Ch. 105 - Postponing the Nether Plan. Preparing for the next world

[As I promised, you get 5 chapters at the same time, I get the entire week off. Hopefully I still get 5 chapters worth of power stones]


"Jin, I-I don't think I'm ready to become a Queen. I'm nervous." Elsa didn't hesitate to express her worries to Jin. After months of getting to know him, she already sees Jin as someone she could trust with her entire heart.

"Don't be nervous. Although I don't have any experience with that, I feel like you're going to do just fine." Jin tries to assure her however, he sighs when he sees that Elsa was still nervous.

"I don't have the experience to become one and why does papa have to retire so early. He's still in his forties isn't he?" Elsa grabbed a handful of her hair and complained before slumping off on his bed with her face staring at the ceiling.

Meanwhile, Jin was deep in thought. Trying to find ways to help Elsa on her problem.

"I'm not fit to become a Queen!" Elsa grabbed a pillow nearby before burying her face with it and yelled.

"This is so unlike you, Elsa. I can see that you're really worried about this." Jin approached Elsa and sat next to her on the bed.

"What do you mean by that?" Elsa removed the pillow and turned to look at him with a confused expression on her face.

"You see. If a person is truly nervous about something. You will see it from the way he acts. If it is different from normal, then that means the person is really worried and overthinking about the problem." Jin gave advice that he picked up on thanks to his Uncle Iroh Template.

"What should I do then? If I become a Queen, would I really be able to rule the Kingdom like my father?" Elsa expressed her worries to him.

"That's the problem here, Elsa. Don't think of following the same path as your father did, you don't have to rule the same rule that he did." Jin said and when he saw Elsa's confused face, he sighed and changed it in layman's terms so she could understand.

"All I'm saying is just be you. Don't change what you are just because you feel like it is unfit." Jin then held Elsa's hand as he spoke with his eyes staring directly at hers.

"Really?" Elsa felt touched by his words and can't help but feel a fluffy feeling raging on her chest.

At this point, their relationship is very close. In fact, Jin felt like Elsa was already considering him as her lover, it's just that it is not yet official.

"....I think I have a solution to your problem." Jin then squinted his eyes as realization dawned upon him before expressing his solution to Elsa.

"Really! What is it!?" Elsa quickly got up from the bed and sat before looking at Jin with excitement, eagerly waiting for the solution that he thought of.

"Do you remember what Tigress told you when I disappeared after the battle with that devil?" Jin first asked while Elsa placed her fingers under her chin, trying to remember what Jin was talking about.

"That I am an Agent of God?" Seeing that Elsa was having a hard time recalling her memory, Jin decided to juggle it up a bit.

"Oh, I remember!" After hearing what Jin said, as if the switch was triggered, Elsa quickly remembered what Tigress told her that day.

The day when she was about to blame herself for being the reason why Jin 'died' or so she thought.

Even though she doesn't completely believe her at that time but after witnessing everything that Jin has done, she felt like an idiot for doubting Tigress's words back then.

"So, everything about you fighting in this Great War is real?" Elsa asked in validation.

"....Yes." Although Jin wanted to say 'No' since there's really no 'Great War' that is going to happen however, since God already said so to them, he could only nod his head and say 'Yes'.

"....So, what is the connection of all this to the solution that you were talking about?" After getting everything registered in her head, she finally asked the last question.

"Like what Tigress told you, I'm going to need companions to accompany me when I travel to another world. Which is why I'm giving you an invitation...." Jin answered and then stood up while placing his hand forward, asking for Elsa to take it.

"Would you like to join me in my adventure?"


"Why would you do that to her?" Meanwhile, in a large royal bedroom full of expensive ornaments and jewelries, Iduna was flabbergasted when she heard what Agnarr did.

"I want her to learn and mature early. I'm afraid that If she idles any longer than she is now, she won't grow up to be a responsible Queen to Arendelle. I am just helping her." Agnarr tried to reason it out however, Iduna wasn't having any of it.

"She's still 18! She must first reach her 21 before she could partake with politics and the Kingdom." Iduna heled her face in disappointment while Agnarr sighed. Looks like he would be sleeping on the couch tonight.

