Ch. 91 - Hiring the Orange Furball

'Interesting...' Jin scrubbed his chin as he fell in a thought. Although he doesn't have any reason to hire Puss's services, however he's still a very important existence in this world, so he might as well hire him so he could have enough reason to interact with him and establish a connection between each other.

"..." Meanwhile, Puss stayed in his place while tapping his index finger claws with each other, his eyes sometimes darting on his figure before looking away.

"What are they doing now?" Donkey whispered confusedly while Shrek shrugged his shoulders, he didn't have any idea either. They just saw them fighting and in the next moment, they stopped and started talking to each other.

"Of course, it's Jin. I'm sure his words are so convincing that the orange cat is probably about to change his mind and become a better perso- catson." Rapunzel smiled dreamily as she explained, while correcting herself at the last sentence even though she didn't technically correct her mistake.

"Oh look! They"re shaking hands!" Donkey pointed at and true to his words, Jin and Puss were now shaking hands with satisfied smiles on their faces.

"...Can I have an advance payment?" Puss embarrassingly smiled as he asked for his advance payment.

"Were you saying something?" Jin clenched his fists as his knuckles were making a popping sound.

Puss's fur stood up in fear as he shuddered and quickly went to amend.

"I-haha, I was just kidding, le monsieur. No need to take me seriously." Puss wryly smiled. Actually, he needed an advance payment right now since he's already full of debt in his favourite tavern. He really likes their milk, which is why he needed to pay up or else he might be blacklisted by them and he wouldn't be able to drink his favourite milk forever.

"..." Looking at Puss's defeated face, he could tell that Puss must be facing some kind of financial problem now, which might be one of the reasons why he accepted the bounty that is on his head since he thought that Jin was just an easy target.

Unfortunately, he was mistaken and now has to pay the price for it.

Fortunately for Puss, Jin is a very good boss, so he reached his backpocket and plucked out a couple of gold coins before throwing them to Puss, whose eyes sensed the shiny thing on his hand, so he quickly managed to catch the gold coins in the air in fast speeds even though Jin didn't give him a heads-up.

"You can come with us. We're just on our way back to the Kingdom, and also I think I already have the perfect job for you." Jin offered and who is Puss to refuse such a request? Especially since they're in the middle of the forest and Puss is quite tired from the battle, so he accepted and followed Jin back to the carriage.

"That's it? Man, I thought there would be some kind of epic destruction happening around." Donkey sighed in disappointment while Rapunzel smacked the back of his head upon hearing his comment.

"Ow! What was that for?" Donkey felt a pang of pain and slightly raised his voice on Rapunzel.

"That's for calling my husband's fight boring." Rapunzel said.

"Wait what? I didn't say anything about being bored and besides, how are you two married, when I don't see any ring on your finger?" Donkey reacted while Rapunzel just ignored him and his question. Rapunzel was actually quite sad that Jin wasn't asking her about their marriage since she heard from Tigress that they were married by the same God that made Jin as God's Agent. It's a lie if she says that she's not jealous of the privilege that Tigress got as the first wife.

Seeing that Rapunzel's answering his question, Donkey also decided to drop the matter. There's no point in continuing the argument lest Rapunzel might tell Jin that he's annoying her. He might be a Donkey but he's a talking Donkey, so he's not dumb and knows his boundaries.

After Jin got back with Puss following his trail, they boarded back on the carriage and that's when Jin saw that Tigress was sleeping on the carriage with a cute sleeping face that he wanted to pinch so badly.

Assuming that she was probably tired from her fight with the dragon earlier and only found the time to rest now, Jin sneakily sat beside her and carefully placed her head on his lap.

"Be quiet all of you." Jin hushed them and whispered while Rapunzel sat beside him and leaned her head on his shoulder, not wanting to be left out.

Shrek and Donkey then scooted over on the end of the carriage while Rapunzel took Puss and placed him on her lap before scratching his neck.

"W-woman don't test me! O-oohh, yes right there!" Embarrassed, Puss tries to threaten Rapunzel, however will Rapunzel be threatened? No! In fact, she even started scratching on his tummy.

