel down on the bed, as carefully as possible, as if she was some kind of porcelain doll.

"Jin? Are we going to have sex?" Rapunzel asked a question as she tilted her head in confusion.

'Fuck! If you're looking so innocent like this, it makes me hesitate whether I should take you in here right now.' Jin cursed inside his mind when he saw how innocent Rapunzel's face was when she asked the vulgar question.

Meanwhile, Tigress was giggling to herself in the corner of the bed, watching the current events in amusement and interest.

Tigress was interested in what having sex looks like on the outside. After all, her eyes are either closed or hazy due to pleasure whenever they have sex, so she was curious what having sex looks like.

Hearing Tigress giggling, Jin felt like his manhood was being challenged, so he finally removed his clothes and brought his lips down to Rapunzel's delicate white neck.

*Chu.* x10

Jin planted many kisses all over her neck as he slowly brought his head down to her cleavage before using his hands to unzip her night dress and remove the upper part of the dress, showing a yellow bra with the Sun as its design.

'Are princesses also supposed to wear their underwears with their respective Kingdom's symbol?' Jin wandered to himself before putting it at the back of his head. Today, he would pleasure himself and his girls.

Continuing his little 'journey' Jin's lips were finally breasts and with one smooth swoop, Jin snapped Rapunzel's bra, he currently doesn't have the patience to remove the bra properly, so he resorted to just snapping it.



[This poor feller needs his daily power stones please.]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 78 - Sandwiched [Lemon]]

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