Ch. 93 - Solstice Summit

[Like I promised, two chapters today as a compensation for my 3 days absence, even though I only managed to only write a single chapter throughout these 3 days despite my efforts to write while doing all my school works.]


For the entire week, Jin has focused on several things.

First is the Dragon's Nest, which was blooming as time went on. Jin actually made them an official organization that was recognized by the whole world.

Technically, the Dragon's Nest became more like the Justice League, except for powers and abilities as the group's purpose turned from becoming a band of mercenaries to a group of people who fought corruption and evil people.

Thanks to Jin's teachings on them, man-power is the least thing they have to worry about.

With the help of Corona Kingdom and Arendelle, Dragon's Nest was now going around the continent, solving small to big problems, further cementing their reputation as a group of justice filled individuals. Although many Kingdoms were very against them and even offered a bounty on each of their heads, is that really enough to stop them?

With Jin's support, the kingdoms that were against them quickly turned their tails away when Jin launched a full scale investigation on each of them.

How? With Jin's might combined with Iroh's critical and wise thinking, all their little secrets were dug and shown throughout the world, giving them a good reason to kick the current corrupt officials and put them behind bars while some who did the worst things such as rape and pedophilic things, were secretly tortured before executed.

Jin may be a devil but he's still a sympathetic human at heart, he has engraved his parents's teachings and knows the goods and bad. And with his might, he was able to execute his own sense of justice.

Put the bad guys who did minor things such as stealings and such behind bars while torturing and killing those who did a major thing such as killing an innocent person or raping the opposite or same gender.

Yes, the opposite or same gender, so if a man raped a man or a woman raped a man and so forth, they will still be tortured and executed.

The true definition of Gender Equality!

The second thing that he did during the rest of the week was to train. It's been a while since he last trained and he felt like he could achieve more strength than just relying on the template's percentage.

Which is why, Jin had an idea of combining two separate techniques of both of his templates and he was successful.

Combined with Iroh's Lightning Bending and Jin's Lightning Chi manipulation, Jin combined them both and managed to form an even more potent and dangerous lightning technique.

Basically, Lightning Bending came from one's own energy, which is kinda similar to stamina while Lightning Chi Manipulation came from obviously the chi.

So, with both techniques combined, the lightning wasn't blue or red, instead it turned into a purple one and the last time he tested it on a tree, not even the ashes were left. Which shows just how strong this technique is.

And if it is used on a human or a living being? Jin doesn't know since he hasn't tried it yet but he could guess that no one could get out uncathed from this technique.

Jin has also thought of a name for it, which he named 'Empyrean Thunderbolt.' Did he also mention he could manipulate the intensity, shape, size and the direction of the lightning?

And lastly, the last thing he did this week is pretty obvious.

Flirting with Elsa obviously. After he got both Rapunzel and Tigress's confirmation, he finally started his advance and made the first move on Elsa.

It would be a lie if he said he isn't successful since Elsa was also amazed by his first move and even started reciprocating his moves and flirts back whenever she can. Unfortunately, she's still a beginner, so it would take her some time if she wants to get a blush from Jin.

As for Jin? With Tigress and Rapunzel's constant teases on him, Jin is slowly learning and adapting, so he knows the itch of every woman.

And as for what it is? Compliments of course! Women love being complimented all the time even for the smallest things, they would greatly appreciate it and even take it to their heart. Though don't get your hopes up for this as you need to have the looks first before trying it out, or else they might just see you as a stalker or a creep.

And now that everything is settled for what he did in the past days, a grand event is now being held at Arendelle as several large ships and carriages were going in and out of the Kingdom's port and main road.

As mentioned previously by Agnarr, today is the day that Solstice Summit is being held and at their own territory! So, Agnarr kept himself busy for the entire week as he wanted to make a good impression on the other Kings, especially after the lockdown that transpired on their Kingdom.

"Hmm, nothing much changed here." One of the kings who came to attend was the King of the Far Far Away Kingdom. In other words, Fiona's parents.

What surprised Jin was the fact that Fiona and Shrek were also walking behind them side by side, gathering strange and scared looks from the nearby folks.

"Is that an Ogre? How disgusting." One of the Kings said in disgust.

"I told you we shouldn't have come here." Shrek whispered to Fiona, who was standing by his side and holding on his shoulders.

