Ch. 100 - The 'Guardian Angel' finally shows up!

Since Princess Anna was in the General Knight's arms, Anna also flew in the sky but not that much as the General Knight's grip on her loosened when Jin threw him upwards.

That's when Tigress took her cue as she instantly disappeared from her position, causing a small crater on where she used to stand.

Meanwhile, Elsa saw Anna in the air and with panic in her face, she instantly used her ice to form a large ramp to try and catch Anna while she was still in the air and so she wouldn't hurt herself by landing on the hard cement ground.

Fortunately, Tigress arrived in front of her and caught her in her arms before seeing the ice ramp that Elsa created and decided to land on it on her two feet and eventually sliding off back towards the ground.

Meanwhile, Jin predicted that this will happen as his eyes never left the Thalassar Knights who were looking at him with fear and shock. As a matter of fact, they're not the only ones looking at him in fear but also the Arendelle Knights and the royalties.

Though their fear of him wasn't that much especially from the Arendelle since after all, he technically just saved their dear princess.

With this cue, Jin muttered one word in a deep tone while his eyes coldly stared at the Thalassar Knights.


As soon as he finished his word, a huge pressure suddenly descended across the battlefield, although everyone felt it, only the Thalassar Knights took the full blunt of the pressure.


*Thud!* x389

Every Thalassar Knights dropped their swords and shields before they all kissed the ground.

The pressure continued for several minutes where everyone continued to stare at Jin in fear. Even the ground shakes as the pressure continues to increase. The pressure slowly stops as each Thalassar Knights are falling unconscious one by one.

The remaining 20 awake Thalassar stared at Jin with fear in their faces as if they had just seen their greatest nightmare in their entire life. Well in fact, they're not wrong about that. After what Jin did, there's no doubt he'd be their greatest nightmare and would continue to hunt them for the rest of their life.

What Jin did earlier isn't a conqueror's haki or something, he simply used his telekinesis to apply pressure on them all.

With his 100% Jin Kazama template, he was able to use some of Devil Jin's abilities despite being in his human form albeit a bit weaker than when used during his Devil form. Keyword 'Some', which means Jin can't use his wings without transforming. Though he can use his other abilities like Telekinesis and Laser beams but like what he stated earlier, they're much weaker than when he's in his devil form.

Back to the battlefield, Thalassar Knights weren't the only ones looking at him in fear, but also the guests and the citizens of Arendelle.

"D-devil! Get away from me you devil!" A chubby man wearing a long royalty cape behind him pointed his finger towards Jin and accused him with fear in his voice.

"Y-yeah! You devil!" Soon, others followed and started pointing fingers at him and insulting him.

Even though Jin didn't showed his devil form or anything however, we all know the natural reaction of humans when it comes to things that they can't control or have knowledge of, they would either destroy it or shun it away and consider them as a work of devil or even the devil himself especially since religion is quite highly spread in this world.

"Even that Princess Elsa is a devil! Both of the-!" One of the royal guests from another Kingdom then noticed Elsa behind Jin and quickly shifted her index finger to Elsa and started calling her a devil.

Unfortunately for her, Jin didn't take lightly off that.

"Kaaghkkk!" Suddenly, the royal guest that dared to point her finger and call Elsa a devil floated off from the ground while holding her neck as if someone was choking her even though there was no one in front of her.

"It would be fine if you call me that but not to someone I hold dear or else I'll show you the devil I am." Jin's face was full of anger as his arm was raised while his hand took the shape in a chokehold like manner, looking like he was strangling the air.

"G-ghelpgh!" The royal guest tried to ask someone for help around her however, everyone who was by her side earlier in calling Jin a devil was suddenly far away from her, abandoning her much to her fear and pain from the betrayal.

Meanwhile, Elsa blushes a bit from Jin's exclamation earlier. She didn't expect Jin to loudly declare to the public that he held her dear, it feels like the same as confessing his love for her in public.

Fortunately for the royal guest, the clouds suddenly parted as the sun's golden light shone across the entire Kingdom.

"What the?" Everyone either closed or covered their from the sheer brightness of the sunlight.

Out of nowhere, a bright golden spear flashed towards the unsuspecting back of Jin.

Jin, who was never expecting this was surprised by the sudden interference and he was too late to react from the bright golden resplendent spear that easily pierced through his shoulder as if his skin was made of tofu.