"Meow~" Giving in from the pleasure, Puss closed his eyes and purred.

"Awww...." Fond by Puss's cuteness, Rapunzel never let go of him for the rest of the journey, causing Puss to have a lack of sleep due to Rapunzel scratching his neck and tummy every time he wanted to rest.

As for telling her off? No thank you, he just got hired by Jin and was recently given an advance payment from him, so for now, he might as well consider this as part of his job.


"Well, home sweet home, Shrek. As for you, Fiona. Your Kingdom is quite far away and we're not passing by there, so I suggest you stay with Shrek for the meantime and wait for the news of you being rescued from the Dragon to reach your parent's ears so they could fetch you here." Jin said as Shrek, Donkey and Fiona got down from the carriage.

"Wait what?" Just as Fiona was about to put up a question, Jin snapped the reins and the horses started running, leaving them alone in Shrek's swamp.

"Great, another trouble in my home." Shrek rolled his eyes and said, before turning around and started walking back to his home.


"You!....Ogre! Come back here you mister! You don't call a woman like that! You have no manners!" As Fiona was pointing her finger at Shrek and following him as she tried to reprimand him, Donkey watched all of this with interest before shrugging his shoulders.

"Well, at least this is better than living with that old woman." After they said that, he then followed them back to Shrek's swamp.

"That'll probably be the last time I will see them." Jin muttered to himself as his eyes darted on the screen in front of him, which displays the templates he got from the system so far and their percentage.

[1st Template: Jin Kazama - 100%]

[2nd Template: Uncle Iroh - 100%]

'I wonder which template I will get next? From what God told me, he said that the previous world that I went into hiding a few days ago will be my next world after this, so it is related to vampires and monsters and since so far, the worlds I've been into are related to animations movies like Disney, Pixar and such. Which means the next world is the....' Jin said to himself before tapping on his chin. It took him a few seconds before the pieces started falling one by one and Jin finally got the answer.

'Hotel Transylvania! That's the next world and the world where I went into hiding.'


"Huh what?" Suddenly, Jin was shook awake from his thoughts when he realized that his hand was playing on Tigress's cheeks who was on his lap like a claydough.

"O-oh, I'm sorry." Jin apologized after realizing and seeing the redness on Tigress's cheeks.

"We can do it later in our room but now in public, okay?" Tigress said with a hint of seduction before pressing her head more on his lap, causing his little member to throb inside his pants slightly.

Tigress, who felt the throb on the back of her head, smirked in victory before turning her head and faced the large tent on his pants before sticking her nose on the fabric and inhaled deeply


Feeling the suction on air on the fabric of his tent, Jin quickly looked around and was grateful that their attention was on somewhere else, except for someone...

'W-what is she doing!?' Blushing madly, Elsa caught a glimpse of what Tigress was doing while resting her head on Jin's lap. Scratch that, even if she's not using her eyes, she could hear the sound of Tigress smelling the tent on Jin's crotch.

Unknowingly, Elsa started rubbing her thighs as her breathing became ragged and unstable. Her eyes never leave the sight of Jin's large tent on his crotch.

Unknowingly, Jin noticed her stare and remembered what Rapunzel told him a few hours ago, this scene if Elsa just confirmed his suspicions.

'So, she does have feelings for me. But I didn't expect it to be this intense. Out of every horny person I've seen, she's the only one who got wet just by me and Tigress's small sexual interaction.' Jin said to himself as he decided to stop holding back a bit and since Rapunzel finally gave Puss a chance to fall asleep, leaving him, Tigress, Elsa and Rapunzel awake in the carriage.

Much to Elsa's shock, Jin suddenly whipped his dick out of his pants and let the head touch Tigress's lips.

Tigress was also shocked but soon recovered and opened her mouth, swallowing his entire cock in one full swoop.


[I have so much school work right now but I still decided not to skip a day, after all, I love you guys (no homo)]

[I swear I didn't say those things to get your pity and give me power stones. Nope!]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 92 - A slight activity in the carriage(Lemon)]

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