"Shh, this is a grand moment for us and since you're my husband now, you must know how the Solstice Summer works. You're going to be the King someday." Fiona whispered back while awkwardly smiling at the folks around, though that only worsened their situation as it just made the people more scared of them now.

"You're making it worse." Shrek noticed this and whispered back to her.

"You speak as if you're doing something good." Fiona rebutted him in the same whisper tone.

"We shouldn't have come here." Meanwhile, Fiona's father King Harold, grumbled and covered his face in embarrassment. He could see the looks that everyone is giving them and he doesn't like it one bit. All because of a damned Ogre who suddenly barged into their life yesterday! In fact, he was supposed to meet a legendary mercenary who would kill Shrek for him as he already made an appointment with the mercenary. And what did he receive? Nothing! He went to the local tavern where they were supposed to meet up, only to wait for hours on someone who never showed up!

"Hey, isn't that Jin?" Suddenly, Fiona saw someone familiar and quickly pointed at the individual who was eating elegantly on a table.

"That's Jin!" Unlike Fiona, Shrek is more familiar with Jin, which is why he quickly recognized him even from afar.

"Jin? What is he doing here?" Fiona asked in confusion while Shrek just happily grabbed her hand and started approaching Jin.

"I don't know but we'll find out soon." Shrek responded at the same time as they arrived in front of him.

"Jin?" Shrek called out first just for confirmation, and seeing that Jin turned his attention from his plate to them, Jin greeted them.

"Hm? Shrek and Fiona? What are you guys doing here?" Jin raised a question while Shrek answered before Fiona could.

"Well, I'm kind of a prince now. I don't know how it happened but it is what it is. How about you? We're surprised to see you here." Shrek answered his question before firing his own.

"Similar to you, I'm kind of a special guest here, like literally." Jin replied with a shrug.

"How special?" Shrek sat on the table, ignoring his wife, Fiona just to immerse himself in chatting with Jin.

"A spiritual teacher of Princess Elsa. She's the heir for the throne." Jin answered before proceeding to stab a veggie with his fork and ate it. Veggies are good for your health after all.

"That's amazing. Thankfully, we found you here. You have no idea how awkward it is for us to be stared at as if we're some kind of exotic animals." Shrek said with a laugh.

"How about Elsa? And your wives Rapunzel and Tigress was it?" Fiona also made herself comfortable and sat.

"They're kind of busy picking their own dress for the event." Jin answered while looking around. He could see that the entire hall was now filled to the brim. He could even smell the riches and royalty everywhere. Just seeing those elegant postures and arrogant expressions on their faces almost made Jin leave the hall.

Well, 'almost' as he couldn't resist the food around here, especially the different kinds of tea that are being brought on the table one by one.

Jin could make a guess that Agnarr specifically asked for this either for him or because all royalties like to drink tea. Jin leans more on the latter since he could see that everyone who reeks of royalty is holding at least one tea cup in their hands with their pinky finger flashed out, screaming elegance!

*Ting!* x3

Suddenly, Kai stepped forward and smacked a metal spoon on a tea cup, gathering everyone's attention.

"I hereby announce the arrival of the King and Queen of Arendelle, along with the two princesses, Elsa and Anna." Kai announced before bringing down the tea cup and spoon back on the table.

Just in time, Tigress and Rapunzel sneakily sat beside Jin.

"Finally, Anna wants to try almost every dress she has in her wardrobe. Luckily, we found what she liked the most." Rapunzel wryly said as she wiped off the sweat on her forehead. She was very exhausted by helping Anna pick her dress.

"Elsa was easy to handle. She said she wants a blue dress for this event." Meanwhile, Tigress calmly informed before getting a glare from Rapunzel.

"Lucky." Rapunzel murmured.


Soon, the large doors on the second floor were finally opened as Agnarr and Iduna graced everyone with their imposing presence.

Behind them, walked Elsa and Anna side by side. Both of them were looking around in nervousness. Thankfully, they were walking side by side so that helps them overcome their fear for the crowd.


"Is that Princess Elsa? I can't wait to ask for her hand!" Suddenly, Jin heard someone whisper behind him. A male one to be exact.

Naturally, Jin would just ignore this however, after days of effort in pursuing and flirting with Elsa, he has already considered her as his own, even though she hasn't confessed to him yet.

'Hmm, they won't mind if one person goes missing at this time right?' Jin muttered to himself as his eyes grew sharp.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 94 - Ambush!]

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