Ch. 133 - Peace Treaty

Thomas was sitting in his office as he tapped his finger on the table repeatedly. A habit that he has formed ever since he took office as the President of the United States of America.

It wasn't that hard actually, his brainwashing is enough for him to secure the office. However, that doesn't mean it was easy. He has to meticulously plan everything just in case something goes wrong and thankfully, this world or at least the human side is just the same as his previous world, so it wasn't hard for him to make money fast with his 'investments'.

And with his huge amounts of money, he managed to secure several companies and even made his own, thanks to this he got a few political connections and from then on, he started his journey towards the top.

It's very similar to some reincarnators in fanfics, so he's probably not that different.

The only difference is probably he became the President of America.

He just finished a meeting with his Army General and after telling him to prepare their army for the upcoming battle.

Jin was right, humans would indeed try and invade anything that they couldn't control. The only thing he is wrong about is the person that wanted to invade them isn't a human but a vampire.


"Hmm, you don't smell like a human." Suddenly, someone spoke from behind after hearing his window's crashing sound.

Panicking, Thomas quickly turned around and didn't hesitate to lunge himself towards the source of the voice.

"Whoopsie, now that's something a human couldn't do." Unfortunately for Thomas, Vlad seemed to have an ability to predict the future as he casually dodged his strike.

'Who is this old man?! And where are all my guards?!' Irritated, Thomas grew more angry and kept launching strikes after strikes towards the intruder.

However, no matter how fast he could go, Vlad would either block his strikes or dodge it calmly.

Sensing the disadvantage in his situation, Thomas quickly used his telepathic connection towards his vampires and called them out for help.

Since it is almost night time, there would be no problem for them to go out now and enter the White House.

As for what he is doing in the White House late at night? Of course, he sleeps here. Out of all the previous presidents of America, he's probably the only one who does this.

"Who are you? What do you want?" In order for his backup to arrive, Thomas has to buy time. Though deep inside, he was shocked to see it was Vlad, Dracula's father. Because of their previous fight earlier or more like a one sided battle, Thomas didn't registered the intruder's face as he deemed him an assassin that was hired to kill him, so he never bothered to look at his face.

But now that he looked at him, he was both shocked and confused.

Why is Vlad here? Is there some kind of derail in the movie's plot? First, Jonathan suddenly came back to his home as if he wasn't supposed to be at Hotel Transylvania and now, Vlad Dracula coming to meet him.

"Thomas, did Barack tell you about the peace treaty between humans and monsters?" Vlad finally told his purpose for coming here.

"Peace Treaty?" Thomas asked in confusion while at the same time, he blamed himself for mind controlling Obama in supporting him and he didn't even bother looking at his memories.


Because he can only control minds like a vampire but not read their minds. Thomas has tried this several times and he never succeeded.

"No, he didn't." Thomas said, though Vlad squinted his eyes on him.

"Hmm, I feel like you're lying and saying the truth at the same time. Alright, let me tell you about the peace treaty." Vlad then proceeded to tell him about the peace treaty that he and the previous US president John F. Kennedy had signed.

It's just a simple treaty about Monsters and Humans minding their own businesses. In layman's terms, as long as the humans wouldn't come and provoke the monsters, the monsters would also do the same and mind their own business.

And so, this peace treaty has been passed down from president to president. Now, after Thomas took his office, the previous President Barack Obama should've told him about the peace treaty. Obviously, the peace treaty is very confidential and aside from Vlad and the US presidents, no one else knows about this peace treaty.

"I see. Then can I perhaps see this peace treaty?" Thanks to Vlad's rambling about the peace treaty, Thomas has managed to buy enough time for his vampiric guards to arrive and sneak behind Vlad.

"Yeah, sure. I think I have it here somewh-." Just as Vlad was about to take out the peace treaty from his cape, he failed to notice the gestures that Thomas was sending from his hand to his vampiric subordinates.

Before Vlad knew it, someone suddenly leaped from his behind and stabbed his shoulder with nothing but his hand with long sharp finger nails.

Just by looking at this in shock, Vlad quickly realized that his attack was none other than a vampire!

Aren't all vampires under him?

Although his son, Dracula was famous as a vampire, that doesn't mean he's the king of vampires.