"Jin!" Tigress and the others yelled at Jin with horror and worry in their faces.

"That is enough, you vile creature!" A man with blond golden hair started descending from the skies with a confident smirk on his face, the most noticeable thing about the blond man was the pure white wings flapping behind him and the shining Golden armor that he dons.

"A-an Angel! We're saved!" Seeing that familiar figure that they always saw on the scriptures in the church, the guests kneeled on the ground and assumed a praying stance with their hands.

Even though Jin and his women just saved their lives, the church's influence on them takes a very deep root in their heart and instills to them that it is normal to cast away the devil and hate them while you must unconditionally love the angels and revere them.

"I knew I would find you here. Luckily, someone told me to stay." The Angel with a punchable arrogant smirk on his face said with the same arrogance in his tone like the one on his face.

"And who are you? Do we know each other?" Jin asked while trying to maintain a calm face, he can't show in his face that the hole on his shoulder is burning and the pain is very unbearable!

'What kind of spear did he throw at me? Why can't I heal myself?' Jin panicked inside his mind as he noticed that his regeneration was taking longer than usual and the pain on his shoulder goes stronger as time passes by.

"You don't need to know me. A devil doesn't have the right to know a mighty angel's name. It's blasphemous!" The Angel replied with venom on his tone, quite contrary to what his race is supposed to represent.

"As an Agent of Kindness and Eradicator of Evil....I shall punish you for your existence itself and for what you represent! Die you blasphemous creature!" The Angel then raised his arms past his head and started chanting that gave Jin enough time to focus on healing the hole on his shoulder.

As soon as the Angel was done chanting, a large war axe made of golden motes of light formed on both of his hands.

"Haaaa!" The Angel folded his wings and nosedived his way towards Jin.

Knowing the consequences of that golden light touches him, Jin quickly transformed in his devil form and touched the shoulders of Tigress, who was carrying Anna in her arms and Elsa before using his teleportation.

Just in time as they disappeared, the Angel's battle-axe landed on the ground and caused huge explosions that inflicted damage to the surroundings, even injuring and killing some of the royal guests earlier.


"A-angel, why?" One of them cried out as a pebble flew and landed on his eye, causing his eye sockets to bleed and even blind him.

"Shut your mouth, mortal. Your sacrifices are necessary for the greater good. Now, step aside if you don't want to die." The Angel growled, annoyed that his strike wasn't successful, added the fact that this mere human dares to question him. He is an Angel! What more is the reason for him to provide an explanation? Everything he does is for the greater good. In his mind, it is only normal for humans to sacrifice themselves just to defeat evil. After all, that's how they won in the battle against Devils eons upon eons ago right after the first universe was born.

"All of you, take Anna away, fetch Rapunzel and get far away from here!" After appearing in a desolate alley not far away from the Angel's location, Jin quickly warned and reminded them before turning around to face the Angel.

However, before he could do so, a soft and delicate hand suddenly grabbed his wrist and when he turned around, his lips were suddenly conquered by a certain someone.

At first, he thought it was Tigress but when he opened his eyes, he was surprised to see Elsa was the one kissing him instead of Tigress!


Releasing their kiss, Elsa looked in his eyes and said.

"Be careful." Though it is very weird since she just kissed Jin in front of his wife but Elsa was scared. So scared that she decided to kiss him and confess her feelings for him, lest she regrets it later on if Jin dies in the battle. Though, she hopes that won't happen.

"I will." Jin smiled and said while Tigress simply rolled her eyes and it was her turn to kiss Jin.


"If you die here, I'll kill you myself." Tigress coldly stared at Jin and threatened him.


"ME TOOOO!" Just as Jin was about to reply, he suddenly heard Rapunzel's voice and before he knew it, she landed in front of him and his lips immediately met hers.


Out of all three of them, Rapunzel's kiss was the longest. If it wasn't for the shouts and screams of the people behind them, Jin wouldn't have to push Rapunzel.

"Alright, that's it. Now all of you, get to safety!" Jin licked his lips in excitement before giving his last warning.

He then turns around but this time, his body is full of vigor and excitement. He'll definitely show this fucking light bulb bird his place!





[Next Chapter: Ch. 101 - The Holy War!]

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