Ch. 113 - Zing!

[Huge thanks to SirRandom for providing me once again a new cover for the fanfic! Tell me what you guys think]


After getting on the 2nd floor, Jin and Elsa slapped their foreheads as instead of seeing other new things in a new floor, instead they just met another set of hotel rooms that extended very far away across the hallway.

"What kind of hotel is this anyway." Jin said, he doesn't remember the hotel being this big and large in the movies.

"There should be at least one person around right?" Jin whispered to himself and started walking forward with his hand clasped with Elsa's.

It didn't take long before they saw a door being opened. Jin and Elsa quickly hid behind a corner and peeked, wanting to know who was coming out of that door.

"I-I didn't lie, my love. I was telling the truth." Jin's eyes widened in surprise when he saw Dracula walking out of the room first followed by a pretty black haired woman with a pale face.

"Oh really?" Martha said with a deadpan face as she stares at Dracula who awkwardly laughs.

"Really. Hahaha...." However, it seems like Dracula never knew about psychology as looking away while talking to someone clearly indicates that he's lying to her.

"Drac. We've been together for almost a thousand years, I know when you're lying or not." Martha replied with the same deadpan expression on her face.

"I- uhhhh, okay fine. I faked it. But I did it for her safety." Dracula seems like he still wanted to maintain his facade however, he couldn't endure his wife's deadpanned face any longer so he could only sigh in defeat and reveal the truth in a whisper at the last sentence.

"I knew it. You are not doing it for her safety, you just wanted her to stay in the castle with us for the rest of her life." Martha held her forehead and said to Dracula with worry about her voice.

"I just don't want to repeat the same mistake I did in the past. You remember Martha? I almost lost you back then. If dad didn't come to visit us for my birthday, he wouldn't have saved you at that moment." Dracula held Martha's chin to raise her head so she could look at him before continuing.

"I promise you this, my love. I swear in my rotten heart that I will protect our family. No matter what happens." After Dracula said those words with a smile, Martha looked at him like a maiden in love all over again.

"...Here you are with your sweet words again. I really hate how you can make my heart beat with just your words. You are really evil, Drac." Martha's previously exasperated face turned into a blooming smile mixed with a small blush on her cheeks as she lightly bumped her fist on Drac's chest.

"Oh hohohoho. You know you love me even if I don't have to speak. My looks are charming enough, aren't they?" Dracula teased while straightening his posture and fixing his collar while looking at Martha with a smug face.

"Oh really? Now, I'm wondering who fell first between the both of us." Martha flashed back a smirk towards Dracula while she started to walk away so they could prepare for their daughter's birthday.

"I admit that it is me. But, it makes me wonder who fell harder." Dracula rebutted before mischievously sneaking his hands on Martha's shoulders before continuing.

"Now, how about we prepare for our little Mavis's bestest birthday ever!" Dracula shouted in an enthusiastic tone in his voice.

"I think giving him the coat that she wanted is enough to make her birthday the best." Martha said, pouring cold water on Dracula's excitement as he remembered what Martha gifted for their Mavis.

"I don't know what to say about that anymore. But, fine. She can have it. It's best for her to use it rather than letting it rot in the cabinet." Dracula seemed down as he spoke each word.


"If there is an achievement for the best father in history, no doubt you'll have it long before Mavis was born. You think I don't know how you studied for 3 months straight without any sleep on a human book about how to raise children?"

"Wait how do you know that...."

As their legs brought them slowly far from Mavis's room, Jin and Elsa finally went out of the corner where they were hiding and sighed in relief at the same time.

"I wonder who those guys are." As Elsa doesn't have a sharp hearing, she didn't hear most of what Dracula and his wife were talking about, so it was all left for Jin to explain to her.

"They're Dracula and his wife, Martha. They're full-fledged vampires." Jin took this chance to introduce both of them to Elsa.

"Like the one in the myth? How come they don't look like disfigured monsters like the ones written in the fantasy novel I read." Elsa replied in return while Jin simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Should we enter that room?" Elsa whispered while pointing at the room where she saw Dracula and Martha get out.

