Ch. 107 - She ain't that bad

"It's nice to finally meet you, venerable devil."

When Jin heard the feminine voice, his body turned around, searching for the source of the voice.

Thankfully, she wasn't hiding herself, so all it took was a simple turn before Jin finally met her face to face.

"You're breathtaking..." Jin hissed in amazement. He didn't expect the Goddess to be this beautiful. Well, he was already expecting her to be a beautiful woman after all, she's a goddess but her appearance reminds Jin of a certain someone.

A long golden and wavy hair that went past her shoulders, not only that, but her golden hair were also shining as if it was a lightbulb.

She was wearing a simple white sleeveless dress that goes past her knees, however as much as Jin wanted to call it simple, it not only suits her but it adds greatly to her 'innocent' lady charm.

"You look like..." Jin squints his eyes and tries to compare the Goddess's face with someone.

"Rapunzel! You look like Rapunzel!" Jin widened his eyes in surprise when Rapunzel's face suddenly overlaps with the Goddess's face.


Chuckling slightly, the Goddess finds Jin's reaction amusing.

"Should I take that as a compliment?" She smiles and asks.

"I think so? I mean, its just the same as telling you that you're very beautiful. If I haven't met Rapunzel's parents, I'd thought that you're her biological mother or something." Jin laughs to himself while answering.

"You're not wrong about that. Rapunzel can already be considered as my daughter." The Goddess replied much to Jin's confusion and shock.

"What? What do you mean by tha- ohh, I get it..." Jin suddenly had a look of realization on his face as he nodded his head repeatedly. Basically, since the Flower is somehow part of her and this Flower was consumed by Rapunzel's mother before she gave birth to her, Rapunzel is already considered as someone related to Rapunzel, like a biological mother.

"It must be nice having two mothers at the same time." Jin muttered to himself while mentally chuckling.

Noticing that the Goddess was still looking at him with an amused smile on her face, Jin cleared his throat and decided to take this situation seriously.

"Ehem! Anyways, there must be a reason why you wanted to meet me, right?" Jin then raised the question that he's been eager to know.

"Let me introduce myself properly, my name is Aeloria, the Goddess of Life and the Eternal Nurturer..." The Goddess, now known as Aeloria, introduced herself first before she continues.

"...All this time ever since you came in my world, I've been watching you..." Aeloria said with a smile, prolly not knowing that what she's doing makes her a creep and a stalker.

"Okaaaayyyy. I don't know what to say about that, should I feel safe since a Goddess is watching over me?" Jin was also weirded out by the innocence of Aeloria in front of him.

"I can see everything through Rapunzel's eyes. And during those times that I watched your actions. I came to a conclusion that you truly love my daughter." Aeloria then revealed while intentionally calling Rapunzel as her daughter.

"I just have one request from you." Aeloria then looked at him with a sad look in her eyes.

"What is it? As long as it is within my capabilities." Jin doesn't know the reason why Aeloria suddenly got a sad look on her face but he still nodded his head.

"Please protect her. She's my first and probably will be the only daughter I have. Even though she hasn't met me or know me but I care for her." Aeloria continued. A distant look can be seen on her eyes.

"You don't have to say that. I'll protect her no matter what." Jin's words assured her.

"Thank you. In return, I give you my blessing." Aeloria smiled in relief before waving her hand towards Jin, a strange golden light suddenly entered Jin's chest from Aeloria's hand.

"What the?" Though confused, Jin didn't feel any harm from what she did, so he just accepted it with a warm thank you for her.

"Although I don't know what you just did but thank you." Jin spoke while touching his chest, trying to find any anomaly but find nothing.

"Luminara." Aeloria suddenly uttered a word that confused Jin slight.

"Luminara? What's that?" He asks.

"The name that I give to Rapunzel. Although her birth mother already gave her one but I also want to name her myself. So, her name will be Luminara." Aeloria smiled in delight and relief, as if a heavy burden was finally lifted off from her shoulders.

"Remember my words, Venerable Devil. Never forget them." As her words starts to fade away along with the entire area around Jin, including Aeloria herself.

