Ch. 127 - The Incoming Great War 2

"This is bad." Dracula, Murray, Wayne, Frankenstein, and Griffin all muttered in fear at the same time. Jin just explained to them that their existence became known by the U.S president or they prefer to call the King of Humans for some unknown reason.

"W-what should we do?" Frankenstein was the first one to ask Dracula. Among them, he's probably the most scared of humans for some unknown reason, probably because of fire?

"...." Meanwhile, Dracula was having a deep contemplation inside his mind. Several questions were being raised.

How did they know about the Hotel?

Did someone leak the location?

But who would do that? Every monster is scared of humans, there's no way they would cooperate with them and tell them the location of the hotel, right?

This is why he never cared if all the monsters knew about the location of the hotel since that's his intention of building it in the first place.

However, what he didn't expect was for the monster to actually betray them and turn them in to the humans

".....cula...Dracula!" Suddenly, he was shook awake from his thoughts as his eyes quickly darted around and noticed that everyone was looking at him with worry.

"What's wrong, Drac? You've been pacing out for a whole minute. There must be something on your mind, right? Mind telling us?" Wayne spoke, worried for his friend, thinking that the hotel that he painstakingly built for all monsters hundred years ago will soon crumble due to the humans invading his hotel.

"I-I don't know." As this is the first time Dracula experienced this kind of thing, he wasn't prepared. Unfortunately, he was so confident in his traps and defense that he never considered that humans have an advantage over monsters that they, the monsters don't have, which would give them the path to invade the hotel.

First is their capabilities to breed like rabbits. Unlike monsters except for a few like Wayne, the birth rates of monsters weren't as high as the humans. Normally because most monsters aren't born through sexual intercourse. Some are born in a natural process that takes months and years before they are born.

"You don't know? But Drac, the humans that you told about us just invaded us a few minutes ago. If it wasn't for your party planner here which I think he's more than just a party planner, anyways if it wasn't for him those humans would have killed all of us here!" Griffin shivered just by thinking about it.


*Foot steps!* x1000

Just in time, the other tenant or monsters of his hotel all went down and approached Dracula while carrying their bags and luggage.

"Woah Woah Woah, what's going on?" Dracula immediately confronted them and went to assess the situation.

"What else does it look like, Drac? We're leaving! Humans have already invaded this place, it isn't as safe as it used to be back then anymore!" Frankenstein's wife, Eunice was the one who initiated the explanation while the monsters behind her shouted in support of her


"We're leaving!"

They all shouted both curses and their reasons for leaving. Due to their sheer number, Dracula couldn't understand most of what they were saying, though he could tell that all of them wanted to leave the hotel.

Of course, as the owner of the hotel would he let such a large number of customers leave? Only an idiot would let them.

"Everyone, please let us all relax and calm down. Look, the humans are gone now, okay? There's nothing to fear anymore." Dracula tried to calm them down though it seems to be ineffective.

"What if they come back then?"


Their shouting resumed as Dracula started to panic.

"Please everyone calm down." You can also see the panic and exhaustion settling in on Dracula's face as he tries his best to calm the masses down. Unfortunately, it was ineffective as his past self claiming how dangerous and bad humans are has already been planted very deep into their bones, it is almost impossible for them to be convinced that humans aren't actually dangerous, only their minds.

"Sigh, guess I'll have to help him." However, before Jin could stand up to help Dracula, someone had already beaten him into it.

"Everyone please stop!" As soon as this voice was heard, everyone quickly shut their mouths and turned their attention to the source.

It was Mavis who spoke up, gathering everyone's attention on her. You can see the anger in her face.

"My father built this hotel for everyone's safekeeping. Yes, humans have invaded but can you blame him? My father is not perfect but at least he tried to build a safe haven for all monsters unlike all of you who only minded their own businesses! Be thankful that my father was there for all of the monsters. Now, a slight mistake of him caused everyone of you to go against him?" As soon as Mavis started to speak, each of her words were like Ives stabbing through their hearts. However, her last words dealt with the final blow.

"Do you guys have no shame?!"

"I...." Even Eunice, who has known Mavis for almost since she was born, was shocked to see this kind of outburst coming out from her.

'Well, this is quite surprising.' Meanwhile, Jin wasn't exempted as he is also in shock by Mavis's outburst.

However, when he saw Tigress and his women behind her, he could finally trace back on what or in other words, who caused Mavis to do this.

At the same time, Dracula was almost on the ground as he couldn't handle the pressure, however when he saw Mavis standing out for him, made him realize how weak he must've been looked at by his daughter.

Angered by the humiliation that he got from the monsters, his face contorted into his spine-chilling face that instilled fear to everyone, making them remember that the person they were shouting and throwing curses earlier was in fact, their unofficial leader of the entirety of monsters.

"RAAARRRRGHH!" Soon as Dracula was done however, as they were expecting him to go back to his previous form, they were surprised that he stayed in his bone-chilling form.

This is actually what Dracula wanted. He wants them to realize that he's not a weak monster, he's not someone that they can just casually shout and throw curses at.

From his perspective, it seems like his hundred years of seclusion in his hotel has made them forget how frightening he used to be in the past. Especially how he got the title as the Prince of Darkness and the strongest monster there is in this world!

Seeing that everyone is quiet and willing to listen, Jin finally stood up from his seat, gathering everyone's attention on him.

"Listen up, you cowards!"

Some of them scowled and wanted to retaliate due to his words however one single glare from the Dracula father-daughter pair is enough to shut them all up and retreat away into the crowd, afraid that they will incur their wrath.

Seeing how Dracula and Mavis were backing him up, Jin smirked and continued his words, this time much louder than before.

"....That's right, I called you all cowards! Why? Because you're all cowards, there's no need for me to explain, after all if humans are enough to scare all of you, what rights do you have to ascend from being a coward?" Jin then cast a disgusted look to them, further gathering their anger towards him. This is what he actually needs. To use this anger on other things, or in other words to humans.

He knows that it is almost impossible to convince them to fight back against the humans as their past experiences with them and Dracula's years of brainwashing made it impossible.

The only thing he could do now is to them angry at the humans. That's the best way for them to forget their fear towards humans and instead, be angry at them! That's the best way!

"Look at all of you! How pathetic. Just your appearances are enough to make me puke!" Sensing that their anger is starting to flare up more and more it is finally time to deal the final blow.

"Dracula has sheltered all of you against the humans! And now with a single mistake of his, you dared to bite the same hand that fed you?! Perhaps Mavis was right, you guys really have no shame!"

"Scared of humans? More like cowardice. Humans aren't even that strong. Their only advantage against us are their sheer number and incredible minds! However, are those really enough to pose a threat to us monsters?!" At this moment, Jin had unfurled his wings from his back in order to show his dominance and make them fear him. In fact, the moment he entered this hotel, he has been keeping his devil form for quite a while without any rest, however with how big his wings were, he was forced to furl them on his back so they won't break some things whenever he walks.

"We are monsters! We are born with advantage against them while it took them hundreds of years just for them to create mere technologies. How about you all? During those years of humans developing, what were you all doing huh?"

"But we shall not falter! Yes, our safe haven has been exposed and no matter how many more safe havens we create, humans will always come and destroy our peaceful lives! But what if I tell you that there's a solution to that?" After Jin finished and noticed that he got everyone's attention on him, he smirked and continued.

"What if I tell you that the only way to get our peace back is to declare war with humans and show them that they shouldn't underestimate us and disturb our peace! Only through fear that we will achieve peace!"





[Next Chapter: Ch. 128 - Human Side]

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