Ch. 135 - 2nd wave of Human invasion

While Jin was having the reunion with his old friend, Thomas sensed the urgency to start his conquest towards the monster world after his encounter with Vlad.

Which is why, he quickly deployed his Army General to join the mission of starting the war with the monsters.

Although Thomas wanted to use the nuclear warheads, he doesn't want the area that he wanted to conquer to be littered with radiation. Not only that, he doesn't even know what kind of effects radiation would give to monsters.

Who knows maybe radiation might enhance them or something. It's too risky to try. Not to mention, the entire world would be informed once he did that. His mind powers are limited, they're not as powerful as someone like Professor Xavier from X-Men.

That's why he can only send a large portion of the country's army under the guise of a military drill to the media so they won't try to snoop in.

Although his original plan was to let the world know about the monsters however, after a series of variables that shouldn't have happened, he decided against it in the meantime and investigate the monster world first before that.

Thanks to the secret entrance information that they got from the imprisoned monster in Area 51, Thomas was confident that this time's expedition would bring him good news.

And now, all he's just going to do is to sit in his office and wait for the good news.

Unfortunately for him, there would be no good news coming for him.


A few minutes earlier before Jin meets with Vlad, 10 choppers were flying over the deep forest, inside the choppers were several soldiers that were armed to the teeth, looking like they were going to a war. Though that really seems to be the case if you know the reason why they're armed to the teeth.

"The Army General didn't even inform us on who we're fighting. He just sent us all of a sudden." One of the soldiers spoke and said to his fellow soldier beside him.

"A newbie? Kid, let me tell you one thing I learnt in the military. If you're suspicious about our higher-ups, I suggest you keep your mouth shut and keep it to yourself if you still want to live." The soldier that he spoke with rudely replied, though you can't blame him as from his words alone, you can tell that he's been through the same situation or encountered a similar situation. And now, he simply doesn't want the same thing to happen to a newbie.

"O-okay...." Although the soldier that earlier expressed his suspicions felt a bit offended, however when he saw the serious look on his face, he decided to just heed his advice and shut his mouth. He still has a family back home and if what the soldier told him is true, then it would indeed be better for him to just mind his own business.

"Bravo 69, we're entering the target territory. Prepare for ambush just in case." Soon enough, they heard their pilot speak through the speakers of the microphone. Since this is a closed chopper unlike other average choppers, they don't need a headset to speak with each other.

The soldiers inside the choppers quickly held their rifles tightly while inhaling and exhaling, trying to calm themselves. Even though they were already prepared for battle the moment they joined the army however this time, their higher-ups didn't inform them anything about their enemy, so they're like entering the enemy's territory blindfolded.

Meanwhile, the pilots of the choppers were sharpening their eyes as they looked around, trying to be cautious to see if there was any ambush that was waiting for them.

Similar to the soldiers, they weren't also informed about their situation. The Army General only told them to be cautious while entering the territory and once they see a large castle in the distance, that's their cue to launch their attack.

Unfortunately for the pilots, not only were they not informed but a surprising trap has already laid right in front of them. All it takes is for them to enter the range before light blooms the entire area.


As soon as the entire vicinity was covered in a bright light, all the pilots were blinded and quickly panicked, accidentally swerving the choppers left and right. Their altitude were also descending due to this.

"Mayday! Mayday! We've been blinded for some unknown reason! We need backup!" And due to their descending altitude, some choppers accidentally crashed against several tall trees in the way due to the area being a deep jungle.

Despite the challenging terrain and being taken of their vision, some of the choppers decided to trust their guts and started calming down, breathing in and out as they stayed still until their blindness subsided.

Fortunately for them, the blindness soon subsided and they finally regained their vision back. Although their vision was still a bit blurry but it's better than nothing, so they stayed still and never moved the chopper unless they fully regained their vision back.

Unfortunately, they lost 4 choppers due to the trap as they could see the burning crashed choppers on the ground while 2 were smashed on a tall tree. So the previous 10 choppers that came in has now became 6 choppers.

"This is Bravo 69, we just lost 4 choppers, requesting permission for extraction." The pilot of the Bravo 69 chopper didn't hesitate to call for their higher ups to report what just happened.

There was a small delay before the person on the other side of the radio finally responded. However, the response is something that he doesn't like.

[Request denied, proceed with the mission, over]

"Roger that." The pilot clenched the radio and responded after taking a deep breath.

"Damn it, they're practically sending us to our deaths." The pilot cursed silently while his co-pilot couldn't help but agree with him.

"Perhaps we should take the ground this time. There might be more traps ahead if we continue with the chopper. Whoever set this trap, knew that we're gonna be using the chopper." The co-pilot recommended and the pilot contemplated his words. This is a good idea and since they need to be cautious, they have to take the ground.

However, they couldn't proceed with this plan without the higher-up's permission.

So, with a bit of hesitation and expectation of being rejected, the pilot once again grabbed the radio and called the other side.

"This is Bravo 69, urging caution after encountering a trap. Requesting clearance to land and proceed on foot, over." Just like the previous one, there was once again a short delay and the pilot nervously clenched the radio, there's a slight hope inside him that this request would be accepted.

Fortunately, the answer soon came.

[Request accepted. Clear the ground and proceed on foot. Though your destination target is quite far, so you have 3 days to arrive at the targeted location, over.]

Seemingly holding his breath as he waits for the answer, both the pilot and co-pilot released their breaths and sighed in relief after getting the permission from the other side.

Although the person on the other side is right, it is much better than being on a chopper that is very dangerous once they encounter more traps.

"Charlie 2-P, Bravo 69. Initiating descent for a ground landing. Maintain surveillance, ensure no hostiles on the ground, over." The pilot of the Bravo 69 called another chopper around and it didn't take long before he got a response.

"Bravo 69, this is Charlie 2-P. Copy that. Surveillance engaged, monitoring ground for potential threats. Safe landing, over."

"Alright boys, we're landing on the ground." The pilot then called the soldiers that his chopper was carrying and announced.

The soldiers all sighed in relief. Although they weren't blinded by the flash of light, they were scared shitless when the chopper started going in circles and even heard the pilot screaming Mayday, which only means that the chopper is experiencing a huge problem.

What is the problem exactly? Crashing.

While the remaining 6 choppers all landed on the ground one by one, the soldiers all swarmed outside, full of caution in their faces as they inspected their surroundings, making sure they won't encounter any more traps and possibly an ambush.

Unknown to them, a certain individual is watching them from the skies.


"Well, that trap failed a bit." Jin said to himself, while Tigress responded from his side. Since she was taught by Master Oogway himself, of course chi flight were also taught to her and even if he didn't teach it to her, Jin would. He knows how advantageous and important flying is when it comes to combat. If your opponent doesn't have the ability to fly, then your chances of winning against that opponent would be increased by at least 50%!

"How is it a fail? From what I can see, the trap is successful, they lost 4 of those metallic beasts." Tigress said confusedly, although Jin already told them about the humans and their technologies, however in Tigress's view, the chopper is very similar to a large beast except that it is made of metal.

"For the last time kitty, it's a chopper. And yes it's a fail for me since I was expecting to eradicate at least more than 5." Jin replied while rolling his eyes.

"Chopper or whatever, it's still a metallic beast for me." Tigress said.

"Suit yourself." Jin shrugged his shoulder and said.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" Tigress then asked while looking at Jin.

"We'll follow them. I want to see how they would fare to my improved Vietnam traps that used to hunt them during World War 2." Jin grinned menacingly as he replied to Tigress.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 136 - 2nd wave of Human Invasion [2]]

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