"Just let me handle this, okay? I know what I'm doing." Agnarr stands and held Iduna's shoulders as he tries to reassure her.

"If something bad happens to Elsa because of your decision, I swear I will never talk to you again!" Iduna pointed her finger directly at Agnarr's face before loudly declaring over him.

Agnarr could only sigh and wish that Elsa would be able to learn everything she needed to learn throughout the entire year before she becomes the Queen.


While Iduna and Agnarr were fighting it out, Jin narrated everything to Elsa about his plan and thankfully, she not only find it plausible but was even excited about it.

Basically, the plan is for Jin, Rapunzel, Elsa and Tigress to leave this world for the next world where Elsa would have all the time she needed to learn everything on how to become a proper Queen. To be honest, this plan wouldn't be feasible if it weren't for the fact that the time stops in this world when Jin leaves, just like what happened to Tigress's world.

"Are we going now?" Elsa asked while approaching her large cabinet to take the necessary stuffs that she needs for the next world.

"I'll call Rapunzel and Tigress first." Jin replied before standing up from the bed and walked out of the room.

'Why does this situation feels like those romance novels that I read in the library where the Princess was burdened with force marriage and has to run away from home with her secret lover.' Elsa blushed while imagining in her mind that she's a fragile princess who were forced to marry a prince that she doesn't love from other Kingdom and during so, she met a commoner who she fell in love with and that commoner is none other than Jin himself.

"What are you thinking Elsa!" Elsa clasped her cheeks with both of her hands while reprimanding herself at the same time.

'With everything that has happened, I'm sure he's just waiting for me to express my feelings to him so we could our relationship official.' Elsa remarked while looking at the door where Jin left through with complicated but determined look on her face.


Meanwhile, after leaving Elsa's room, Jin walked around the halls, searching for Rapunzel and Tigress.

'At this time, they're probably still helping around outside.' Jin said to himself, so he changed his directiok and started walking through the front door when he suddenly stumbled upon a little minx.


Quickly grabbing her arms, Jin finally got a good look in who he stumbled to and saw Anna with a bulging cheeks.

"Anna? What are you doing? What's with the face?" Jin first helped Anna stand on her feet before asking questions.

However, instead of answering his question, Anna suddenly panicked and shook her head repeatedly before evading Jin and ran past him.

*Thud!* x10

She didn't ran too long before several chocolates in wrappers started falling from her dress to the floor.

Turning around and seeing that Jin was looking at her in suspicion, Anna awkwardly smiled with her mouth still bulging before quickly crouching, picking up every chocolate pieces that fell on the floor.

If Jin wasn't looking at her, he'd thought that the chocolates on the floor mysteriously started disappearing.

As soon as the chocolates were gone from the floor, Anna hurriedly scurried off but not before flashing a 'hush' gesture towards Jin.

Jin could only sigh and nod his head.

"Just brush your teeth soon after." Jin reminded her as he stared at her running figure.

"Jin?" Just as Anna disappeared from his sight, he suddenly heard Tigress's voice behind him.

Turning around, he raised an eyebrow when he saw several shopping bags that are hanging around their limbs and necks.

"Where were you and what are those?" Jin asked, referring to the several shopping bags on their possession.

"A new clothing store just opened up, so we decided to come and visit. Why do you ask?" Rapunzel replied before asking in return.

"Let's have a talk. It's important." Jin approached them and took several shopping bags beside carrying them. He's proper gentleman, especially towards his women.


"We're leaving?!" After telling Rapunzel and Tigress about Elsa's matter.

"There's nothing to be worried about. Time will simply stop as usual when we leave the world, so except for us aging, nothing will change here while we're gone." Jin assured them as he thought that they're worried about what will happen while they're gone.

"That's not the reason why we're worried. We were worried for Elsa. Even Il have to reach the age of 21 before I could train and partake in politics." Rapunzel answered.

"So, are we going now?" Tigress asked, although she felt sad in leaving this world as she has already grown attached to several people but thankfully, time will stop so she doesn't have anything to worry about.

"I'll ask God about it first." Since he decided this for himself, Jin doesn't know if God will agree to it, so he needed to ask for his permission first.

Just as Jin mentioned God, the world once again went into a halt except for Jin.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 106 - The Flower turns out to be the Goddess?!]

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