Just so you know, before Dracula came to be feared, there was Vlad who instilled terror amongst the humans.

And now he was sneak attacked by none other than a vampire? Who are supposed to regard him as someone akin to their god.

However, after seeing the cold face on his attacker's face, Vlad seemed to have realized something.

"'re not from my clan are you?" Vlad squinted his eyes at his attacker before turning his attention back to Thomas who was now smirking at him in victory, as if the attack had successfully killed him.

"I should've expected this. What clan are you? Don't tell me you're from Carmilla's clan? No, that would be impossible, you're a male and one thing she hates the most are males." Vlad started muttering to himself while walking forward towards Thomas, who frowned and backed away, though seeing the blood gushing out of Vlad's shoulders after his movement caused the penetrated hand to slip away from the hole, he gained some slight confidence that Vlad is injured and wouldn't be his match for now.

However, much to Thomas and his subordinates's shock, the hole on his shoulder started healing at a very fast rate and before they knew it, the gaping hole had already been closed and there was now a wrinkled skin replaced.

Sure, vampires have very fast healing rates however, it isn't as fast as Vlad's. If it's just a simple injury such as a cut or bruise, then there wouldn't be any problem however, the injury is a gaping hole. Which means it's missing a large chunk of flesh. Healing such an injury isn't supposed to be that fast.

"Shocked? Just as I expected, you're just a lowly vampire. Not worth mentioning." Vlad shook his head in disappointment before countless voices from his human bodyguards were heard just from outside of his office

"Mr. President, we heard the ruckus! We're coming in right now!" The voice outside the door shouted before smashing the door open and quickly, countless bodyguards in suits swarmed in and surrounded Thomas, doing their job to protect him.

However, instead of seeing intruders, they only saw This standing by himself along with a smashed window.

"Mr. President are you okay? We're bringing you to the clinic now just in case." A man approached him and said before they all started moving and followed Thomas who was guided out of his office. Though they noticed that the president seemed to be in daze.

Though they ignored this as their job is Thomas's physical safety, so this matter should be left to the president's personal doctor's hands.

Though one thing they didn't noticed or will never noticed was the flaming determination that sparked in Thomas's eyes. His determination to wash away this humiliation by conquering the entire monster world.

'Wait for me you monsters, I will turn you all into my slaves!' Thomas angrily said to himself as he clenched his fist.


While Vlad has unknowingly caused some changes in the human world, Jin and the monsters have finally finished turning the castle from a hotel for monsters to a true safe haven for monsters. You can't deny how hard the monsters have worked throughout the entire week either just to prepare for the human's second invasion or were just left with no choice.

"This feeling is quite good." Jin smiled to himself as he felt the strong winds smashing against his face as he looked down and watched the hotel turn from a normal castle to an impenetrable fortress in just a week and a few days.

'There's no reason for the monsters to fear the humans. As long as you give them enough confidence and be their pillar, they could conquer the world if they wanted.' Jin said to himself and noticed that Mavis was sitting on the rooftop, her gaze seems to be distant.

Jin could tell that something was wrong, so he decided to approach her and ask what is wrong.

"What's with the face? Don't tell me you're gaining weight again." Jin flew down and landed on the rooftop beside Mavis and teased.

"It's not that!" Mavis quickly blushed and pouted as she refuted Jin's claim.

"Then, do you mind telling me what's wrong? I'm kind of a good listener myself." Jin shrugged his shoulders and said before sitting down beside Mavis.

"....I was just thinking about gramps. He never came to my birthday party this year. He promised that he would come." Although Mavis was hesitant, she still surrendered and told him her current problem.

"You're really close to him huh? I could understand that, I also feel the same towards my late grandparents."

"Late? Oh...I'm sorry." Mavis then offered her condolences.

"It's fine. It's all good now, at least I know that they're already in good hands." Jin smiled and said while also looking at the night sky with a distant look.

Mavis stared at his face and couldn't help but be in daze as she stared at him. Just as she was about to make her move, someone suddenly shouted behind them.

"My Little Mavy! Grampi's here!" An old but energetic voice suddenly interrupted their sweet moment.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 134 - Reuniting with an old friend.]

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