"No, I think that's their daughter's room. We don't want to disturb her now, right?"

"Why are we even sneaking like robbers? Can't we just show our presence and introduce ourselves properly." Elsa slightly complained as she felt weird being a princess and all but she had to sneak around like a thief.

"Because. If the monsters were to see us, they might panic because you know why?" Jin then said as he turned his eyes on Elsa.

"Because they'll panic like you said back then." Elsa replied, repeating the same warning that Jin told them before coming in.

"Yes, but that's just partially the reason. The main reason is because the moment we landed in this world, I felt a pair of eyes staring at us. I thought it was just my imagination but the more we stayed, the more I realized that I was not imagining things since the feeling is still there." Jin revealed in a whisper while his eyes looked around in cautiousness.

"Watching us? Who is it?" Elsa got confused and asked.

"I have no idea. I also don't feel any bad intentions from the stare that I'm feeling."

"So we should be fine then?"

"It should be but it doesn't hurt to be cautious." Jin shrugged his shoulders and said before they both resumed their walk.

This time, they came across a weird red button on the wall.

"Hey, look at this." Elsa was the first one to see it so she approached it and pointed it out for Jin to see it clearly.

"It says something. 'Push the red button if you're human'. This looks interesting." Elsa read the small line of Script type font text on top of the red button before using her finger to try and push the red button in curiosity.

Thankfully, before she could press the red button thanks to her curiosity, Jin quickly held her wrist and successfully stopped her.

"Don't just casually press buttons just because it says so, Elsa. Who knows what kind of trap that button is." Jin sighed in relief before carefully explaining to her.

"I know. I'm sorry." Elsa looked away and apologized, slightly embarrassed at being scolded by her lover.

"Sigh. It's fine, just don't repeat it next time. You know what they say right?" Jin kissed Elsa's forehead and said while turning around to resume their walk before continuing.

"Curiosity kills the-."


He didn't even manage to finish his sentence when he heard a clicking sound, so he quickly turned around and found that Elsa's fingers were now pressing the button.

"-cat." Just in time for Jin to finish his sentence, the floor below Elsa suddenly opens up, causing Elsa to fall inside before the open floor closes back up again.


"Elsa!" Jin quickly approached the floor where Elsa fell off and tried opening it while calling out her name.

*Click!* x10

Jin tried to click the red button again several times however, it wasn't working anymore.

Just as Jin was about to use brute force to smash his way in, as he already transformed in his devil form and was close to one second in punching an entire hole on the floor, revealing their position just so he could save Elsa.

"Jin, I'm fine! I think I just fell into some kind of damp cave. I'll try to find my way out." When Jin heard Elsa's first sentence, he immediately dropped all the floors and placed his ears on the floor before hearing the rest of her words.

"Just take care. I'll try to find my way over there!" Jin yelled back, but not too loud as it might reveal him.

"...Okay!" After a while, Jin received his response, signalling him to start searching for the entrance that leads to the damp cave that Elsa was talking about.

However, as he stood up and quickly turned around to run back on the first floor, he suddenly stumbled upon someone.



However, the small bump wasn't enough to cause him to fall backwards. Instead, it seems like the person who accidentally bumped into him was the one who is about to fall.

Jin's instincts quickly controlled his body and it moved on its own, grabbing the slender and smooth arm of the person that he stumbled against, saving it from falling on the floor.

After getting a hold on the arm, Jin finally got a good look at the person he stumbled with.

"Are you okay....miss?" As soon as he saw the short black hair that never went past her shoulders along with an all black dress that only extended past her knees. Jin immediately knew who he stumbled with, especially after seeing her black lipsticked lip.

"I'm fine." Mavis rubbed her forehead before opening her eyes so she could take a good look at a man that she stumbled with.

As soon as their eyes met, a small but fast purple light quickly flashed in their eyes.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 114 - Mavis Dracula]

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