"Wait, hold on. What do you mean by Venerable Devil? I'm just a normal devil..." Unfortunately, Jin's calling were already too late as the entire scenery has faded away from Jin's vision and before he knew it, he was back int he garden along with Agnarr.

The Flower that was supposed to be planted on the ground no longer has its shine like it used to be.

"" Jin's body kept shaking as Agnarr tries to wake him up from his stupor.


"What happened?" His eyes widened in surprise as he turned around and looked at Agnarr, asking him about what happened.

"You suddenly froze in place when you touched the Flower. A few seconds later, the Flower suddenly lost its shine. As if it died." Agnarr explained before looking at the flower with pity, thinking that Jin has somehow killed the Flower.

Jin doesn't know what Agnarr was thinking and even if he does know, he won't care that much since his mind is occupied on the realization towards the mysterious light that entered his chest earlier.

'Did I somehow absorbed the Flower's powers? So, I'm kind of like Rapunzel now? I guess.' Jin wondered to himself while looking at the poor flower that looks like a normal flower due to loosing its light. To be honest, Jin could only arrive at this conclusion if it wasn't for seeing the flower without its bright light.

'Luminara...Rapunzel's true name.' Jin muttered in his mind. He was shocked to learn that Rapunzel's source of powers were deeper and profound that he thought.

'I should probably tell her about what happened.' Jin made a note to himself before standing up and patting Agnarr's shoulders.

"Thank you for this. I must go now. There's someone waiting for me." Soon after that, Jin started walking away from the garden. He's going back to his room where Rapunzel and Tigress were probably preparing for their next world journey.

"Okay..." Agnarr simply waved his hand at Jin and felt like Jin's sense of presence was a bit different after he touched the Flower.

'It must be my imagination.' Agnarr shook his head from these thoughts before walking back to the diner room to resume his breakfast.


While Jin was walking back to his room, he surprisingly stumbled upon Elsa, who were sticking around the walls and looking around in cautiousness.

"Elsa? What are you doing?" Jin called her out loud, making Elsa immediately panic but she soon sighed when she saw that it was just Jin.

"I was looking for you." Elsa tucked her beautiful white hair behind her ear before responding to Jin's question.

"Well, I'm here now. What do you need? If it is about the plan of leaving this world then you don't have to worry about it. I'll just call you up when we're ready." Jin then replied to her.

"Although that's not the reason why I'm looking for you but I'm glad that we'll continue with the plan. Anyways, can you come with me for a few second?" Elsa smiled in relief before asking Jin.

"...Alright sure. Lead the way, Snow Princess." Jin then flashed a teasing smile towards Elsa who blushed after hearing the cringe nickname that she received after revealing her powers to the public. Although Jin thought that she would be called the Ice Princess but unfortunately, that wasn't the case because the entire Kingdom of Arendelle started snowing after Elsa used her powers to form a huge ice dome that covered the entire Kingdom.

Even though Elsa released the Ice Dome, it unfortunately started snowing even if it is not her intention.

Thankfully the snow that she made this time isn't as bad as what she did in the canon where the entire Kingdom was almost put into an Ice Age.

And that's how her Snow Princess nickname came to be. Though people outside the Kingdom calls her many other nicknames, including the bad ones such as the Ice Demoness, they even call her the Princess of Frozen Hell, which is quite cool if you ignore that the word Hell isn't exactly a compliment.

Back to Jin and Elsa. After Elsa led Jin back in her room, Jin saw that her bed was full of unfolded clothes and dresses. From the looks of it, she was having a hard time picking out her clothes for their upcoming journey.

"You're having trouble picking out clothes for yourself? Sure, I'll help yo-." Just as Jin thought that the reason why Elsa called him here was to help her out in choosing her clothes when suddenly, Elsa who has been quiet all this time suddenly turns out to face him.

Before Jin could register her movements, she suddenly grabbed the collar of his shirt before she closes her eyes as their lips collides against each other.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 108 - Elsa's confession]

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